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Everything posted by Fink

  1. spork or febreze. They got me to join the clan. Around halfway in my time playing on xg servers, I met gub and he was pretty swaggin. None of you know him but my first xg friend was someone I knew irl. We joined the clan together. He stopped playing like right after he joined. Oh yeah and dr funkenstein
  2. Update: my first game with a steam card was half life 2 deathMatch. Thanks to @ChickenPanda for reminding me unwillingly
  3. My first pc game was portal 2. I previously had the Orange box for quite a while, and then I when I got portal 2 for PS3, it gave me a free download code for the pc version. I knew what steam was, but I probably would have never used it without portal 2. That game practically changed my entire gaming life. I first used a steam card to buy Garry's mod or tf2 weapons from the in game shop I believe. This was like 3 years ago so it's kind of vague
  4. goblin you made a status update 4 minutes ago im always watching <3 -fink
  5. I cant change my name back to fink :(
    1. Ohstopyou


      @[51546:@beboop] #Petition2RenameFink
    2. Dethman


    3. Rhododendron


      This summer I'll add the functionality to do this.
    4. Show next comments  39 more
  6. buy a fuckin ps4 faggot
  7. coolmath games was my life in middle school
  8. Fink

    Good Songs For Bass

    the bass that plays at the end of a seinfeld scene
  9. I love how your statuses range from shit that is serious like the death of elliot to tits.
  10. Mine are far cry 3, last of us, arkham city, bioshock infinite, pokemon sapphire, and all the fuckin super smash bros games (except the first)
  11. im using your profile pic its amazing
  12. I stole this idea from someone who posted this a while back. Credit to them. Im making this post so i dont grave dig the previous thread. Just comment your favorite video game, and why. It can be multiple games. I'll share mine once people start replying.
  13. I'm not buying one, i just wanted to see if there were any good ones because gaming laptops are known to cost more than gaming pcs even though they are majorly inferior most of the time
  15. Really? thats a good deal. i thought they were 99 dollars
  16. buy the new 3ds then. and you're a bit l8 lol
  17. Fink

    Idea for a new game

    Starbound would be a better game for xg.
  18. Fink

    cave story :)
  19. Fink

    Steam Ruined Trading

    i wasnt speaking in broken english though, and also many phishing bots dont reply after they send you a phishing link, and why are we arguing over the grammar of phishing bots :I
  20. Fink

    Steam Ruined Trading

    @Kypari This is the grammar of a stereotypical phishing bot: Hi! i add u. my friend want trade with you, he cant for som reason pls ad him :phisinglink: thx hav a nice day
  21. Fink

    Steam Ruined Trading

    Yeah, i found out how to turn it off. its easy as fuck just go to privacy settings. dont be a fucking retard though once you turn it off and screw up
  22. Fink

    Steam Ruined Trading

    i dont regularly go in my settings and steam never said you could turn it off. how was i supposed to know. i just found out about this today because i havent traded for a couple of weeks.
  23. Fink

    Steam Ruined Trading

    just look at the grammar, try messaging them more to test if they are a bot or not, and check their profile. simple.