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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. Is this really legit? :coffee:
  2. Kypari


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBwS66EBUcY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49tpIMDy9BE
  3. OK, I'm recovering from this now, so that's good. Hopefully, I should be more active on the servers now.
  4. Kypari


  5. I feel so special Sad to see you go, you were one of the nicest people in xG :(
  6. FUCK That sucks! I really hope things work out, you don't deserve that ;-;
  7. Saw Shrek the Musical today. It was amazing ^^
  8. Oh god. Miles, you made a fatal mistake. You were warned plenty of times by numerous staff to stop spamming death n' stuff. However, you ignored staff and continued to break rules, which resulted in you crashing the server. Honestly? It's been a while. He clearly seems dedicated to getting unbanned. Staying neutral.
  9. Though it was only for fun, it is still abuse in the end. You haven't been banned for abuse before, so it's only a warning for now. -1 to be banned +1 for 1st strike :waving: Hi @ManlyDuck @Rejects
  10. How long has the rating "Furry" been removed? The spam of furry ratings on my profile has gone
    1. SupremeWolf


      [Inster insult here]
  11. +1 To go back to the old one. Age doesn't justify maturity
  12. Kypari

    Story Of A Scrub

  13. They are both regulars. I would trust them too. However, I'm going to stay neutral.
  14. I banned you for a week for mass disrespect and douchery. @Vector @Sylux
  15. Though that is true, Flareon is new to moderating and is going to be pardoned for the first few weeks for little mistakes. Who were they? If they are xG members, I'd definitely trust them.
  16. I love Cyberpunk. However, many people have left because of it @Moosty can explain (I think it was him who had a friend who left the servers because of Cyberpunk). Abstract was a great map. Add back plserino
  17. I knew this would happen ^^ The value of items that were orginally priced in buds should go up now. Mine G. Fetti Bubble Pipe was 18 keys and now it's 26 :coffee: Oh, and tf2outpost has a different font. I think it's Comic Sans
  18. Before I joined xG was Boneman7. After that was @BonfireCentipede
  19. Nooo :c Keep on being backpack.tf buddies c: Cya though ;-;