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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. I knew this would happen one day. @Gr8_Butt_M8 probably doesn't like being known as xG's retard. I hated it. When me and @FoRgE didn't like each other, he insulted me so I insulted him. Eventually, I just stopped going on teamspeak. Then, I went back on later and we were cool after that. I do agree that @Gr8_Butt_M8 needs to stop being rude n' stuff. However, this applies to a shit-ton of people on the forums, teamspeak, the servers - there needs to be an end. However, after that little story, I can't +1 or -1 as there's no proof, but this is typical of Dillon.
  2. *UPDATE* I'm so bored out of my mind that I'm breaking down. Halp pls.
  3. This was probably my least favourite map on Trade Gaming History. -1 But I do agree it would be nice if we had different maps.
  4. Bored. Inactive
  5. Spelt "Community" wrong. Ban plserino
  6. I'm having a moment in life where I have no fucking clue what to do. I'm bored of everything, including TF2. I'm going inactive as of this, but I will go on if someone needs me. I will still be active on the forums of course, but I won't be on the servers too much After I've posted this, I'll probably be more active
  7. Fucking hell, why does the Ken Combo on Melee have to be so fucking difficult to learn? ;-; @[106390:@Swift]
    1. BonfireCentipede
    2. Swift


      is that a *sniff* *sniff* a scrub i smell
    3. Kypari


      Search it on youtube, @[51872:@BonfireCentipede] . Yes, Swift. It's the skr00biest of the skr00bs
    4. Show next comments  237 more
  8. People shitting on each other for no reason right now...again. Like, seriously. This happens too often :L
  9. Kypari


    Uhh sure I guess. Though I do think that being depressed and possibly killing yourself over a band member is fucking dumb, I'll do it.
  10. Have fun Continue making suggestions pls
  11. +1 We always work together on stuff Vector should never have been demoted to member. It was r00 d
  12. I had reports from @BANGINONATRASHCAN that 2 people were abusing uber. He told you to stop, and when I came on, you started again. You knew that it was wrong. I ban both people for the uber glitch as it is a team effort.
  13. Getting a bit bored of everything. rip my sanity
    1. Swift


      hey that's what started happening to me when i was 14
    2. Kypari


      I don't feel special and unique anymore ;~; i cry
    3. SupremeWolf


      I can cyber bully you if you're bored. It's fun to argue.
  14. Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History Just gonna put out there that this is frustrating to read. It's full of lenny faces, bad language and hypocrisy (he's telling people the rules, the fuck).
  15. I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT PERMING HIM. If he's a regular, he should know the rules better than any new kid that comes on the server. I didn't ban him as he did it multiple times on different occasions, which I gagged him for each times. He needs to learn that he can't do as he pleases and get away with it. Just because legojail isn't a good map doesn't mean that people can do fuck all on it.
  16. You literally just mentioned I've had problems with him too. It's safe to assume this is true if two moderators agree. He should know the rules too.
  17. That is the only part I agree with.