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Everything posted by Haruka

  1. +1 oh yis Plis. Super fun and active A: 8/10 M: 8/10
  2. I was thinking about the rtv system too, but for only 2 maps? Maybe when the servers reset everyday, the map changes. I think if we do rtv that we should find more maps.
  3. #RoadToStrangeSapper (I'm that poor)
    1. jaygoki


      i bet im poorer
  4. Oh a old jb dude lel +1 Active and mature A: 7/10 M: 8/10
  5. Haruka


    I think we should make a "miss the number of scrims and you'll be droped" bc we struggled of people last Saturday.
  6. Putting it on pkmn trade would be amazing. Like Barm said, have it alternate like every hour or so. Nice work Coldy <3 +1
  7. Excited for our first scrim!
  8. Makes the map have an objective. We were having hella fun on golden eye but you still complain? Damn, nothing makes you happy.
  9. We're talking about hale .-.
  10. And anyway, the MOTD does not state the special reasons for when you can cap other then when hale/players are camping or round is being really delayed.
  11. @Matsi 1. There are only a few reasons why players may cap. 2. many don't read the MOTD Unless I enfore it. 3. There's no vote system on hale. I +1 this. Not a lot of people know when they can't/actually can cap the point, and having a little blurb saying when the can would be nice. Like, maye an msay that says "you can cap when and only when..." @TheTheRejects
  12. Hachi is just a 10 yr old boy who's balls haven't dropped @[51403:@Moosty] @[51861:@Kart] @[106597:@Vaporeon]
    1. Kart


    2. Redheards


      everything i know is a lie
    3. BashinBolshevik


      Maybe Hachi is a transexual asian black neko midget who likes anime you never know
    4. Show next comments  150 more
  13. I mean, why not perm him? There's more then enough evidence showing his alts just to evade the ban: he even confessed. Also, he's nothing but an annoyance ingame. Like when the whole server is having fun, he'll go on to say "shut th fuck up faggots" and then get butt hurt when someone tells him off. If does nothing but assalt our players when he is here, and that is something that shouldn't be on our servers. It makes people feel uncomfortable and unwanted. Which is a reason why I'm happy he left xG. No one should be treated like their nothing: especially by one of our members.
  14. Id say perm him since he said he dosnt care..
  15. Well even without the video, I'll +1. He had admitted to free killing, but I obvisally couldn't do it since he had just joined red manually after I joined. He did get away with some things due to my lag after he had rejoined blu, but @TheTheRejects was there to help me. It was funny bc when he was lagging I wouldn't and vise versa.
  16. Was he at it again after I left or was this before?
  17. Oh my gawd Yus. Very active and nice A: 9/10 M: 8/10
  18. Kbraszz I started with an hour ban when he evaided him gag/mute
  19. Haruka


  20. Plus, even @Kbraszz gave the ok for a week.