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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. I'm confuzzled. Are you saying that people who are tagged as scammers get perm'd or what?
  2. It's still going to dramatically decrease the population. People are often wrongly accused of being scammers and get tagged because of it (E.G/ d0).
  3. That's so stupid, no offence. Barely anyone even trades on xG servers. This will also make it so the servers are less population just because we can't have a scammer on a server that is more of a clubbing server.
  4. Kypari


    Someone here is going to say "who are you" for sure. I hope to see you on the servers. Cya.
  5. 100% agree. Though this app is invalid, he should definitely be promoted.
  6. Years ago he did, that's why he got his scammer tag. You shouldn't be trading high-valued items with a scammer in the first place @Vector , you were lucky you didn't get tagged ^^
  7. Oh come on. Who even trades on xG servers? It's more of a club where you can trade. Giving someone a tag before their name is stupid when all you have to do is trade them to see if they're a scammer or you can check their steamrep and backpack.tf status.
  8. That'd be a long ass chat name. [sCAMMER] [Title] [Name]: [Chat]
  9. Then a lot of regulars wouldn't be allowed on the servers despite how both on both trade servers, no one really trades too often. Take @Kart for example. He ran away from a spycrab years and years ago - I doubt he would do that now. -1 If he does actually cause any trouble, then ban him permanently.
  10. This happened a while ago. I was digging one time when Kart was angry about it for some reason and I was suspicious. You aren't meant to broker for scammers otherwise you become a scammer yourself. Both you and his friend should've had a caution tag at least. I guess you were lucky, I wouldn't make the report because steamrep are shit and give people tags for bullshit reasons. c:
  11. If I think that's a reason to not vouch, then I'm not going to vouch. Stop being such an asshat to me all of a sudden, Jesus Christ. To me it implies that being gay is a bad thing, that's why I didn't vouch. He removed it and agreed that it was wrong of him. Got a problem with me vouching? Not my problem.
  12. +1 Thanks for removing the bind c: A: 9 M: 8
  13. +1 Active and mature A: 8 M: 7
  14. I was thinking this too. People have been perm'd in the past for death threats, why not ban this guy permanently?
  15. I don't really watch films all that often, but if I had to choose a favourite film, it'd have to be: The Naked Gun
  16. Kypari

    Need Good Names

    xxs1il3ntki113rxx xXSp3eD3m0NXx Equation: xX+MLG Name+Xx = Your name
  17. Holy shit those agree ratings. It's as you say, giving people access to a command such as !freeze isn't a great idea.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAEqf3XR0vE Toontown4Lyfe
  19. What the fuck? I'm speechless, that's just fucking pathetic. I'm sorry :c
  20. That's like making it so that people who building-block won't be able to play Engineer. I'd rather them not be able to play the game. Not really fond of the idea honestly.
  21. Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History I really don't like your bind "(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚ *Poof your Gay*". It's homophobic. Get rid of it and I'll consider +1'ing. A: 8 M: 5
  22. -1 No death threats in the proof. I actually laughed out loud at this
  23. I've been in xG for over a year now