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Posts posted by Hushpuppy

  1. I was under the impression that not ANYONE could just do it, and that you had to be sort of approved of by the CLs before buying it.

    If the CLs think they can handle being staff, why would they have to buy it?

  2. This one looks decent.... the only issue I see with it is the power supply only being 450W... having so little power might cause issues, I'd suggest uping it to at LEAST 550 or higher.

    PC parts have gotten so power efficient lately, and going overboard on the power supply will do nothing for your build unless you plan on upgrading in the future. As an example, a 6770k with a GTX 1080 never goes over 300 watts at peak power levels. Now, obviously this is not a 1080 and nvidia is better with power consumption then AMD, but this is also a less powerful card and CPU as well, so 450 watts should have power to spare.


    Edit: Ooops, thats for non overclocked 1080, but still.

  3. I know AMD is releasing their new 480 soonish for 199$ which will almost definitely be much better then the graphics card you've chosen for an extra 30$ if you can wait, although exact specs and release date is yet to be revealed.


    EDIT: MY BAD! Release date actually is confirmed, June 29

    EDIT 2: Also, get two sticks of 4gb ram instead of one stick of 8gb. Cuz of the way ram works, they gives better performance. dun ask me why.