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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. You can just leave a nice thing called "Audacity" running while you're playing your games, it's easy.

    Not sure if there's anything better, but this is just from my experience.

    However, should they use chat to be salty(@Barmithian ) you can just screenshot it easily.

    Note: SCREENSHOT, not COPY & PASTE. because you TF2 people seem to like doing that 50% of the time

    I doubt people with a crappy computer like me and Tekage would open a browser to record things.

  2. FYI he's not wearing xG tags right now.


    Steam Community :: -W3E- CruelMonster830


    I already warned him and he took them off, why should we jump straight to a ban because he messed up once?


    If we use the system we have for staff on the servers then everyone has a more fair chance of being on the servers. If they mess up: warn them or punish them accordingly. In the mean time -1, i don't see sufficient reasoning for him to be banned straight off the bat.

    I was the one who told him to take tags off.


  3. Alright here's my 15 cents about this. Having to actually read the logs and not pulling the server logs I can see no intense foul done here. This entire situation reminds me of a different situation where I needed to warn a person multiple times to stop being a dic-rude person. Though said person received multiple warnings. In this situation Vape did everything that is expected of a mod to be. Even facing ganged up verbal abuse and not banning them for a day is quite extraordinary. A few people would have succumbed to their anger and done that out of rage.


    Regardless, I'm not in any means part of any promotions or demotions of TF2, my only question is why hasn't Kart done anything? He's active and knows the rules, seeing a situation at play and not assisting in controlling it surprises me. I wouldn't expect any of my mods to throw someone into a pack of wolves to deal it by themselves. I would throw an admin into a pack of wolves because they have more experience. If Brian has taught me anything is the understanding that mods are "Training Admins", and you do not throw a trainee to survive on their own.


    Unless there are situations or evidence that I've missed from being seen, I want to hear more about why kart did not do anything and not get punished for it.


  4. Okay, so here's the story.

    Kitsune and Vixen were very, very, very upset about Vaporeons demotion. Following onto this, they suggested that I take a look at the chat longs.

    Accordling, I have come to a conclusion that in my opinion, Vaporeon's demotion was unjust and was not thoroughly examined. Why, you may ask? How come you've suddenly started saying this?

    The chat logs where LeSirMudskipz got banned by @Vaporeon for disrespect and apparently Vaporeon hating on other fandoms suggests that Vaporeon was literally just doing his job and trying to keep the server friendly.











    Sorry if I'm taking this too seriously; I want to be a Defence Attorney ^^

    @kbraszzz @Bach @Nomulous @Vaporeon

    I want to be a Defence Attorney ^^
