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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. Seriously?




    There's no reason to remove his membership. First things first, the workplace comparison is totally inappropriate given the circumstances. We are an internet gaming clan, almost universally comprised of memers and trolls. We are the steaming pantload-stain at the bottom of the filthy-butt scumbucket that is the internet. On a regular basis, people say much worse things on TS and we're totally fine with it. People in this thread use the word "african" in their regular vocabulary (*cough* @Kyoko *cough*) yet they're never punished. Why? Because we know that they're not fudgeing racist. Just because Iggy changes his name to Captain Nazi on steam, changes his avatar and status to a swastika, does not mean that he's a racist. Iggy doesn't have steam groups dedicated to hating ethnic and religious minorities, he doesn't go on rants on TS about how much he hates jews, blacks and immigrants, so from what I can tell he's not a racist. For pete's sake people, there's a nazi server group on TS. Do we punish those people because this makes them automatically racists and terrible people? Of course not. If you honestly think that Iggy should have his membership revoked, then about 50%+ of xenogamers also needs to have their membership revoked.

    +1 For removal of over the top Nazi things

    -1 For membership removal

  2. I'm going solely based off of evidence here.


    I honestly am a bit disappointed in this thread. Putting Nazi in his name and avatar is a bit distasteful, but its nothing to throw a fit about. Putting a swastika (or however you spell it) in his status isn't really a big deal either. I feel like most of this stuff is in a joking matter. He hasn't said anything about killing jews or any form of racism. How is this different from @ThePenguin building a swastika on the minecraft server? We always call @Yu_Narukami a Nazi on teamspeak, but we don't seriously mean it. I understand how you guys see this as offensive, but doing this for 12 hours (as he claims) is not CLOSE to being worthy of member demotion. If our community really feels that they are offended, its better to just warn him.


    My vote is -1 (If it even matters anymore now that I am not a member)

    It's just that it's affecting the clan and giving us a bad name to randomers on the servers. However, as Iggy has removed everything, I believe he should be let off.