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Everything posted by Kypari

  1. @Bach This should've been accepted a while ago
  2. Ehh, I don't know. I had reports off people stating that you were giving out noclip. I don't have proof however. Staying neutral
  3. If you were banned by a member of staff, they don't need to provide proof. What you need to do is provide proof that you weren't harassing people.
  4. +1 Saw on Hale A: 7 M; 7
  5. Learnt a full song in music today whilst waiting for the grand piano. I didn't even have the sheet. gg
    1. Kypari


      You tryin' to be racist? Fight me
    2. realBelloWaldi


      What means *********** then?
    3. Kypari
    4. Show next comments  285 more
  6. Scootaloo, I had the exact same problem. Just don't use chrome, it works perfectly fine when I use normal internet explorer instead of chrome
  7. Game: TF2 Gamemode: None Class: ---------- Quote(s): (I've had multiple referencing COD) "How do you throw grenades?" "How do you aim?"
  8. It works for me sometimes, but sometimes not.
  9. -1 No actual evidence provided.
  10. If there is no valid reason, the people who banned you will be banned c:
  11. #Bello'sBirthdayParty
  12. Kypari

    Ytp poop thread

    Youtube poops are love, youtube poops are life http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWDeOqifLIk
  13. Kypari

    Bye guys.

    Oh, then why make a thread? (I did read, but at night UK time
  14. I GOT MY DREAM UNUSUAL http://imgur.com/xRBd4gW
  15. Still a member @Bach close
  16. Nice guy. Plays on unpopulated servers and is active on the forums +1 A: 7 M: 8
  17. #SaveTheMoose #SaveMoosty
  18. You're basically saying that we have to get along with everyone, but I can try to cope with that.
  19. Kitty is the one at stake here, not Moosty. This thread is about how Kitty disrespects on the forums. If Moosty were to get banned, you make a ban request.