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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. Though you think it's funny, it isn't to a lot of people. That is trolling, which Kittylicious was banned for (4 years of something). You've had a lot of chances, so I believe the ban was justified. Yes, I agree that CL's should work together and not make decisions alone, but I don't see anything else wrong here.

    Please for the love of god people who have no power, or no say, Stfu and stay off of this thread.

    Finally, just because you say that you don't think people who don't have power shouldn't comment is bullshit. We were accepted into xG for a reason. This gives us the right to vouch for members, staff abuse (etc). -1

  2. holy steaming pantload you guys seriously don't know this is zun? anyone who +1s this is a fudgeing moron. No, Zun was never a nice person even prior when i got moderator, steaming pantload talking to multiple people in trade gaming (before there was any mod and admins that were active on the server) Which is why the bans isn't large. He also music spammed, and we have gone over this already but since it's hard for people to look up ban protests (thank you @Chrono) i'll just copy paste this again


    Lol after i told you to wait a little while you completely ignore me and what you forget to mention about your constant suicide threats on our server and to our members aimg5.xenogamers.com_data_avatars_s_51_51572.jpg_edb7c0971d5a761a62b977fe57dbfd49.jpg.d60786bf1b9e4c1982e81fbf07325dd3.jpg@@Huster_Salvador told me someone was threatening suicide. Sure enough it was Zun (this was on Mario Kart) i gave him a clear warning that if he did this again, that he would be severely punished because of our history with people threatning suicide. Zun is an attention seaking child who throws a fit when things don't go his way, he actually insulted another player named Kitsune because he wouldn't talk to him because she and i were having a conversation, he then proceeds to verbally assault her and leaves the server (thankfully he apoloigised for that.) not back to the suicide thing, so after the ban for the nude spray and everything he begins crying to bonfire about suicide and how he was going to kill himself and that "don't be surprised if i don't come back to the computer" and steaming pantload like "i'll give you all of my items because i don't need them where i am going" i am sick and tired of baby sitting him and having him abuse the people on our server, now was i harsh on him? you're damn fudgeing right i was, it's the internet, and don't take steaming pantload out on us with this server. i am absolutely disgusted with you Zun and i TRIED helping you by saying, give your self a few months to cool down but clearly you did not. Not if you guys want to believe me or not i don't really care, but ever since he got incredibly depressed it's been not stop threats and depression.


    Also keep in mind, in the same thread he never indicated any sort of suicide threats and doesn't indicate them here. i have given him 3 separate chances to change his ways and all the times he fudgeed it up. And during those times, he was still an annoyance, i had to be called on multiple times to monitor the server.


    Should Zun be given a second chance? No. Suicide threats are no laughing matter and zun seems to use them as a way to gain sympathy from others in a chance that his appeal can be accepted. I will keep this -1 forever and i do NOT want to see him unbanned. It's the same vicious cycle we have had in the past, and we have unbanned people who went back into this same sort of problem. The ban was justified and i don't want to have to deal with this again because if he is unbanned and does something of similar nature about depression or such, i have little faith in the staff now to take this into their own hands and do the right decision.

    Wow, that's low. Really fucking low -1



  3. You're all forgetting that Akatsuki was playing Pyro. Now I know very well that when playing JB, it's very difficult to only hit specific players. Akatsuki was just unlucky due to the positioning of the reds.


    I think a second chance is needed. I mean, come on. I don't think she left to "Avoid ban". I think it was because she was panicing because she accidentally massed.


    I reckon she should just get a perm ct ban.


    +1 for unban from all servers

    +1 for perm from ct


  4. Although it's mass and leave, Akatsuki sounds generally sorry and regretful. Why did you have to do this?

    We could give her a second chance. She's obviously regretting it and it was an accident.

    I'd say we unban her from the servers and CT ban her permanently.

    Or am I too nice?

    Exactly what I'm thinking, though it may be difficult to make an exception.