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Everything posted by Firewolf

  1. 107581 #6DigitMasterrace kappa123 in the comments
  2. Today his friend came back on with him and after numerous warnings to stop the disrespect towards staff as well as in game problems (Bad CT didnt know the rules) I was forced to ban this friend from the server for 6 hours since this has happend in the past. He left shortly after his friend was banned without many words. While I can agree with you that he seems to know the rules and sometimes be a cool guy, when he has friends on all of those things seem to go out the window and that could end up being a bad thing for the community. While I personally know he dosent like me, if he can improve his attitude when on with a friend I would do happy to change to a +1 rather than my current -1
  3. +1 active, seems like a good guy a: 9 m:9
  4. But Gryfons needs the extra acceleration or he can't do bhop dude! (Maybe a slight turn down, but I think it's fun to fly around maps)
  5. Do you still have a mic? In that case I might let you keep admin. No but in all seriousness good luck dude, I hope you find the problem and get it fixed or at least get a new cup soon :)
  6. Firewolf


    -1 Disrespectful ive had numerous problems with him and also I think I recall you telling the server "xG isnt worth yours or anyones time." So that also influences my decision. A:7 M:4.5
  7. Can I please have a picture of Gryfons in a competitive game? I want to see if his shots are more accurate in a drawing. @Gryfons
  8. +1 Been here a long time clearly knows rules and is a pretty cool guy, one request though please try to be a little less tough on people on the server, you tend to get a little upset over a few little things. A:9 M:9
  9. Extra point calling the Division Leader of our division "unreasonable" doesn't help you at all. Scripting is still a form of cheating as we explained in the Asriel Dreemur thread. I don't understand why those who use it says it's not when in reality it does give an unfair advantage. Any form of cheating whether it be scripting or full spin botting on any server of ours is an instant perm from the servers regardless. I know for a fact you have seen us ban people for scripting so I don't understand why you think you would be an exception. Charles (Hexx) has been suspecting you of scripts for about 4 days now and I too saw what he was talking about after spectating you while disguised. -1 Sorry dude but I don't think we need anymore cheaters.
  10. Had to go swimming in a lake to get myself a Tentacruel. #Worth
  11. -1 I have had numerous problems with him and been very lenient on how I dealt with them. I ct banned him for one day over many freekills over spread out rounds so he spammed me asking me to unban him. Immature and dosent seem to know the rules very well. One night he came on with a friend and started using racial slurs after being asked to stop multiple times by staff as well as disrespecting us. A:6 M:3
  12. You were telling me in game that you had used the Icy account to get on after the ban so I notified higher ups... I dont see why you would need to be un-banned since you literally asked me not to tell anyone for using it Icy. Also as Griffons said why cant you just use your main account?
  13. A:8 M:6.5 +1 Cool guy, knows rules, can be annoying, descent warden. One thing though - STOP SPAMMING ITS REALLY ANNOYING
  14. I'll be honest. In the beginning my top most disliked player was Bullseye (I know weird it wasn't @Bonk). Recently I've seen Bullseye go from the most annoying, toxic, and plain disrespectful JB player to actually someone who I could almost call a friend. While the toxicity is still there it has been severely nullified and all together I feel like he's a much better person as well as a much more welcoming person to new player. @BullseyeX work on being less toxic in some cases but all in all I'm going to give you a +1 because I have seen significant improvement from the Bullseye I used to know.
  15. A:7 M:8 Still owes me a Dlore and other expensive items, cool guy, knows rules, mostly friendly.
  16. +1 A:7 M:7 Knows rules, totally did not spend an hour at least teaching him rules on his first night, good warden, fun to play with, and would be a great member.
  17. Grats @Klure @Bonk @ThePenguin @Charles @DrLee @Cristo@Rabid @speedlimit56kb! GL HF
  18. Trump is in fact 13 and Imalso believe some people told him to change his age to even higher than 13 so he could make his member app. I don't support trump but I support this Trump.
  19. Hes on a good amount of time, knows rules A:7 M:7
  20. +1 Always on knows rules, has mic, even though hes NA i feel like he would be a good member. A:9 M:8
  21. +1 He has been here a long time even though his hours dont show it. I used to see him on a lot and he rescently came back he knows the rules and is EU. EU=Better member A:7 M:10
  22. +1 A:8 M:7 Has mic, knows rules, mostly cool guy, made binds showing how awesome I am.
  23. +1 maybe too younge but I believe in this new xG member. #BringBonkBack P.S. He needs to be put on double Probationary however in case of severe abuse.
  24. +1 A:7 M:7 Knows rules, EU=Better member, active and cool guy
  25. Firewolf


    Where the heck do you think your going Gryfons?!? I need my personal assistant back