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Posts posted by Bot

    • Division
    • In-Game Name
      xG Bot/bEEF
    • Offender's Identity
    • Ban Type
      Server Ban
    • Explanation and Evidence

      This man was being toxic by continuously talking over people when he realized there were no staff on, and then started using racial slurs.


      This is the chat log, i am reporting this because someone else today was banned for it and it's only fair. ?

      Thank You,


    • Division
    • In-Game Name
      xG Bot
    • Identity
    • Position
    • Time Active on Servers
      183 Hours
    • Information

      I have been playing on the Xenogamers servers since June 23, 2016 and really enjoy spending time with the community here, I believe I can be an asset for the late nights and early mornings which are the times I usually play. Usually during these times a small group of players are on the servers and if one decides to continuously mass or do things outside of the rules then it makes the people on leave quickly and the server dies until midday. This has happened before and although it gets reported the players who were on generally never come back. I also believe I have made some good friends with many of the staff here and enjoy participating in the betterment of the community, and I think i'm ready to join the team.

      Thank you for spending the time to read.


      Full Steam-Id: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047248068/

      • June 23, 2016
      • June 23, 2016

  1. +1 From my opinion, I know my input here is not as persuading as staff, but from what I've seen he knows pretty much all the rules and variations of different games that are played in the servers and has common sense in order to know when something should be dealt with or should be forgiven. The only reason I believe he may give off a toxic vibe is because most of the people who dislike him tend to not know the rules very well and like to be able to do whatever they want without being told "no". I believe it is somewhat toxic to be super oppressive, but it is also a good trait to have when dealing with new people and stubborn people to shape them into a working member of the servers and the community. So, from my unnecessarily long post, what I'm saying is he would be a good moderator for the admins to abuse. ? 

  2. On 7/7/2018 at 12:55 PM, Dannypicacho said:

    If your computer can run shadowplay it's good in case moments like this happens. I know it's a lot to ask to record games but if you see poop going down I recommend you start to record.

    Funny thing is I usually run shadowplay and never even thought about this, I am officially a potato. 

  3. Do you have any video of this, you can type "record freekiller" in console in order to record a round, this will automatically save into your CSGO folders. Btw, "record freekiller" is just the command it isn't just for freekillers if you saw someone "trolling" and/or "being toxic" this is considered disrespect which isn't accepted on these servers. Any incidences are figured out easier with a video demo.

    This is just for future reference.


  4. 1 hour ago, Lithium said:

    I mentioned on discord there I'll be adding couple new ways to get credits soon, such as killing LastCT or killing someone on Predator/War days (possibly also for winning LR as a T?)

    As for just giveaways in credits (maybe to replace the broken skin giveaway), that might happen eventually but isn't really a priority.

    New ways to earn credits would be a good place to start, I think eventually having something similar to a double xp amount of time (of course translated to double credits) could spice things up in the server and make population go up at least a bit in the times that the extra credits were active.

    But yes having new ways to gain credits sounds very cool, thank you for taking the time to implement those @Lithium

    Ya Boi, 


  5. < Guess? 

    No but all jokes aside for my in-game name "Bot" I used to play with some friends that had already been playing this game for a while when I first started and so they usually tossed me an AWP and told me to shoot at people. Well, at about 20 hours of play time queued with and against people with 1000-2000 hours (SMFC-GE before rank reset) I stuck out as the potato in the lobby usually racking up 1-6 kills the ENTIRE GAME. Anyway, on to the "Bot" part, one time I was kicked from the game for inactivity in a comp. match because I was helping my dad with something I believe and so a Bot was put in my place. The Bot ended up getting 13 kills that game which was about 2x more than I had ever gotten. So of course I join into the next game and every time I did anything wrong my "friends" said I was worse than a bot. Eventually to be able to roast me more it was just shortened to, "he plays like a Bot", or "Missing shots like a Bot", and other similar things. As I progressed and slowly got better and the ranks reset I was playing with people more around my rank and staying in 1st-3rd on the leader boards with my friends and became pretty good with the AWP. Of course, my friends had no more right to call me a Bot because they were slowly becoming worse than me, (I kinda no lifed this game for a bit) and so one day I came into the lobby with the name Bot and carried the crap out of them for 4 games in a row, and it was at this moment that Bot became a positive thing instead of negative thing. For a few days I played with the name and just never got around to changing it back (used to be Osiris, I know it sounds like a 12 year olds roblox name) and so ever since I have been Bot. 

    I officially have way too much time on my hands sorry for this story time. 


  6. 3 hours ago, Dannypicacho said:

    if we could gift people credits admins could do giveaways @Lithium

    Giveaways would be cool, but i think having a built in system that takes no admin or higher position to start the event would be even better. As aforementioned I don't know if this is possible and giveaways might be a good place to start, but I see in the servers every once in a while just for playing you get credits and I was just thinking it would be cool if you could get credits doing the things I mentioned above during some sort of set event that didn't need anyone to start or monitor it. Just a far fetched idea, but might add a lot of fun to the servers and extend the amount of time that we have people on if we do these "events" at times that we usually don't have an abundance of players playing the server. 

  7. Now that we are attracting people to the servers I think it would be a good idea to give them an incentive to keep playing. Some ideas I've drawn were having specific days/nights, possibly on nights that are usually slow to attract attention, with extra credit time periods, this would incorporate gaining credits for t's by killing ct's, gaining lr/surviving a long time, and gaining credits for ct's by killing t's, or besting a t in an lr, maybe even keeping ct's alive. I just have been dwelling on this for a while and thought it might be a fun addition and would keep people active and happy. I realize this would take a bit of work and I am not sure if this is even possible on our servers. Please reply with any feedback, concerns, or addons to this idea. 

    Thank you, 
