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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. I thought you couldn't leave? Whatever.
  2. Wait, did you edit/make these or?
  3. Please stay on the servers or I'll cry ;-;
  4. If you were there, you could've banned him yourself. There isn't enough proof to show whether the person actually said a death threat, you need to provide those logs.
  5. @Kart Probably won't want staff but ok 'Grats @Hachi
  6. He wanted to leave and couldn't be bothered to say he's leaving, so rip.
  7. You can just mute client-side. It stops you from seeing what they type and say on mic.
  8. So yay or nay? We could replace one of xG's unpopulated servers.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4yawisNuf8 Goodbye xG :c
  10. Here it is, the moment you've all been waiting for. I honestly don't want to do this all that bad and do at the same time. I have decided to step down and leave xG due to how toxic this clan is. I enjoy being moderator, but it's also limiting me from having fun and apparently has made me change as @Hachi @ChickenPanda stated. It must have been happening for a while, and I apologize to everyone, even those who don't deserve it, for being...well, an asshole. I will still be active on the servers and probably the forums too, but maybe I can start afresh with everyone. The following people made xG worthwhile and memorable: @Dethman @Ohstopyou @Kurama @metalslug53 @Flareon @Rejects @Goodra @BelloWaldi @Jpie112 @Rogue_Skittle People who I've had ups and downs with: @Hachi @Moosty @ChickenPanda Sorry for not many tags, I still love a lot of you <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4yawisNuf8 @BonfireCentipede is a skr00by d00 Oh, and finally. @Kurama <-- Make this awesome guy mod.
  11. It won't let me upload demos for some reason.
  12. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: ᴰᵃᶠᶠ-ᴷᶰᵉᵉ #Scrumpeh Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:34448550 Rules Broken: Possible hacking Evidence: Really not sure about this one, so I decided to make a ban request for it. Basically, @BonfireCentipede was a cloak and dagger spy because he believed this person was a hacker. She kept managing to find him everywhere and some other spies whilst they are cloaked. She keeps blaming it on luck and then she admits that she has a mod that makes it so that you can hear footsteps really loudly. However, Bonfire was standing still. I can't call this one. Any ideas?
  13. w Permanently gagged or muted? That's not a good idea at all. They wouldn't even be able to speak about non-trade related things.
  14. British people love tea? Ew. The only tea I like is Iced Tea Peach.
  15. Looks like someone didn't read the thread.
  16. Kypari

    Story Time!

    i went 2 teh shop 2 bi poptarts but dere r no poptarts in britan ;-;
  17. Maybe not unusual scamming, but paypal I'm fine with.
  18. So basically you're saying @Nomulous should get banned?
  19. Oh. Well, I feel foolish then. Well, then.