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  1. Disagree
    Kypari reacted to Nomulous in Spawn Camping Removal Dicsussion.   
    Spawn camping isn't an ultimate rule, I'll come back, I made it a rule for now while I figure out a way to modify it, as some maps it's near impossible to break a sentry nest. This'll be adjusted after my work
  2. Like
    Kypari got a reaction from SupremeWolf in Gentleshark   
    The lucky bastard deserves to be a member
  3. Disagree
    Kypari reacted to Rhododendron in Nomulous - Team Fortress 2   
    Alright I've talked to @Nomulous and he has promised to not do it again.
    ~ Closed
  4. Funny
    Kypari reacted to Kart in The Real Princess   
    moosty is pretty princess .3.
  5. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Haruka in The Real Princess   
    Moosty 4 shore
  6. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Forge in Crits Or No Crits For Jb   
    JB would be boring without crits, nuff said.
  7. Funny
    Kypari reacted to kbraszzz in Random Crits And Why They Shouldn't Be Here   
    I'm glad we are in a mature clan.
  8. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Haruka in Random Crits And Why They Shouldn't Be Here   
    @kbraszzz close plz bby. this thread be hurting feels up in here.
  9. Like
    Kypari reacted to Kittylicious in Crits Or No Crits For Jb   
    what have I started? lol :LOL:
  10. Sad
    Kypari reacted to Haruka in Hub...?   
    Can we figure out why hub makes me crash?
    I'm not sure if @Moosty still crashes sometimes when he joins. But now I cant play any of our servers with hub :/
  11. Winner
    Kypari reacted to Moosty in Random Crits And Why They Shouldn't Be Here   
    "dont call me a kid"
    compared us to kids (squeakers).
    and how is calling someone a kid rude? is being young a negative thing?
    and you obviously give way more of a fuck than i do. i'm not playing tf2 for glory or honor it's just for fun. i dont really care about fairness when i'm having fun. what world do you live in that this is some test of skill and honor? have you seen the people that play jailbreak? it's not the top of the tf2 skill ladder, getting fair kills isnt that impressive here. so why not embrace the random crit and laugh when one gets you? public opinion is clearly that crits should stay, you continually figthing them is only making things less fun for YOU, because the vast majority of people on tf2 are not irritated by random crits.
  12. Agree
    Kypari reacted to DrLee in Random Crits And Why They Shouldn't Be Here   
    Don't turn this thread into just pointless insults, either contribute with an argument or don't post anything at all.
  13. Boring
    Kypari reacted to SyrJirk in Random Crits And Why They Shouldn't Be Here   
    1. Don't call me kid. If we can't all act and treat each other with respect like adults than we should not be in this clan.
    2. I'm not trying to combine comp with jailbreak. I just want the crits gone because they aren't fun to me and add nothing. If you claim it is inferior that there are no random crits than you're really amazingly picky that those rare random moments in actual pubs that happen to be crits are inferior. Look at a killfeed in any normal pub, the vast majority of them are regular kills. Only one out of about fifty are actual crit kills? Unless that one kill out of fifty really makes you feel alive or something you may just be exaggerating or lying. Otherwise they add nothing besides a red glow to a killfeed marker and a possibly bullshit death.
  14. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Moosty in Random Crits And Why They Shouldn't Be Here   
    Kid. I've played fucking highlander/competitive tf2. I know what it's like to play without crits and I feel it is inferior. I'm not on xG servers to play actual tf2 I'm on xG servers to fuck around, even on jb. I think crits need to stay because the random luck aspect is fun. And because competitive tf2 is great and I love it, and screw around tf2 is also great and I love it. We don't need to combine the two, which is what it sounds like you are trying to do. xG servers are for fun above all else. We frankly do not need Competitive settings. Crits should stay. Keep competition and fun separate.
  15. Boring
    Kypari reacted to SyrJirk in Random Crits And Why They Shouldn't Be Here   
    I clearly said "Not just here on all servers I play." I go on the trade servers to trade and literally not care about anything in the game itself. I wouldn't call my time on the trade server "playing" and I certainly don't care about crits on a trade server. I used to frequent an all crits trade server. Which hey it least it was fair in the fact that everyone had crits all the time. It wasn't a random bullshit sprung on you like opening a gift at Christmas that your mom has lovingly wrapped and placed only to find that it was in-fact a jack-in-the-box with a boxing glove that comes out and punches you in the face saying, "Ha ha you're a fucking dumbass for expecting something suitable from this."
  16. Ding!
    Kypari reacted to Moosty in Random Crits And Why They Shouldn't Be Here   
  17. Smelly
    Kypari reacted to KendrickLlama in Random Crits And Why They Shouldn't Be Here   
  18. Winner
    Kypari reacted to Moosty in Random Crits And Why They Shouldn't Be Here   
    they keep saying the same stuff because we genuinely enjoy random crits, and that "same stuff" is just another way of saying our reasoning for keeping random crits. we like them and want them to remain a part of the game. an opinion that goes against yours is equally as valid as yours. there are some people who just don't want crits to be removed. I am one of those people. you can't claim we are wrong just because you chose to articulate an argument and we didn't. we don't want crits too be removed, we have given our reasons why here and in the previous thread. we disagree with you, we think crits should stay in the game, and you don't have a very good chance. the tf2 division writ large has spoken, and we overwhelmingly support random crits and want them to remain active in game on all xG tf2 servers..
  19. F!$k Off
    Kypari reacted to SyrJirk in Random Crits And Why They Shouldn't Be Here   
    The thing is you're completely wrong about me and why I want them gone or at least changed. I don't mind playing Jailbreak and dying. That's why I play it, it's fun. But crits make it not fun very quickly. A rebellion not being held back shouldn't rely on crits, and I'm not even mad about rebellions I start plenty of them, I die from plenty of them that's the point of the game. The point isn't being killed by random crits where you otherwise would have had a chance to win and otherwise could have stopped a rebellion/kept one going. It happens way too often for my liking and in a game where people are so concerned about fun they quickly shun away anyone's definition that doesn't match their own.
    I will continue to play jail break with or without the crits, I like it. I like this clan, I like the community, which is why I say something because I want to make a change that I feel like would be a good thing. You guys act like they're funny (They're not.) You act like dying repeatedly is funny (Which it can be) but sitting in the spec screen for minutes at a time isn't. When I get into an encounter I want to be rewarded or punished in a way that makes sense. The way TF2 works the vast majority of the time and when I try and remove the tiny percentile that is extremely annoying and pointless and all I get are people saying no and hardly explaining why. I've stated many, many reasons why crits don't need to be here and people keep saying the same stuff.
  20. Bad Spelling
    Kypari reacted to SyrJirk in Random Crits And Why They Shouldn't Be Here   
    That isn't bias or douche or disrespectful to me and yet you tell me not to disrespect staff or be a docuhe. You are a masterpiece of hypocrisy. Also it doesn't make it interesting it turns an encounter into a gamble of "Will I be robbed of a possible victory?" You know I probably feel the shittiness of random crits because I main spy and therefor the only way I can do any effective work is by using skill and trying to trick my opponents during battle but it's impossible for a spy to do so when the first hit he takes can very well be his last and it often is. If you play spy on JB you'll probably hate the crits as much as I do too. But guess what it doesn't just affect spy. I've played every class and none of them NEED random crits. It doesn't make the game more interesting it makes it redundant because it completely demolishes the point of becoming good at the game. It's nothing but a free win which shouldn't be the case.

    I could just as easily call all of you selfish. The game without crits is the way you play the game 95% of the time. Why are you so fixated on them? It's unfair any way you look at it. Just because anyone can get a crit just as randomly as someone else doesn't mean it is fair or that is isn't stupid or that it is interesting. It just makes it stupid all-around. It doesn't negatively impact anyone. Anyone who is good will still be good anyone who is bad will still be bad there's just no get out of jail freecard (No pun intended) anymore. Like there shouldn't be. Half the fun in JB in CSS was planning with your fellow T's a rebellion, who to attack first and when you were going to attack and the guards had to rely on skill and not sucking if they wanted to stop rebellions. It's not taking away anything and it's not turning TF2 into C:SS if that's what you're thinking. It's making it fair and it's making it better. It is removing the 5% of the time where the game just shites on you.

    Douche: Check. Disrespect: Check. The IRONY.

    Yet you all act like the squeakers you complain about.

    That is such a broadly wrong statement it literally made me laugh out loud. How would you know? Clearly you've never played without the crits and yeah I dislike them and yeah emphasis on the I because I'm not the only one. Kitty and Kendrick both have openly stated they don't like crits either. It wouldn't kill us to try to take off crits for like a week maybe two and look at the difference.
  21. Winner
    Kypari reacted to Moosty in Random Crits And Why They Shouldn't Be Here   
    crits are funny and happen to both teams equally. if you get killed by a crit just laugh it off and try again. somebody as into competitive, skill based play (On a jailbreak server #sotough) as you should know crits are luck and not skill based. if you get killed by one so what? that doesnt mean the other person is better than you they just got lucky, so gg and try again next time. i'm starting to think you're just upset because you thought more people would want crits removed, but they obviously don't. crits keep things fresh and interesting you are not going to be able to hold back every rebellion that's the point of jailbreak. if you get this upset by dying in a gamemode made for you to die sometimes maybe you should go play something you actually enjoy? because it doesnt sound like you're having any fun.
  22. F!$k Off
    Kypari reacted to SyrJirk in Random Crits And Why They Shouldn't Be Here   
    The thing is, random crits are neither funny, nor important. Any good rebeller can get inside armory. I've seen small swarms take down the entirety of the blue team with or without random crits. You know vents that go to armory are there for a reason. Tricks and stuff on the map are there for a reason. Any rebellion can potentially be out of control with or without random crits. And a good team of blues or even a good warden can shut down any rebellion if they're smart enough, and when that happens crits don't even come into play. So let's see, half the time crits are pointless, and the other half they're still pointless.

    1. Yes because this thread is already filled with 12 year olds defending the random crits with their -1. Which is also stupid because it adds nothing to the discussion. You know, I really like Kendrick's idea because he's inputting an idea with sentences and complete thoughts that are thought out and mean something. I'm pissed off because I'm trying to make a change which could be positive for everyone. People like me who prefer competitive, skill based play and results, and for the casual players as well, but so far I've got a bunch of stupid -1's and some shitposts that are bad attempts at witty, snarky comments because they're just stupid. At least Kendrick disagrees with a goddamn thoughtful post, it is not just a -1 from random assholes, most of which I literally don't know because I have seen none of them on JB before if at all. 2. The staff is fucking retarded sometimes. The only ones I really like are Kbrazz and Sparkedeel.
    A lot of the people here are so threatened by goddamn words on the INTERWEBZ that they can't use their brains for a few moments and think about what I'm saying and say something meaningful. I'd be more than happy to talk to you guys about it if you have dissenting opinions but no one is talking except for the shitposts which do nothing except basically say "Nuh uh SyrJirk. RANDOM CRITS ARE IN THE GAME THEREFOR THEY ARE GOOD." That says nothing except that you play TF2 sometimes and know what a random crit is. If you don't like my idea, fine, explain why. Defend crits in a good way. Because right now these stupid posts are more than enough reason in my mind to remove them when mentioning them causes the xG community to react in such an immature way. I don't get it, I've been playing on TF2 JB for a good long while now and I legitimately like the community, I want to make it better. I want to help but I make a single post about something I really dislike, and why it's shitty and yeah I call out some of the areas where I got a lot of shit from for no good reason other than stating my opinion.
  23. Not Funny
    Kypari reacted to KendrickLlama in Random Crits And Why They Shouldn't Be Here   
    This makes no fuckking sense. I could play jb for 2 minutes and when I die in the first minute I would be annoyed. Im not annoyed cause I sit and play jb for a long time. You make no fuckking sense. Go back to saxton cause your the "Queen of Saxton" jesus christ smh
  24. Like
    Kypari reacted to Swift in Random Crits And Why They Shouldn't Be Here   
    we've been over this
  25. Like
    Kypari reacted to Haruka in Random Crits And Why They Shouldn't Be Here   
    Here's a solution!
    Go to a no crit server and don't whine anymore :P