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Posts posted by realBelloWaldi

  1. Hello! Regarding at the recent bans we need an actual admin handbook.

    Seeing someone banning like 5 people permanently from our servers for micspamming and trolling and seeing someone banning someone for a day because the user had a bad mic makes me cringe..

    Someone banning someone for a week for "micspam and bm" seems very unfair to me..

    So we need kind of clarification.

    - Micspammers, since we have "universal rules" Admin Handbook | Xeno Gamers I am assuming that they're also applying for TF2.

    If a mic spammer joins the server and will not stop after a warning, you must mute and then kick him if he does it again. If he rejoins and continues to do this, that is a bannable offence. An admin must ban him for 240 minutes exactly. Anything above or below is breaking the rules


    I've also seen mods/admins banning people without a 5min/1hour ban. That's why I asked

    Aren't you supposed to ban people for five minutes/an hour anymore?

    @Vector replied:

    not if they break multiple rules in the process

    So my question is: How are (new) mods supposed to know that? I mean our current Admin-Handbook isn't really helpful.


    Next thing is, even though it isn't really a big deal, but

    If someone has an inappropriate spray, tell them to change it. If they don't change it after that, kick them. If they refuse to change it, it is a bannable offence for 5 minutes exactly. If they come back and still have not changed the spray, you must ban for 1440 minutes. Anything above or below is breaking the rules.
    Well, that's apprently new to our current staff members.



    That's it for now. I am also going to state my opinion on this: Nappaclausbloody9 - team fortress 2 | Page 2 | Xeno Gamers

    He has been banned for a day for having a terrible mic and being disrespectful. Hey! You muted him and after that he is being disrespectful through the chat? There is a /silence command! Don't be afraid to use it..

    TL;DR I'm kinda not agreeing with some bans. Update the admin handbook

    Inb4 vector is going to call me retarded.


    Tagging people: @FoRgE @metalslug53 @Bach @kbraszzz @DrLee


  2. -1 nope no,nonononononono


    in the span of 3 days he has broken multiple rules even going as far as to say fudge this server. there was no disrespect charge, but the fact of the matter is, after i told you to stop abusing hub, you healed a spy which i already warned you about, you then DO IT AGAIN which actually kills a few players. and after that, you blame the server for your own rule breaking, how anyone can +1 this is beyond me, but in my opinion he has proven time and again he isn't ready. you left the server before i could ban you (essentially avoiding ban) so i had to get @kbraszzz to ban you



    Hell yeah! +1

    Active and mature!



    @Sgt.Assault @Dethman @Bleed

    Forget what I said. means nothing but retracted.