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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. Looks pretty cool, but it's kinda pointless.
  2. @Donakonda Was complaining about it to me, so it's probably pretty loud. +1
  3. I wasn't expecting this. Hii Cool guy +1 A: Error M: Idk
  4. Your name on steam too, "OMFG IM AN xG MEMBER" -1 Naah. A: 8 M: 4
  5. What is even the point of changing the song in the first place? People find it annoying? Welp, may as well change Foxy's song. VIDEO - Kids Sing to Unofficial FNAF Theme Song | The Cringe Channel
  6. If people are abusing votekick, call a staff member on.
  7. Just to clarify the list in case the classes weren't clear The following classes are in 6's: Scout 1 Scout 2 (Pocket) Soldier [with shotgun] (Roaming) Soldier [with gunboats] Demoman Medic You can change class in 6's (when necessary) when you are: Scout 1 Scout 2 (Roaming) Soldier
  8. Found a Pro KS Minigun Fabricator in mvm ^^
  9. It has to be a song by her otherwise it doesn't work. +1
  10. http://www.cringechannel.com/2015/05/19/video-kids-sing-to-unofficial-fnaf-theme-song/ Oh my fucking god
  11. But Bello, my fellow, who will play the cello? I can't wait to say hello ;-;
  12. #AddictedToMvM
  13. Nan's funeral today #RIP :c
    1. The_Unlit_Torch


      What is a nan? :c
    2. Kypari


      Grandma, dad's mum
  14. +1 Flareon, c'mon maaan. Scootaloo already made it official (somewhere) that the rule about admins breaking a spawncamp was no longer in effect. Using your powers to give you an unfair advantage is abuse.
  15. Feel like shit.
  16. I don't really think it's aimbotting, I've seen some better Snipers. +1 Sorry @BelloWaldi ;-;
  17. Kypari


    +1 Isn't a meanie poo and doesn't make me cry A: 8 M: 8
  18. The spawn camp you broke was tiny. Bonk scout beggar's soldier coulda got that easy. Donator abuse is frowned upon here, and personally I think you should have had a longer ban and possibly your powers stripped.
  19. Oh shit, I hope you're alright! :c Bye :c