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Everything posted by shwash

  1. https://xenogamers.com/threads/37727/#post-264487
  2. That one got me. I was dying after I read that.
  3. Goshdangit Moosty. Your moderatorship will be missed.
  4. https://xenogamers.com/threads/19945/page-27
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=easeo6NZ7jA Semi Popular TF2 Griefer exploiting to get inside spawns, lag servers to the edge of crashing, etc. We should probably blacklist the Short circuit on servers until a patch note is made by Valve addressing the issue as fixed. @Bello @Rejects @mrnutty12 @Goblins Hopefully this will be fixed soon.
  6. +1 Name is fun to say Nice guy. Very chill homie. A: 8/10 M: 8/10
  7. +1 Asked nicely for once Cool guy A: 8/10 M: 8/10
  8. The noice boi needs in +1 A:Breadsticks/10 M:OliveGarden/10
  9. https://xenogamers.com/threads/38107/
  10. PS Sorry if the post itself sounds incoherent, I am tired. :c
  11. [TF2] Admin Stealth REDUX [uPDATED] - AlliedModders This is a plugin to make staff look like they left the server while making them completely undetectable to catch rule breakers instead of leaving the server and logging onto an alternative account/changing name/whatever. What this plugin does do: All the things, described in the old plugin's thread* All weapons are removed. All wearables and canteens are removed The player is FULLY invisible (requre SDKHooks) Status command is overwritten. Stealthed admins are not visible on the scoreboard New way to switch teams to prevent server crashes. Only Team Fortress 2 is supported for now More bug fixes and improvements *What this plugin DOES do: - Removes all weapons - Turns you invisible - Makes you unable to take damage - Makes you no longer show up on the scoreboard - Makes you unable to fire any weapon - Shows a disconnect/connect message when entering/leaving invisibility - Make you unable to show up on the status command. - Prevent weapons from being picked up ^The text ripped from the plugin pages themselves. @Rejects @Bello @mrnutty12 @Goblins @Anyone else with a say
  12. @JuannabeGod You aren't a member, are you? Only people with accepted member applications can vote on other member applications.
  13. Killed my family. Sold their internal organs on ebay for 32 cents with shipping. +1 A:8/10 M:8/10
  14. [MEDIA=twitch]channel=shwoos[/MEDIA]
  15. YES YES YES YES OH GOD PLEASE YES But really, not a good map, not a video game map. Literally the only reason it is still there is memes. +1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1
  16. shwash

    Morier Art

  17. https://xenogamers.com/threads/37980/ Give me ideas because I am too lazy to think of any myself
  18. I was thinking something like "On the Wings of Alcoholism" Make a suggestion or whatever if you want. Thanks in advanced!
  19. +1 is really bad. Wow he is such a bad person, he bit my cat's head off after taking a dump in my Fruity Pebbles. A:I don't know/10 M:8/10
  20. Are you a dot-matrix printer? Because you are pretty ugly and making annoying noises.
    1. RuBid1uM


      True blue charmer you are mate
  21. I rated it dislike because it was a random insult and has nothing to do with this member submission. This kind of shit makes me sick. Insulting someone with no warranted reason besides they think you are abrasive. -1 A:8/10 M:5/10 While I can admit you enforce and follow the rules and that is a good thing to have with any community, what you said doesn't sound like excersicing maturity. Other people know you better than I do, so feel free to prove me wrong on this. For now, -1.
  22. Can confirm, stopped a potential shit storm started by a condescending statement. Also, -1. If you owned up to your shit I would +1. Being honest that you did something when you did it looks more mature and admirable than denying it because you fear what people would say afterward.