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Posts posted by Jadow

  1. In regards to long round times, I've thought of a few possibilites that I'd like some input on -

    1. We simply shorten the round time a minute or two. Shortening too much could make it somewhat unfun when more people are on though, and it feels like rounds are too rushed.
    2. Scale the round timer based on number of players on the server. This would keep the round time where it is now for when a large amount of people are on (15+?), but shorten it by 1-3 minutes if theres only a few people on.
    3. Add a !redie plugin. This allows dead players to type !redie and run around and play map games or whatever as a ghost, but not affect the round or people still alive in any way.

    Or, we could do nothing and keep it the same. thoughts?

    I'd agree with this especially the redie or something similar to that. If during ghost mode you could full out deathmatch would be cool too except for the fact that people would kill others when they're trying to do something else (map games). So like a ghostdm and a ghost friendly? Hopefully it's possible c:

  2. why not have a day where you can kick gryfon from the server c: lol jk i was actually thinking of a day where you change the size of the players c:

    maybe? i know you can do it in console with


    ent_fire !self addoutput "modelscale .5"


    need sv_cheats 1 for that tho :\


    possible? probably might be too much tho :\ maybe? okay nice (: