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  1. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Kittylicious in Votemute/kick/ban on trade servers   
    yeah the past few times I've been on pokemon trade there have been mic spammers using phones, chat spammers, etc
    with a votekick to mute/kick/ban if possible we should also add one to gag because if someone is vote muted they could spam the chat in anger or someone could just flood it with keybinds.
  2. Agree
    Kypari reacted to realBelloWaldi in Rainycake   
    I'm retarded. Is mature enough and active
  3. Like
    Kypari reacted to Scootaloo in Votemute/kick/ban on trade servers   
    I think it's a great idea to implement something like this, but these vote systems are easily abused by large amounts of people. As long as it can be regulated and isn't abused, I'm all for it.
  4. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Tekk in Votemute/kick/ban on trade servers   
    Several times, I have encountered bannable situations or serious disrespect (Racism, Homophobia, etc.) on Trade Servers such as TGH and Pokémon. Usually, they're dealt with by the admins. They do a great job of it. However, when they're not there, they continue to just break rules due to there being nothing we can do about it. For example:
    1) I was on TGH and Frantic Factory with @gold and someone kept exploiting by healing people in the ring and using primary and secondary weapons in the ring. We had to deal with this with our donator powers.
    2) I was on Pokémon Trade and someone kept insulting people using racial comments and other disrespectful words. We couldn't do anything and just had to put up with it.
    I understand that people may abuse this, but like on Jailbreak, you would need more than the majority of the players to vote on that person. So it wouldn't be easy to abuse.
  5. Disagree
    Kypari reacted to realBelloWaldi in Rainycake   
    Oh wow. -1 immature and annoying.
    M: 2
  6. Ding!
    Kypari reacted to Rejects in Scheduled #populate rotation   
    woops, wrong way round, the U.S is 6 hours behind the U.K, so it would be 6PM for the brits and scots
  7. Disagree
    Kypari reacted to Rejects in Scheduled #populate rotation   
    The UK is 6 hours behind the U.S
    so that would be 6am for the brits/scots
  8. Sad
    Kypari reacted to Tekk in Scheduled #populate rotation   
    I wasn't tagged but I used to play rotation a lot ;-;
  9. Winner
    Kypari reacted to John_Madden in Scheduled #populate rotation   
    5pm or 17:00 I believe
    Also gg New York master race
  10. Informative
    Kypari reacted to Forge in Fix deathrun!   
    Deathrun needs some major work, you'd know if you play it.
    Link's are below for newly updated versions of Deathrun we can use to patch our issues with it.
    [TF2] Deathrun v1.2.1 - AlliedModders
    - Auto AFK = Perma Spectate, we're stuck in spectate till we rejoin.
    - Bonk / Atomizer = Scouts are almost invulnerable to traps and can escape pits.
    - Respawning = Multiple lives making Deathrun far easier than it should be.
    - Primary/Secondary = Reds can kill the Blu's making it easier, this is done with RTD.
  11. Ding!
    Kypari reacted to Tekk in Just want to clear some things up.   
    I love how this has gone to:
    1) Don't worry about it, you're a pleasure to have around
    2) Lel ur a fggt *shitpost*
    3) How good Michael Cera is
  12. Agree
    Kypari got a reaction from Vaporeon in Just want to clear some things up.   
    Excuse me, but what she admit was pretty fucking damn brave. How is admitting to something because of your guilt attention seeking? You trying to make fun of her, on the other hand, is attention seeking.
    Leave this thread without a shitstorm huh?
  13. Agree
    Kypari got a reaction from Tekk in Just want to clear some things up.   
    Excuse me, but what she admit was pretty fucking damn brave. How is admitting to something because of your guilt attention seeking? You trying to make fun of her, on the other hand, is attention seeking.
    Leave this thread without a shitstorm huh?
  14. Not Funny
    Kypari reacted to Forest in Just want to clear some things up.   
    See, why can't people be more like this gurl rite here
    PS: hi
  15. Smelly
    Kypari got a reaction from MineCrack in Just want to clear some things up.   
    Excuse me, but what she admit was pretty fucking damn brave. How is admitting to something because of your guilt attention seeking? You trying to make fun of her, on the other hand, is attention seeking.
    Leave this thread without a shitstorm huh?
  16. Like
    Kypari reacted to Forest in Just want to clear some things up.   
    lol, going to start deleting shit if you people won't play nice, just sayin' :coffee:
  17. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Forge in Just want to clear some things up.   
    Dude give it a rest, quit trying to start shit.
  18. F!$k Off
    Kypari reacted to MineCrack in Just want to clear some things up.   
    Am I ruining your attention seeking experience? :(
  19. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Kittylicious in Just want to clear some things up.   
    can you like stop?
  20. Not Funny
    Kypari reacted to MineCrack in Just want to clear some things up.   
    Hate to ruin your wet dream.
  21. Not Funny
    Kypari reacted to Chrono in This is our town scrub!   
  22. Ding!
    Kypari reacted to Vaporeon in Just want to clear some things up.   
    People are actually being nice to eachother on Xenogamers? This is definitely a first.
    In all honesty, though, I think you're leaving pre-maturely. Being regected and abused is the first step to being accepted in any community, XenoGamers is no exception. If you do plan on staying out of the clan, that's your decision, but I seriously hope you'll give this place another shot. I for one, definitely welcome you here.
  23. Sad
    Kypari reacted to Dethman in Just want to clear some things up.   
    Not tagged, so i will tag myself @Dethman
  24. Friendly
    Kypari reacted to Nomulous in Just want to clear some things up.   
    I would be confident to say, leaving because you're underaged is not the reason you left. A small part of it, but you would know well enough such as I do people slip through the cracks because they show enough maturity of the age. People tell me occasionally what happens to people that get caught being under aged, and what I tell them is "If the person who was caught is seen as mature for the community and able to bring new insight to us, they can stay. Otherwise they'll be asked to leave and apply when they get older." Since I highly doubt @kbraszzz doesn't notice people who lie about their age.
    Though to get one thing straight, I never knew you personally at first, you were promoted and people complained. I pushed them aside as I think about what people can bring to the table versus who they are, which is why I want to keep @Vector as an admin, he gets rude when people act rude to him, but he enforces the rules in a legitimate fashion. Regardless, I've had some reports of you, which forced me to keep an eye on you. What I noticed was you understand the qualities of being a moderator very well, where I would've kept you promoted regardless of the outlash I would receive. Which is why I felt upset when promo's came around, the CLs didn't want to promote you due to the risk of a situation happening again. It's sad to see you leave, but I hope you enjoy your time wherever you go.
  25. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Dethman in Rainycake   
    Why do you need to have him prove his age. Want him to take a picture of his birth certificate, social security, credit card, dick, and anything else that shows proof. Why not just trust the poor fella.