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Everything posted by Kittylicious

  1. Nomulous Edit: For everyone involved, you will be asked to stop immediately. Cyber bullying IS A FEDERAL crime in both Canada and the United States of America. If Kitty decides to report this, both @Nomulous and @Rhododendron WILL be obliged to release your information and any proof that can get you arrested and charged with verbal assault and harassment if you are above the age of 13. This is no joke, upon a formal investigation, we will be obligated to remove you from XenoGamers to restrict damage to our reputation and to restrict legal against dealt against us. Any flaming within this post will result in an IMMEDIATE 24 hour forum suspension. Which is this carries out within steam and servers, will result in an immediate 24 hour Server Ban. This is no joke. We will not take this as a joke. Member's Name: Forge, Muzzle, Izanagi, Kendrick, Starmix, Moosty Member's Steam ID: They are below. Information: several members constantly abusing me by either constantly calling me a bad mod, calling for my demotion and straight forward insults and harassment. There is nothing I have done for the abuse I have been receiving and while I will sometimes retaliate, most of the time I have simply ignored the provocations. Something as simple as a thread discussing a small change to the one of our servers will result in a backlash of hate messages and insulting everything I say. Some members involved (Izanagi) have lied about me to other staff about me abusing powers and have avoided bringing it up when I addressed it. This was obviously an attempt to get me demoted or punished for something I didn't do. Members should not be doing this to others. (Other staff members present can vouch this happened) I would post a harmless message in the chatbox responding to someone or ShackNewsBot and some of the members would take that opportunity to attack me. While they may claim its their opinion or a joke there is no need for posting constant messages and replies which upset and harass me. I tried to improve my relations to the clan by starting using my mic, Which is highly recommended for staff to communicate on the server over text. I did a test recording responding to my ice bucket challenge, my response was degrading and upsetting by being referred to by a few members as "a 40 year old with a voice changer" Kendrick Llama proceeded to humiliate me further by adding a picture to the photoshop thread of a man with ache to the body of a little girl and said it was "kitty in real life" Whilst on the server Trade Gaming History Muzzle joined and said "Kitty may I ask you a serious question?" (the video attached is what happened next) He then asked if I had a deformity because of my voice (even though I have said many times my mic is bad and has terrible feedback) They are intent on using my own attempt to bond with the clan as a tool to abuse me with. Another staff member Bach present when Muzzle said this did nothing to help. When it was quite clearly offensive. Below are some reasons directed at members involved and their unacceptable actions. Forge: constantly calling me a bad mod, quotes almost everything I say with offensive and sarcastic messages, In game would constantly comment if I miss a shot or die, has written lies about me on servers "Kitty said you have no friends" Something I have never said. (see pictures attached) Also has spoken on servers badly about me to others while I am offline. Forge even proceeded to create a thread to humiliate me called "dumbest quotes of the year!" with which he added a quote I wrote while in an argument with somebody else, the statement was not serious and was said during an argument in which I was angry. To use something like that to humiliate someone is uncalled for. (see links) His last offensive act which I managed to get evidence of was a post he wrote in which he verbally attacked me for no reason at all, no provocation came from me beforehand, The offensive message was quickly removed but I managed to get the evidence. (see the attached image) Izanagi: constantly quotes me with offensive statements, rates my posts negative for no reason, abuses me in the shoutbox and in post comments section regularly and most recently photo shopped a picture of a man with acne on a little girls body and said "Kitty in real life" (see attached picture) Also forced muzzle to invite me to a server in which he has admin powers on just so he can instantly kick me with a message (see attachment) The only members on this server were forge, izanagi and muzzle. So I knew they only invited me to abuse me. Muzzle: Has been rude to me in game asking if I have a deformity, as well as commenting offensively in the shoutbox and in post comment sections quite oftan. (see attachments) KendrickLlama: quoted my vocal recording calling me a man and changed his status to Forge = kitty, saying I am forge and arguing with myself. His status has now changed but the offence he caused has made me regret using my mic and has hurt my confidence with using it to aid my staff duty on servers as well as general conversation. Also has been rating all my posts are "downs" (see attachments) Starmix: Quite recently Starmix got himself involved with this hatred of me. He has been rudely commenting on my posts and just taking part in the abuse others cause. Calling me a bad mod and even using examples I used in a thread discussing a server problem as a tool to attack me with. Moosty: Moosty previously was involved in a petty argument with me over nothing but we both apologised for our part in that and I thought everything was calm and friendly with Moosty again. That was until he took the time to search for images, cut out and edit a picture to insult and humiliate me. This picture was not a 10 minutes job, he put time in to it. He did not apologise until Vector spoke to him and then had to remind him 1 day later about his apology for the unacceptable image. I accepted the apology but I felt it to be forced, fake and not genuine. I thought this even more when on my last thread posted about the AFK timer on Trade Gaming History, Moosty proceeded to quote me and bring up my activity on the server I suggested, There was no need for this and It was just proof Moosty is still involved and unable to act mature. I am not in this clan for enemies. I am always friendly and helpful to others. The actions of these members involved serves no purpose in this clan. I have had friends considering joining but have seen the maturity and hate of each others seen daily. Jokes can be jokes but in this case it's not a joke, I don't believe it ever was a joke. The only cause for this hatred I can think of is a jealously of my position as a moderator or my life which I am aware has been disliked by those involved for whatever reason. I urge the CLs to take immediate action against this. Bullying and harassment is not acceptable in any community. It has become so bad I don't like coming here any more and that is not good for somebody who has been active everyday on the forums even after being declined once for age. I like this clan, I like taking part in conversations and playing the servers. But I don't like constant abuse, bullying, spite and dislike of me and everything I do for myself or the clan. Tags: @Rhododendron @Nomulous @kbraszzz @Muzzle @FoRgE @Izanagi @KendrickLlama @StarmiX @Moosty @Vector @BonfireCentipede @Kypari @Tekage @Others Steam ID's Muzzle: STEAM_0:1:29181801 Forge: STEAM_0:0:8630844 Izanagi: STEAM_0:1:41600452 Kendrick: STEAM_0:1:68824731 Starmix: STEAM_0:0:58085242 Moosty: STEAM_0:1:63865975 Evidence: Shoutbox: [MEDIA=imgur]PC5Kgnr[/MEDIA] [MEDIA=imgur]CAZ7zj8[/MEDIA] [MEDIA=imgur]4OSieZC[/MEDIA] [MEDIA=imgur]4eYSPOL[/MEDIA] http://i.imgur.com/ilht23b.png http://i.imgur.com/ZaVLnS0.png http://i.imgur.com/ym6ZcM1.png Chat with Forge: http://i.imgur.com/Qyc1Z4h.png http://i.imgur.com/uPf3Ui1.png http://i.imgur.com/CGSGfzl.png Forge JB1 Chatlogs: http://i.imgur.com/Vjm6et3.png http://i.imgur.com/GjV88qE.png http://i.imgur.com/qyV1ChO.png Forge TS Description: http://i.imgur.com/ZniquMm.jpg Izanagi and Forge comments: http://i.imgur.com/rZn8B7f.png http://i.imgur.com/LPaKa5y.png Izanagi Post With Image: http://i.imgur.com/6svuBs7.png Kendrick Quote Of My Recording: http://i.imgur.com/1OA3Odb.png Kendrick Ratings: http://i.imgur.com/1vL8uKO.png Izanagi Kick Abuse: http://i.imgur.com/JDU6HtO.jpg Moosty Shoutbox: http://i.imgur.com/7giGCF1.png Image Moosty made: http://i.imgur.com/FQ95KWu.jpg Starmix Comment: http://i.imgur.com/yCIajL3.png Forge Post: http://i.imgur.com/7YbgHvV.png Links: Further Examples of posts and comments from my most recent thread: More Time Idleing Before Being Kicked On Trade Servers. | Xeno Gamers Thread made by Forge to humiliate and offend me: Dumbest Quotes Of The Year! | Xeno Gamers Video: Muzzle being offensive to me in game. He joined and said "Kitty can i ask you a serious question?" to which I replied "yes" and started to record. He proceeds insult me. Another Admin Bach who was present at the time did nothing to stop the abuse. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhgtyZAvMpM Chat between Kypari and Forge (Only copy paste, Kypari did not provide screenshot but will vouch): xG| FoRgE: Lel umad? xG:Donator | Kypari: No, I just think that you went too far on insults xG:Donator | Kypari: I have nothing against you, but that was really bad xG:Donator | Kypari: .-. xG| FoRgE: Far from it xG| FoRgE: I would have called her a greasy ass boasting cunt xG:Donator | Kypari: .-. xG| FoRgE: I have limits, that was far from too far. xG:Donator | Kypari: But everyone on TGH, including Kendrick, Moosty and Cold Endeavour thingy thinks that it was uncalled for, and he doesn't even know you that well at all xG:Donator | Kypari: ,-, xG| FoRgE: So calling someone fat is worse than being called retarded or dumb as fuck? xG:Donator | Kypari: Well a girl, yeah xG| FoRgE: Lol xG| FoRgE: So now i have to a polite little boy even when she calls people worse, ohmy! xG| FoRgE: You might as well give her crits, noclip and vectors powers and fuckim say, go kill everyone for aslong as you want xG:Donator | Kypari: Look, seriously, I don't want hate from you, or to give you hate either xG| FoRgE: I was stating my opinion Kypari xG:Donator | Kypari: All I'm saying is that it wasn't right to say something like that xG| FoRgE: I only offend people if i have a reason xG| FoRgE: It wasnt right to give her mod. xG| FoRgE: End of story, you kids need to stop bitching. xG:Donator | Kypari: Sorry man, but I think you need to calm down with Kitty xG| FoRgE: No. xG| FoRgE: I'd rather tell everyone what i think that talk behind her back. xG:Donator | Kypari: This whole thread was about the bunny, not about yours and kitty's grudge xG| FoRgE: Never said it was xG| FoRgE: If you actually tried reading my message you'd know. xG:Donator | Kypari: I know, but you included insults xG:Donator | Kypari: Like xG:Donator | Kypari: Ones that you shouldnt say to girls xG| FoRgE: Kypari xG:Donator | Kypari: Yeah? xG:Donator | Kypari: Don't forget, she's still 14. xG| FoRgE: I dont think you realise that girls arent suddenly the prized gender. xG:Donator | Kypari: ? xG:Donator | Kypari: The problem is, some girls can be insecure, and that can be caused by insults regarding their looks. xG| FoRgE: She signed up for hate when she came to the internet. xG| FoRgE: You think i care? xG| FoRgE: Thats their problem. xG:Donator | Kypari: That's really insensitive. xG| FoRgE: I dont whine when people judge my appearance. xG:Donator | Kypari: But you're not a girl xG| FoRgE: I dont carem xG| FoRgE: Shes a hypocrital asshole. xG| FoRgE: If shes going to offend my friends, she gets what she deserves. xG:Donator | Kypari: I know she's hypocritical, but hasn't everyone at least once in their lives? xG:Donator | Kypari: And she called them "Idiots" xG| FoRgE: Not talking about that. xG:Donator | Kypari: Go on xG:Donator | Kypari: What did she say? xG| FoRgE: Its none of your concern. xG| FoRgE: Since it has nothing to do with you xG:Donator | Kypari: Then there's no point telling me xG:Donator | Kypari: About what she deserves xG| FoRgE: Why are you eve sticking up for her. xG| FoRgE: Even* xG:Donator | Kypari: Because you said something really bad in our generation of young teenagers xG:Donator | Kypari: I totally understand, I'm 14, like her xG| FoRgE: I've had worse xG:Donator | Kypari: Don't give me your sob story xG| FoRgE: Something no one should experience xG| FoRgE: Lol xG| FoRgE: Sob story, yea ok xG:Donator | Kypari: Look man, I know you've probably had it rough, but right now, I really don't want to know xG| FoRgE: Then dont suck up to her. xG:Donator | Kypari: Why not? xG| FoRgE: Because it makes you look like a ass kisser. xG:Donator | Kypari: Lol xG:Donator | Kypari: You really think I care? xG| FoRgE: Then dont talk to me xG:Donator | Kypari: Then why msg me? xG| FoRgE: Be her little boyfriend who will protect her from harm xG:Donator | Kypari: I'm not her boyfriend, I dont even know her irl xG:Donator | Kypari: .-. xG| FoRgE: :|
  2. how about you - Stop posting on a discussion for a server you never play.
  3. - use steamguard - don't use the same password for steam as anything else - use numbers and letters combined in a password - don't go to stupid sites like steamconmumity.com
  4. School is starting and that means less time playing and more time doing work and other things. Before we had the servers remade to fix the demo grenades problem we had a decent and long timer for being idle before being kicked. Right now the timer is so short I have to keep moving every 30 seconds or so and it's really annoying when I'm multitasking, I leave my computer to get a drink or use the bathroom and I get kicked. With the older timer I could sit watching the server while doing other things if I am too busy to play. So I would like for a longer timer before the game puts you in to spectate and kicks you like we had before. two ways to do this. 1. Make it so staff members are immune to being kicked for being afk. (my preferred choice, it would keep afk people from taking server space while letting me do what I would like to do, Useful when the server is full and because staff don't get server slot privileges to kick none staff so a staff member can join it would allow a staff member to always be present on a server.) 2. Use the old settings so I can idle for a long period without being kicked. Please consider this, I could really use it. @Nomulous @kbraszzz
  5. I can vouch Vector is an excellent broker.
  6. goodbye deponia, and I didn't like the ending.
  7. friendly, mature and forum active which is good! A: 9 M: 9
  8. good luck hope its accepted. It would fit in fine with TF2 themed shirts.
  9. @metalslug53 Has femscout been updated to use the ninja set? I stopped using it after that was released because it clipped badly. I also use Toonhud, its the best hud imo and I love how you can customize it. heres some other mods I'm using right now, I'm not using a lot because last time I used all the mods I want I had huge lag problems. Candy-Themed Buildables GAMEBANANA: Candy-Themed Buildables (Team Fortress 2 > Skins > Buildables) cute pink and blue buildings, the dispensers are cute and the heal beams are candy! Hello Kitty Heavy Fists GAMEBANANA: Hellow Kitty Heavy Fists (Team Fortress 2 > Skins > Fists) yeah, don't really need to explain why I have this mod :p Hello Kitty Medic Pack GAMEBANANA: Hello Kitty Medic Pack (Team Fortress 2 > Skins > Packs) basically turns the medic and all his weapons in to Hello Kitty theme. I won't list more Hello Kitty mods, But I got like every one from Game Banana and theres quite a few skins. Coloured stars for blood GAMEBANANA: Colored Stars for Blood (Team Fortress 2 > Sprites > Blood) Replaces blood with stars! Butterfly Flamethrowers GAMEBANANA: The Butterfly Thrower (Team Fortress 2 > Sprites > Other/Misc) Replaces flamethrower fire with butterflies and changes the sounds. Black Kat Terror (AWPer Hand skin) GAMEBANANA: Black Kat Terror (Team Fortress 2 > Skins > AWPer Hand) Makes my AWPer hand look cooler, has custom firing sound too. I used to use a matching darwins danger shield skin with it but nobody liked me using darwins so I use a razorback with Hello Kitty skin now. I'll maybe add more later.
  10. -1 I don't see any rules for rating someone.
  11. If the skins are not buggy and JB people want them, then give them a try. If people think they are buggy, glitch and don't work well with peoples cosmetics then they shouldn't be added.
  12. home economics! or maybe something else...
  13. good work! but we need this music cold http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78mPIAhACM4 :)
  14. I thought you would love icy water penguin :p
  15. I don't have a video but I got what I can offer instead. My voice explaining what happened today with my donation and getting soaked. Vocaroo | Voice message sorry if some of you wanted me on video I just don't like posting my picture so a video is not really gonna happen :p But I donated and got a soaking so I still did it :)
  16. lol does nobody except bonfire own a bucket :p
  17. quite useful to have another place to link new players to. Some may find the guide easier to navigate than the forums so its a plus to have another place with the rules listed. Good work.
  18. haha nice vector :D You look different to what I imagined :) I need to respond to Moosty's nomination today. welp :X3: >3
  19. noooo you nominated meeeeee :eek: well done moosty :p
  20. -1 not enough evidence @Bleed did @Bleed
  21. haha brilliant Scoot! The first xG to do this :D thank you for not nominating me :p