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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. +1 Active and mature A: 7 M: 7
  2. See ya later, have fun studying I guess
  3. Kypari


    +1 Don't worry guys, I was only trolling @Vector @BonfireCentipede
  4. What is one thousand minus seven?
    1. Kypari


      I know, it wasn't literal ;-;
    2. April


      o-o is it... 1000 + -7?
    3. Kypari


      It's a quote from an anime, pls ;-;
    4. Show next comments  243 more
  5. It kinda worked out in the end I guess(?) Anyways You hit the nail on the head.
  6. AHAHA And all the people that left because you did, rip.
  7. IT'S NOT ADMIN ABUSE YOU ABSOLUTE DINGUS Just give in. I can 100% guarantee you that @Rejects @kbraszzz or ANY senior member of staff will close this and not file this as abuse. I can also 100% guarantee you that you are looking retarded. Not all rules can be fit on the one menu when you join the server. There are more rules which involve common sense.
  8. This is not a matter of laziness. This is a matter of how fast someone can go through the admin menu. Making it so that you can target people with similar names is impossible as it has to register the matching names including "Chicken" in it.
  9. Omg. There is a reason why you need to change your name. It is a policy of xG. We can't target you Admin menu takes ages No abuse, no problem. I've banned people for this multiple times.
  10. This is pathetic. It has already been explained why @ChickenPanda won't go through the admin menu just to ban someone.
  11. It's been resolved. It's much, MUCH faster to ban someone by typing !ban (etc) instead of going through the admin menu. If @ChickenPanda had tried to ban you, then it wouldn't have worked as you two have similar names. Vector is an ex-member of staff. He likes picking on people. Bello is an admin and is trying to resolve things. If you are told to do something by a member of staff, you MUST do it otherwise you shall face the consequences.
  12. See ya, we'll try to make this clan as less cancerous as it is. But first, a lot of people need to be banned from the forums.
  13. OK, so there's now nearly 4 pages of me and him talking, gg. He still sounds dumb.
  14. Just gonna be posting these here
  15. ♫Life is a game It's a survival That's right! How do you start? Time and Space It' s a crossroad through a gate! Where do you go?♫
  16. It's your fault for not reading the rules in the first place. -1
  17. You must be 14+ to apply for xG. @Rejects Close please.
  18. Good luck with your studies c:
  19. Skype message 4:44 Well, see you in a bit I guess. For the record, I don't plan to leave xG in a long time, so don't worry (even if you don't care).
  20. It's more than usual, but still... Anyways, see ya