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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. There is a certain amount of time that it takes before you re-apply if your submission expires. This one should be closed and the old one should be kept open until the actual length has exceeded.
  2. @Bach Has two open, the other one still hasn't expired. This is invalid so close pl0x
  3. Natsu - team fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers One of your member submissions are already open.
  4. +1 Pleaserino A: 7 M: 9
  5. NOOOO, MY PAWS ARE COVERED IN TEARS! Why not just make an inactivity post instead? ;-; #FurryMeem
  6. http://backpack.tf/vote/id/549415e4b98d88d3128b4c5eGolden Pan went up to 100-125 buds, holy shit
  7. Finished school for this term, ooo
  8. +1 Really nice, active and mature pokemon trade regular. A: 8 M: 9
  9. Kypari


    Hachi pls that gif is making me cringe
  10. Changing to 0. Xeno Gamers @Vaporeon
  11. In case others didn't know, he is a regular on Pokemon Trade and used to go by the name "-Foxy The Pirate Fox-"
  12. Personally, I think that Vector's demotion was ignorant. If he had to be demoted, he should've become mod. This would have possibly made Vector realise that he should be takimg his role as staff much more responsibly than he is. A demotion to member will just start a shitstorm.
  13. +1 Alright guy, seen him on pokemon trade a few times. A: 8 M: 7
  14. No offense to you, but you really aren't a fun person. You may be mature n' shit, but I only get the impression of you that you aren't fun to be with. Neutral.
  15. Oh shit, wtf why was @Vector demoted Anyway, 'grats on admin @metalslug53 @Moosty and 'grats on mod @RinAoi
  16. What are you talking about? You can't stay on trade gaming history forever, you know? A lot of the other servers are either populated or have at least half the maximum amount of people. Bye.
  17. OK, most are done so I should be more active now.