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Posts posted by ArminArmout

  1. I play Mei, 76, reinhardt, mcree, and lucio. My favorite character to play as is mcree because I love flanking people with the flashbang and getting those high noon potg's. Battletag is ArminArmout#11350

  2. if lct music suggestions are still a thing here, i wanna post some high quality video game rip suggestions

    (these arent the actual songs these are remixes)






    ok all of those (watch all of them they're amazing)

    plz do it they're great

  3. I actually don't mention TF2 all that much...


    12) Hard counter all over, It isn't fun to be destroyed as a spy just because someone went pyro, odds are they are 10x worse than you, but they killed you just because they chose your hard counter as a class. Same applied in Overwatch, some characters just destroy others without much one could do about it. Soft counters is a much more enjoyable style where while one class may have an advantage in a fight (eg scout v demo) you could still outplay that soft counter because you were better than them at the game (demo lands pipebombs on the scout).

    talking about tf2

    They made the Pyro(Mei) even more infuriating to fight by strapping the Natascha and Sandman's lovechild to the flamethrower and made it really cold.

    Demoknight (Reinhart) was made into a useful thing that actually meaningfully contributes to the team outside of fighting potatoes.

    They made the demoman white... Also, rip stickies.

    Soldier(pharah) now takes even less skill than before.

    Mercy's pistol is actually worse at self defense than the syringe guns, at least assuming you don't have aimbot tier accuracy, but with some of these characters...

    Zarya plays much like heavy, she has lots of hp, the ability to block damage and to block damage for allies (block vs heal, sandvich), a primary that is only effective in close range(minigun), and a useless melee attack(heavy melee in general.

    If Blizzard ripped so much out of TF2, then why couldn't they make better maps (less reliant on gimmicks like choke points) or at the least, bring in people who know map design/balance?

    literally an entire paragraph dedicated comparing it to tf2?

    i would also like to point out

    If Blizzard ripped so much out of TF2,

    Oh and before I forget, this game plays nothing like TF2.

    yeah but i guess you didn't talk about tf2 that much

    also you talked about tf2 for 258 words out of 1134 words, roughly 23% of it, almost a fourth.

  4. Well, overall Overwatch could be really good, but I have a few gripes with it. (see below)




    1) Maps, They are chokey as hell and can be very easy to lock down with certain heros/combos that make the game incredibly slow and boring to play while you try to break the stalemate. Most of the KOTH maps are manageable however, though they have their moments of chokepoint hold contest. (example of maps that people don't like because they are full of chokepoints; Dustbowl, Goldrush, Hoodoo, Hydro)

    Also, they have taken much from TF2 in terms of balance (eg. Mercy-Medic similarities) so why can't the learn map design as well?


    2) Team Colors, The lack of team colors can be a bit hard to get used too, especially with all of the visual clutter that goes on particularly in team fights where the chaos and flashy effects can make it difficult to quickly butts who is on what team. Other games can get away with this more because they don't have the same sort of chaos on the player's screen.


    3) Visuals, Overall this game, while pretty, does suffer from a large amount of eye-grabbing, flashy, and visually obstructive effects (though it has been lessened since the earlier stages) that can make it hard to identify a lot of things like...


    4) Character silhouettes, Basically, a distinct outline each class/hero has that makes them easy to identify. IMO the biggest offenders here are McCree, Soldier 76, and Reaper as they all have similar body types, and the skins can help blur those lines some as well. Some others are easier to tell like Roadhog or Zenyatta (spelling :confused:) so it is more of a cse by case business, but can be vital info in some cases.


    5) Excessive stuns/slows/movement control, It may work in other types of games, but movement control is outright annoying in the FPS genre. Not to mention the classes that have the most prominent movement impairment have some serious hard hitting attacks/abilities. cough cough Mei/Roadhog/Junkrat/McCree Cough Cough


    6) legal Aimbots/wallhacks, I get that Ultimate abilities are supposed to fit with the theme of the character and all, but aimbots/wallhacks are both unfun/unfair to fight and generally annoying. Plus hackers are that much harder to find out.


    7) No vote kick system, self explanatory, you are stuck with that hacker/afk/troll...


    8) lack of community content, as a mapmaker I find this one kinda depressing, you won't find amazing community maps like many of the maps Valve has added.


    9) No community servers, from what I have gathered there won't be a server browser, forcing everyone to lay the game exactly how it was designed, so no casual competitive (competitive configs, but playing for fun. Think TF2Center type things) or fun type things unless Blizzard decides to make it an official gamemode


    10) Customization, I hear people praise this game for it's customization options like sprays and skins when you have far more in depth systems available. Not that it is bad, but it could be better.


    11) 20 tick rate, Should be a thread with infos on reddit, but I heard there was a tickrate of 20 on official OW servers. For reference Valve games run on 64 tick servers by default.


    12) Hard counter all over, It isn't fun to be destroyed as a spy just because someone went pyro, odds are they are 10x worse than you, but they killed you just because they chose your hard counter as a class. Same applied in Overwatch, some characters just destroy others without much one could do about it. Soft counters is a much more enjoyable style where while one class may have an advantage in a fight (eg scout v demo) you could still outplay that soft counter because you were better than them at the game (demo lands pipebombs on the scout).


    13) Pointless progression system, It really is just kind of an arbitrary number there to feed your hubris. One could achieve a high rank just by sheer amount of games played as opposed to skill. If there is a point to it, please point it out because I can't find one.


    14) $40 price tag minimum, Fairly self explanatory, not everyone has money and some people don't think this game is worth $40+ at the moment.


    15) Lack of skill based movement, Besides something like Junkrat's conc mine there really isn't all that much skill based movement (eg. explosive jumps/bhops/damage surf/rampslides/ect.). Instead the movement is very 'press x button and get launched into the sky' or 'press y button and move to z player'. While this may not be extremely vital, it does detract a lot from vertical play and skill ceilings by limiting them to simple options or none at all.


    All of that said, There are a few things this game got right.


    1) The maps are very pretty, it is a visually stunning game and is fairly well optimized.


    2) It can be fun at times and better players will do better


    3) they encourage good team composition


    4) Accessible at any level of play


    5) Has built in competitive from launch


    6) Plenty of variety


    7) NO RANDUMB CRITS <--- big one


    8) Fix a lot of balance issues that certain games suffer from (TF2 and useless classes)


    Extra thoughts...


    They made the Pyro(Mei) even more infuriating to fight by strapping the Natascha and Sandman's lovechild to the flamethrower and made it really cold.

    Demoknight (Reinhart) was made into a useful thing that actually meaningfully contributes to the team outside of fighting potatoes.

    They made the demoman white... Also, rip stickies.

    Soldier(pharah) now takes even less skill than before.

    Mercy's pistol is actually worse at self defense than the syringe guns, at least assuming you don't have aimbot tier accuracy, but with some of these characters...

    Zarya plays much like heavy, she has lots of hp, the ability to block damage and to block damage for allies (block vs heal, sandvich), a primary that is only effective in close range(minigun), and a useless melee attack(heavy melee in general.

    If Blizzard ripped so much out of TF2, then why couldn't they make better maps (less reliant on gimmicks like choke points) or at the least, bring in people who know map design/balance?


    By no means do I think it is bad, just flawed. Like certain other games I play...Cough TF2 Cough

    Oh and before I forget, this game plays nothing like TF2. It's like comparing CoD to Battlefield, similar but very different at a base level.


    My 2 cents for now, I probably missed some stuff, but meh.


    EDIT: Grammar n' stuff

    half of that spiel was calling it too similar to tf2 then you end with "this plays nothing like tf2"

  5. I find that my favorite characters are Junkrat, Pharah, Reinahrdt, and Torbiorn.

    Overwatch needs more gamemodes though, it gets boring after you play a lot of concecutive games.

  6. So, now that the beta is over (rip), I thought I would make a discussion thread about it.

    What did you like? What didn't you like? Do you think it's good? Are you going to buy it? Just stuff like that.

    also i got some funny Who I mained jokes, putting them in image links so it doesnt flood this.








    sry i couldn't find all the classes

    Yeah also you can say what you play as and stuff like that.

  7. I've been inactive for the past few days because I can't find my phone. I can't login because when I try to use the recovery code it days that it has trouble accessing the steam servers. I'll be back on when I find my phone (1-2 days probably).

    Escrow fucking sucks.