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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. Yeah but seeing ads stops once you pay for donator, but it didn't work. (It does now)
  2. You mean Deflino Airstrip right? I honestly like that map. But Frantic is a different story. I remember moderating when the server was on that map, I literally had the worst time of my life. It's ruined my opinion of that hell-zone.
  3. Looks like things are working again @Rejects @kbraszzz @Moosty @metalslug53 @Ohstopyou Close
  4. It's nice to see this change. Sorry @Flareon , I know you're an alright moderator, but come on. xG servers aren't meant to be a place where you use terror to get your point across: the servers are meant to be for fun. Being way too serious and using fear to make people follow your orders is just wrong. If you inform them that they are breaking rules and notify them of the punishment, it's more likely for them to actually come back to the server and know fully well what is right and wrong rather than just shouting at them: "IF YOU DON'T STOP TELLING PEOPLE TO KILL THEMSELVES THEN I'M GOING TO BAN YOU, YOU FUCKING GOT THAT YOU PIECE OF SHIT?" or whatever.
  5. Not to be racist or anything, but Asian people __________
    1. SupremeWolf


      HA! Got eeeeemmmm.
    2. Kypari


      Nice memeeeeeeeeeee
    3. SupremeWolf


      I won't let my memes be memes ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ
    4. Show next comments  201 more
  6. So you're quitting TF2, leaving the highlander team but you're staying in the clan? ok
  7. I've talked to Kbraszz numerous times about this, and I understand that some of the commands are broken - but this is ridiculous. Some of my powers for donator are broken and the ads still appear for me. Find a fix for this please. Maybe remove my powers and re-add them or something? I don't know, just please help. If this were staff commands you'd solve it as soon as possible.
  8. A lot of these commands can be heavily abused. For example, the warden could be trying to kill a rebeller in the armoury. Then, he presses his bind to send all of the guards back to the armoury to have him killed. Very risky honestly.
  9. You told someone to kill themselves. That's a permanent ban. @ChickenPanda Banned you, I see no reason why you should be unbanned.
  10. I don't agree with a perm at all. When I was staff, I always banned exploiters for three days. If I banned people who exploited anything permanently, I would've banned 909Revolution, @Gr8_Butt_M8 and like 10 more.
  11. Lol, I'm not even doing anything wrong. I'm simply debating. There is no reason to ts ban me or server wide ban me. You treat me like shit and you're saying that I deserve a perm. You hacked on servers and I was there when you were on JB using aimbot and shit, but I didn't record. Why? Because I don't treat other people like shit until they do so to me. Just because you've got no other arguments you have to try to get me banned. If I get permed, you should too, per what @Chrono said when me and @Tekage wanted to get @ASock permed. He wanted me to get permed as well. Going to school, cya.
  12. I am actually angry at these statements because of how many times you've said this and how many times you have to look like a fool. People clearly and not having fun because you were trolling them and destroying something that belongs to them. I wasn't comparing myself to a judge, it's a similie. And holy shit. You're saying we don't have an argument when you're the one saying the same damn thing every time and including insults.
  13. I don't see how I'm acting all high and mighty, I'm simply expressing my view on the situation. It's a perfect example.
  14. Why are you saying that I'm instigating? I know I do, but I'm not at all here. There's a reason why everyone was blacklisted with a foul-mouthed reason, and it's staring you right in the face. You go on and bm others and you then whine about it yourself. Grow some balls, pal. I didn't leave to escape the toxicity, I left so I could feel as if I wasn't part of the toxicity and so I could be more free. You saying that I shouldn't comment because I wasn't part of it is literally one one the stupidest things I've heard all week. That's like telling a jury in a courtroom to not judge because they aren't part of it. Hell, let's just get rid of the judge, the lawyers - they're not part of it! They got mad because you and your crew crossed the line and ruined their TS channel. I thought that was blatantly obvious but whatever maan.
  15. You are constantly shitposting too. If someone like Kittylicious did this she'd get banned immediately, but no. Bach's side need to be acting more serious. This is a damned abuse report. You're a mature adult. Start acting like it.
  16. Only people who are guilty say this. You should know that if you are completely demolishing someone's teamspeak channel, you are trolling the people who were in that group at the time. N Hachi, that's not as easy as it sounds, sadly. People want justice. It's like saying get over it to, I don't know, assaulted? It can be traumatizing. I love how you say "friendly fun" when you were destroying what they have. It may only be a TS channel, but it still belongs to them. You should go to a friends house and break some of their games, electronics and see what they think of you afterwards. Just because the CL says that it should be dropped doesn't mean it will. If there is no punishment towards you and your trolling little gang, then I will be very surprised. You deserve a punishment. -Not going to put a cringy line here-
  17. I'm addicted to the internet. I couldn't go a day sleeping at my nan's house (parents on holiday) without going to my cousins for internet
    1. Kypari
    2. SupremeWolf


      Parents on "Holiday"
    3. Giraffes


      Imagine if your internet shuts down, no more binge watching anime :( .... for me atleast
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  18. That's stupid. He said that he was going to hang himself on a tree, he deserves a perm. We don't have logs because we spoke on mic.
  19. Oh come on. You've got to be joking here. He clearly states that he's going to commit suicide THREE TIMES. Are you telling me that this troll is going to get away with that just because we can't show what we did? Literally all that me, Xerses and even Vixen said was how boring of a troll he was n' shit. Say you're being assaulted by someone, you have bruises and scars all over your body. You go to the police; they don't help you because you can't prove if you assaulted the other person. It's literally idiotic.
  20. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Fallout4 Hype Spookster Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:34210731 Rules Broken: Suicide threats, trolling Evidence: Probably one of the most boring trolls ever Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History
  21. #Spawncamping4lyf I know I'm not a member anymore and my opinion doesn't matter (as if it ever did), but regardless if it was instigated, he still randomly told someone to kill themselves = Perm Sorry @Xerses , but what were you thinking? :L