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Posts posted by Fink

  1. It's a meme app and I doubt he means it but still +1. fink has been around forever lurking forums, took a bit of a year+ hiatus, still cash money AF. I'm fairly sure you were member before, but if you weren't and this is half salty over making the requirements easier, then just know I love you and would have +1'd all along.

    thx pal <3

  2. The point is that you were both arguing that the definition of MOBA doesn't fit OW. so I asked you to define TF2 as a barebones kind of structure. and the same for OW. as you can see. you used the same phrase to define them both, so as to return to my point of if it doesn't belong in MOBA in your opinion, then why not put it in TF2?

    Because TF2 and overwatch aren't the same game. They have similarities and differences. Does it mean we should post overwatch in the tf2 section? No. They're still different games.

    In Overwatch, What Rank Did You Guys Get Placed At And What Are You Now?[/url]

    I see a lot of statuses about the game, and your listed thread had a good amount of feedback. Maybe people dont post many threads about it because there is no section for it.


    But like I said, I made this to see if people wanted a section so people may be inclined to actually make threads about it and discuss. I thought it would be kind of nice. I'm not asking for a division, just a section for the game. For fucks sake i could care less at this point if there was minor sub section for overwatch. i just want to see a game i like get some love ;v

  3. The point is that you were both arguing that the definition of MOBA doesn't fit OW. so I asked you to define TF2 as a barebones kind of structure. and the same for OW. as you can see. you used the same phrase to define them both, so as to return to my point of if it doesn't belong in MOBA in your opinion, then why not put it in TF2?

    Because TF2 and overwatch aren't the same game. They have similarities and differences. Does it mean we should post overwatch in the tf2 section? No. They're still different games.

  4. I mean so far, you guys seem to disagree with my suggestion, which is perfectly fine. i made this to see if people would want one or not, if they dont think xg needs an ow section, then we dont. plain and simple.


    to be honest i shouldve just added a poll here.

  5. If you want to argue about the exact classification of the game, then what do you classify TF2 as in a barebones sort of way. and then what would you classify OW as? you would be hard pressed to not use a thesaurus to try to come up with a different classification.


    You have 2 very easy options, use the MOBA board which is designated not just for League but also MMOs in general and any sort of large following game like OW that you can comfortably make posts and have discussion in. Or use the games and consoles board designated for any game/console (that doesn't already have a dedicated sub-forum)



    Again, there is no point in having a sub-forum dedicated to a single game that we don't/cant have servers in. rather it would be better to make a sub-forum that can share with many other games like it. and that already exists: MOBA, Games and Consoles.

    Overwatch is an fps with minor moba elements (still wouldnt classify it with mobas)

  6. You don't have to agree with me, but I don't think it would be much of a hassle to make a section. If ow isn't popular enough in the community, then I understand why. I just like the game a lot and ive seen people on here talk about it a lot and thought there should be a section for it to make things easier.

  7. You can use the MOBA board.


    MOBA = Multiplayer Online Battle Arena.


    aka a game where 2 teams battle it out for objectives to determine a winner


    the MOBA forum section used to be MMO, then re-purposed for League, now re-purposed for any game that doesn't quite deserve it's own whole sub-forum (not a game we have servers in) but definitely doesn't need to be flooding general.




    TL;DR use MOBA and stop saying it doesn't belong in MOBA it deserves it's own thing.


    If you wanted to argue that it doesn't belong in MOBA then it would only make sense to put it in TF2 because it literally has the exact same objectives as TF2, exact same character select structure (you choose a character and he has a set "load-out" obviously with inventories slightly different now), and TF2 was stated in many interviews as a huge game that a lot of the OW developers played and used as a drawing point.

    No it wouldn't make sense. They're completely different games. Yes they have similar gamemodes and have unique and colorful characters, but its literally like putting Black Ops 3 posts in the TF2 section. Black Ops 3 mp has "classes" (aka character selection with ultimates) that have unique personalities, and it has similar gamemodes to tf2 like payload and ctf. But it would sound pretty stupid to post it in tf2.

  8. You can use the MOBA board.


    MOBA = Multiplayer Online Battle Arena.


    aka a game where 2 teams battle it out for objectives to determine a winner


    the MOBA forum section used to be MMO, then re-purposed for League, now re-purposed for any game that doesn't quite deserve it's own whole sub-forum (not a game we have servers in) but definitely doesn't need to be flooding general.




    TL;DR use MOBA and stop saying it doesn't belong in MOBA it deserves it's own thing.


    If you wanted to argue that it doesn't belong in MOBA then it would only make sense to put it in TF2 because it literally has the exact same objectives as TF2, exact same character select structure (you choose a character and he has a set "load-out" obviously with inventories slightly different now), and TF2 was stated in many interviews as a huge game that a lot of the OW developers played and used as a drawing point.

    Multiplayer online battle arena - Wikipedia


    Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA), also known as action real-time strategy (ARTS), is a genre of strategy video games that originated as a subgenre of real-time strategy, in which a player controls a single character in one of two teams. The objective is to destroy the opposing team's main structure with the assistance of periodically spawned computer-controlled units that march forward along set paths. Player characters typically have various abilities and advantages that improve over the course of a game and that contribute to a team's overall strategy. MOBA games are a fusion of action games, role-playing games and real-time strategy games, in which players usually do not construct either buildings or units.


    The genre largely began with Aeon of Strife (AoS), a custom map for StarCraft[1][2] where four players each controlling a single powerful unit and aided by weak computer-controlled units were put against a stronger computer.[3] Defense of the Ancients (DotA), a map based on Aeon of Strife for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne, was one of the first major titles of its genre and the first MOBA for which sponsored tournaments have been held.[3] It was followed by the two spiritual successors League of Legends and Heroes of Newerth, and eventually a sequel, Dota 2, as well as numerous other games in the genre.