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Posts posted by Krampus

  1. This is mainly a suggestion for deathrun and the vsh_dr_office_v2 map since what happens a lot there is just a whole bunch of delaying which comes from how you can kill the death so easily without any real consequences. In the map the first trap opens the floor and people fall in, but the thing is, it doesn't kill you and instead the death is suppose to kill you, which it's easy to kill the death actually since multiple people can fall in and what happens a lot as shown in the pic is that half the server will just go into this trap and wait for the death to come and then it ends up with them just waiting for the people up top to die and for the death finally decide to come in which ends up with a lot of delaying on blues side too, and they do this since they know that they'll win almost always. Which is why I'm pretty sure that in the original, the death was hale to avoid this so you would actually have a reason to not go in that trap and play the actual map. Also this pops up again later with people delaying since they can avoid panis (which is annoying when no staff is on to stop this)when he comes and just go fight the death which both causes office rounds to last a lot longer than other maps for no good reason. So I was wondering if there was anyway for you all to make it so the death has a fair advantage like making him hale for that map or something to give people a reason to actually play the map and not just go in the first trap and wait forever, but I wouldn't like give the death god mode or something since they need to still die to the ending stuff like humiliation.


  2. Archaic [100000 Schmeckles]

    Psychotic [100000 Schmeckles]

    Schmuck [100000 Schmeckles]

    Insane [1000000 Schmeckles]

    Ludicrous [1000000 Schmeckles]

    These are obviously the best titles

    You're missing the two best on there boy, the real best are

    Femboi [80000 Schmeckles]

    Big Daddy [110000 Schmeckles]

  3. I wasn't either every single time I killed one of the spies instead of going a different class to possibly combat me they continued to respawn run out of spawn and cloak and dagger and wait for me to either bump/hit them. Actively moving infront of me increasing the likelihood that i would find them, or just cloak spamming to distract me away from other spies.

    I think you forgot bout Spooks just standing there bb which doesn't fit this narrative at all. also it seems like you are trying to make it out that the staff were trying to frame you and get you banned by getting in your way for shits and giggles which is idiotic by itself.

  4. I see no hard evidence of cheating,

    Thing is everything here explains how sketchy you were and it isn't about you being "so good and aimbotting" it's bout wall hacking to see spies which you would get them in the most suspicious ways plus there are ways with hacking to make it seem less obvious, and you say "bad spy play" event though @Ms.Spooks was just sitting around in cloak and dagger and wasn't killing or anything

  5. I've explained all my kills expect for the final one of the second demo. My hours correlate to my skill level ive been playing this game and others for years, you gain a sense when you are in situations over and over again.

    Hours mean nothing when you can just make an alt account to hack with, just because you've played a lot doesn't mean you won't hack with a side account when you're bored so that really is not a reason for why you were not hacking . Also your descriptions for seeing spies are like the blandest things that anyone can come with that anyone can come up with to explain it

    I was either spamming the entire area with my smg or using the sound of the spy voice and footsteps to findem.

    plus they are already pretty sketchy about you "hearing their footsteps" along with your entire team and enemies shooting and walking, and how you start shooting to spy check randomly is all basically what hackers do to justify their suspicious kills

  6. Oh boi I'm back with another thing nerds, and this time I'm talking bout the team killing system. So basically I've noticed this mainly on deathrun (Idk if it happens on other servers) where if you switch teams it will take 50 points from the deaths rank on the server. This is since on deathrun it counts the death as killing you whenever you die so what I've seen is these filthy casuals going on there and when they get stuck in traps they'll just switch to blue and take points away from the death for team killing to mess with them, which is not much but still. So I just wanted to put this out there and see if any of you all had some solutions for this or not unless it's already fixed and I just don't know.

  7. I'm pretty sure that there is a bug on the tf2 shop for no fall damage and selling donator items like be the robot on shop. Since I bought no fall damage on there a long time ago and when I try to use it by clicking it in my inventory, the menu for it just disappears and nothing happens. Also there's the fact that you can't sell donator items that you buy in shop like this since it will say that you have no items for donator items even though you do. So basically you're stuck with an item that doesn't even work with no way of getting your money back.

  8. In-Game Name:


    Active Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    Previously a Member in xG:






    Active on Teamspeak:


    Time Active on Servers:




    Reasons for Joining:

    i want to try something new

    I don't remember you being on xg forever because you have not been in it in the future yet, nor were you on it before the game was even made so that makes your statement inaccurate so no you hecken nerd

  9. Still unfair since you can just sticky camp the door and any uber that comes up can just be airblasted back into their own spawn and have to reset just to come outside again in the right order to uber the guy and when you are thrown back in your spawn you are sent to the middle wasting more seconds of the uber. But it is true that there are ways to defeat it, but a lot of the time people won't even try to fight back and ones that want to can't do anything so it just ends up with a whole team leaving because it's not fun for them and if it gets really bad it just kills the server, but this can also happen on normal spawns too but I find spawn protection to stop you from being insta killed when you spawn there; I just find it more unfair here since it has more problems. But whatever, Idc which way it goes and I'll prob get shit for whatever I say so eat me dad