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Posts posted by Goblins

  1. [ATTACH]6687[/ATTACH]




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  2. Currently downloading iOS 10. I'll reply back with my thoughts.


    So after downloading and installing and exploring the updated OS, it seems alright. Having to hit the "home" button to get to my apps will take some time to get use to. I would rather it be swipe to open.


    One thing I do like is being able to just click a text on the lock screen and message them back. I like that.

  3. Not gonna lie, but I'm not liking the "Let's remove all of the TGH maps I dislike" tirade ever since edventures got the axe.

    Thread will stay open until tomorrow, but I doubt there's going to be an avalanche of support to remove cyberpunk. The early results already show something like 75% of people want to keep it.


    The thread will stay open until the poll closes, or will stay open a little longer. And I actually dislike that you popped in long enough to slam your foot down over someone wanting to remove the map. While the map is generally loved by all, there are still good reasons for it to be potentially removed. (See Moosty's post along with Squid's post on the thread he made before hand, which he linked in this thread).


    I'd want our players to be able to confidently post a request to remove a map. Not because they don't like the map, but because the map actually has issues with it. Edventures for example: was not game history related, had annoying music that people often spammed, and was only in rotation for so long because it literally was a meme that people "enjoyed". The map was removed because a player spoke up. We discussed it thoroughly and came to a decision. Squid bringing up the Echinda Shrine removal suggestion is silly. But he still voiced his opinion over something.

    Don't scare people away from posting their thoughts over something. If we don't know, we won't grow.


    I mean not to cause any beef with this post, @Scootaloo.

  4. I shouldn't have to restrict my profile. Yes, I am aware that permanently banning wouldn't do anything, but even after the month I guarantee first chance he gets he will proceed to slander. I just think it would be for the best so no one else gets exposed to it and has to deal with getting their profiles spammed either, because he seems to target people I talk to and I talk to quite a lot of people on the surf server.


    Like I said before:

    You either ignore him and delete his comments, or you go to your profile settings and set the permissions to "Friends only".


    That's the only solution that is going to work here. Since he won't be able to post to your guys' profile's, he won't get any satisfaction from your responses. In the end Alf will just give up.

    You don't know what will happen in a month, nor do I. You can't say anything until that time comes. He may end up just forgetting about the server. Who knows?

  5. Banning him permanently isn't going to stop him from writing vulgar things on your profiles. Instead of extending to perm, you guys need to utilize the features that Steam provides. You either ignore him and delete his comments, or you go to your profile settings and set the permissions to "Friends only". He can't post onto your profile if he's not friends with you guys.


    I'm sorry, but this one is for you guys to solve. We can't hold your hand all the time. Especially over petty stuff like this where he is looking for you guys to react this way.

    Once his month ban is up and Alf causes trouble on the servers still, then it'd be more realistic to request a perm.


    Thoughts @mrnutty12?

  6. yet its the most cancerous.


    You haven't been to TGH have you. Lol you don't even know.


    As Kypari said, your ban is justified. You caused trouble, you get punished for it. You're not a special case. Everyone else gets the same treatment.

    Your ban is only a day long. I think you can utilize it to cool down and collect your thoughts.


    On a side note about people harassing you. There are a couple ways to deal with this. You can either use !calladmin or gather evidence and make a ban request on the forums here. Most of the time there is staff online to tend to the calls, and us higher-ups are usually on the forums religiously.

    Two wrongs don't make a right. If you're getting harassed, get staff on.


    User will wait out his punishment.


    - Closed

  7. First off, @Derpy_Patriot my name has a 12. Thanks for the thought though.


    Secondly, surprisingly thenewalfmonster has not been rude to me at all considering how much time I spend on Surf. That said I have noticed that the kid gets super triggered and aggressive if you cross him/her and tends to break a few rules with insults that often use slurs and general disrespect. Many of the other regulars do not like him/her much at all because of the behavior that is presented in this thread and I do think that a ban may be a reasonable solution as he/she has had other warnings. I would be +1 in favor of a ban, though I think maybe a couple months or so would be very justified but I am unsure of a perm at the moment. I would hear the opinions of the other higher ups @Bello @Goblins.


    I'm putting down a ban for a month.


    If the DLs feel as if it's too cruel or not enough punishment, then feel free to alter the ban length.


    User has been banned for a month.


    - Closed

  8. It's a no-go @Bello @Goblins so i'll be stepping down I guess Im totally aiming to get Mod Back as Soon as I can.

    Also good to know I was able to get staff and prove to everyone that I actually can not be special snowflakeed when we have to get serious.


    Alright, man. Good luck in school, and I'm sure you'll be able to get mod again. It just won't take so long this time.

  9. Also, I know it's like but there's an issue I'd like to adress.

    @TacoSmasher47 has literally 0 hours on tf2 in the past 2 weeks and was last seen about 2 weeks ago on the forums.

    Hina-San has 15 hours on tf2, which means he does not meet the activity requirement.

    @lik202 has 6.1 hours in the last 2 weeks.

    Seriously, over half of our admins are inactive, we might want to take action. @mrnutty12 @Goblins @Rejects

    And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should immediately demote them, but perhaps warn them about their activity.

    In my opinion we COULD demote TacoSmasher already, since he clearly fails to visit the forums.

    However, lik and hina still visit the forums so they should be warned.


    From what I've seen, I usually see Spookcoop playing GTA V or playing Overwatch. It's apparent that he doesn't really want to moderate the servers anymore. I'd be down for demoting him or telling him he needs to get his shit together.

    For Lik and Hina, I would just inform them to get their activity up though.


    If worse comes to worse, then we just have to find people that will do their job and stick to it.