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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. Just looking for opinions. Too many people going Heavy with the fists and killing people today. If we don't allow people to use the mic in Frantic Factory and !ocarina isn't to be abused, then why should the ghost block be allowed though it is more frustrating than the others?

  2. People saying "what's the line for nsfw?".


    Use fudgeing logic okay? Pornhub, terrorist videos, hentai, spiderjob, and all of those. If your grandmother walked in, would you show her it? Use that logic instead of saying "But in the eyes of a pron director..." or any of that steaming pantload. I know I really have no say but come the fudge on, use your brains not your butt

    My nan would get scared by my pic though

  3. It kinda worked out in the end I guess(?)


    I would try in a month or two since that hurt your reputation severely. I would suggest not taking something so serious like a -1. I was expecting an unban since you are on jailbreak alot and do know the rules. But with that conversation kind of hurt those chances alot. @Kypari @Rejects for future reference. And @diabeetus closed the thread

    You hit the nail on the head.

  4. it is not a policy of xg, the policy is to have 3 legit characters in your name, which i clearly did


    YOU CAN TARGET ME, thru admin menu


    admin menu takes age, not the members problem, stop being lazy


    u confessioning to abuse too? lol


    Just give in. I can 100% guarantee you that @Rejects @kbraszzz or ANY senior member of staff will close this and not file this as abuse. I can also 100% guarantee you that you are looking retarded.

    Not all rules can be fit on the one menu when you join the server. There are more rules which involve common sense.

  5. from what i see, he wont go through the admin menu because he is too lazy, instead having to waste my time to solve his moderating crisis.


    you either improve your admin menu to be able to target people with SIMILAR names or not ban people over it :s

    This is not a matter of laziness. This is a matter of how fast someone can go through the admin menu. Making it so that you can target people with similar names is impossible as it has to register the matching names including "Chicken" in it.

  6. i have accepted the ban and is over with, this isnt a ban protest, its a abuse, nothing has been dealt with as of yet



    that statement is only true if the purpose was relating to rules, but it wasnt, there isnt any reason i should change my name,

    chickenpanda could have a) used admin menu b) changed his name


    There is a reason why you need to change your name.

    It is a policy of xG.

    We can't target you

    Admin menu takes ages

    No abuse, no problem. I've banned people for this multiple times.

  7. u fail to understand that this isnt a ban protest, its a abuse report, theres a differences.




    it shouldnt be my problem that he isnt able to target me, i have no reason to be targetted, he couldve used admin menu easily if i were breaking rules


    leave if you dont want any involvement in this thread, if you think it's so dumb.

    This is pathetic. It has already been explained why @ChickenPanda won't go through the admin menu just to ban someone.

    It's much, MUCH faster to ban someone by typing !ban (etc) instead of going through the admin menu. If @ChickenPanda had tried to ban you, then it wouldn't have worked as you two have similar names.

  8. also, can everyone stop trying to close this so early, bellowaldi and vector

    we habent finished dicussing this issue yet and i still want some imput from other staff managements department

    It's been resolved. It's much, MUCH faster to ban someone by typing !ban (etc) instead of going through the admin menu. If @ChickenPanda had tried to ban you, then it wouldn't have worked as you two have similar names.

    Vector is an ex-member of staff. He likes picking on people.

    Bello is an admin and is trying to resolve things.

    If you are told to do something by a member of staff, you MUST do it otherwise you shall face the consequences.