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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. The main problem with this is that you don't know which song you're picking unless you remember which is which. Who you let break rules even though you're the dm. I'm still annoyed about that.
  2. Haha I'll have you know that a lot of people love this map. Just because you don't like it and people can't be bothered to turn the music option in the settings all the way down doesn't mean we have to remove a great map that is liked by many. -1
  3. It was less than 30 seconds ;-; +1 Goldenrod gets easily boring. @ColdEndeavour :waving: is our saviour
  4. Kypari


    You done fucked up. Close plserino
  5. +1 Welcome back c: A: 9 M: 8
  6. You know what sounds like a good idea? Letting him give his opinion on the thread. @Rejects
  7. My Title Is Broken | Xeno Gamers I've had the same problem but I got "Mental" instead.
  8. I'll see if I can get the demo working later. If not I'd need a description.
  9. It's been a week. pls, I've had this problem for months
  10. If we make it for uber-donators, then grappling hooks will most likely appear too often. As many people don't like the hooks, it could drive away population if it occurs too much.
  11. +1 It should only be available when a vote is done by admins+ only.
  12. Went on pokemon trade earlier. Yet again, people were saying that grappling hooks ruined the game. I agree with them. If we want to keep the population, then grappling hooks must be removed. Hell, I bet most of the people that voted toggle or yes don't even play on pokemon trade.
  13. I was on pokemon a lot yesterday. EVERYONE apart from someone called Rafa liked the hooks. They can break the radio tower somehow as someone broke the radio tower using them. Some people threatened to quit going on the server and one even said that pokemon trade used to be his favourite server but since the hooks were added, he doesn't like it. Definite NO.
  14. attachFull21152 Active on pokemon A: 8 M: 7
  15. +1 Active on pokemon trade A: 8 M: 7
  16. @BANGINONATRASHCAN Your excuse was "I didn't know it went 2 ways"
  17. @BANGINONATRASHCAN I was there when you dispenser blocked Olivia. I warned you and you two got into an argument. You had this coming, sorry dude. Thanks @Rejects ~
  18. +1 We should only be able to edit our own bans to not badger the DM's+.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RfQY1qU6Tw
  20. Firsty, @metalslug53 /Scootaloo is a he. Secondly, it wouldn't have been a ban for micspam straight away. It would've been for evading it, constantly doing it (etc).