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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. Great, really helping my determination of trying for admin there. Thanks. You only pick on freekilling when I mentioned about the building blocking too. Regardless if it's not hurting anyone, neither is the ubercharge glitch if they heal someone that's friendly. However, they still get banned for it. I have had to gag him multiple times for disrespect too. Too many times. Though I do not have proof for this, Hatric is breaking a rule in the first place. Not to mention that I have nothing better to do than spend my time moderating servers and dealing with lunatics who rage when they're getting market gardened. If Hatric doesn't get banned, then I will be really shocked. Seriously.
  2. What are you talking about? Someone broke the rules whilst there were 4 people on the server. Broke the rules. It is the same concept.
  3. Rules are rules. What you're saying is that if there are 4 people on Goldenrod, then they are allowed to building block. If there are 4 players on JB, they can freekill. It's the same concept. If someone got caught freekilling with less than 4 people, they'd still get punished.
  4. No idea. It worked for me when I did it before, but didn't last time. If I were you, I'd ask someone on their video on youtube.
  5. So you're going inactive, stepping down or leaving the clan? Idk
  6. Rip @Tekage 'Grats to all promoted Rip Kart
  7. I guess this doesn't happen in the Britlands :british: It's never happened to me
  8. +1 Impersonating staff too "so you better not fucking spam or ill ban you"
  9. -1 Your account is your own responsibility.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id=OBwS66EBUcY;list=WL I'm still all for this.
  11. *Sigh* I swear I say this to nearly every ban protest that involves a brother. Your account is your own responsibility. You let him play on the computer. Even if you have a brother, I doubt he went on your account. I hear this excuse too often.
  12. Unsure about age. Sorry if I'm wrong. I'll still +1 for now. A: 9 M: 8
  13. +1 He also rages a lot on Pokemon, swearing, disrespecting. He deserves it.
  14. @[106390:@Swift] There was a tournament of the best players in the UK at SSB4. I went against ROB and won c:
    1. Swift


      Seriously, R.O.B. got considerably better in Cuatro
    2. Swift


      was it streamed?
    3. Kypari


      Nah. There was an invitational tournament in the UK for the best players in England. The people that lost played games with randomers and I challenged the person who played ROB and won c:
  15. Yey 24 hours until member
  16. Someone else +1 this pl0x
  17. The Pyro's Beanie. If it goes with the cute suit and north polar fleece, it looks adorable ;~;
  18. Just looking for opinions. Too many people going Heavy with the fists and killing people today. If we don't allow people to use the mic in Frantic Factory and !ocarina isn't to be abused, then why should the ghost block be allowed though it is more frustrating than the others?
  19. Comic-Con Tomorrow >w< #Hype
  20. Kypari


    My nan would get scared by my pic though