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Posts posted by Lottamos

  1. -1 Who in there right mind would want you to represent xG. I'm gonna say this in the least harsh way possible but to sum it up if a new player got on jailbreak and saw you in community at your current state at least me personally would be extremely on edge about playing this server because you do not represent a good player. You dont know the rules and make constant mistake. For example earlier today while like 20 people were on you played first reaction last reaction for lr, tarped before 7, killed the wrong guy, and freekilled all in one round. Maybe next month if you improve and learn rules you wont be as hated.



  2. On 10/6/2018 at 8:23 PM, Chrono said:

    it's called a door, and unless you can paint the walls to look nice when you make everything inside buildings, you would lose that open feeling you get when you play the map. it would be ugly.


    On 10/6/2018 at 8:23 PM, loftydrum said:

    This defeats the theme of "Clouds"

    I think the main reason clouds feels tedious is because of the portals and even if it defeats the theme of clouds if there was a way to make it not ugly and no portal but you still cant shoot across the map then I think it would be a better version of clouds. You guys do have good points though it would be hard to pull this off and still keep it clouds.

  3. Don't take things out of context. If a warden says all t's are kos jokingly and you have someone like me who OBVIOUSLY knows not to kill them then slay both but in a lot of cases it would probably be the wardens fault especially if the ct did not see any of it and was only going off of wardens words.

  4. On 10/5/2018 at 1:46 PM, Chrono said:

    this is actually a pretty cool idea, it's like an rtd but you roll it for someone of your choosing, and it's all dank memes. also throw in some copy/pastas that are now dank memes themselves/scrim memes.

    make it cost like 100 credits, and have the dunce cap/text have higher probability that way it isnt always stupid op fucking someone else over to justify the cheaper cost.

    I like those ideas more because you can still play mostly unhindered your just handicapped a bit. Especially if its like a rtd.

  5. 22 hours ago, loftydrum said:

    A agree with this, but on the other extreme, don't make secrets too complicated, otherwise no one will be able to use or maybe even discover they exist. (I.E. press button in this room, then knife this painting, then strafe jump onto some platform, preform this climb section, press other button to get gun and tp to pool.) 

    Personally, I believe the T games need to be abundant, fun, quick, and, most importantly, CONTROLLABLE. Make sure recall buttons and stop buttons exist for games that need it. I can't tell you how many times I've seen someone's LR get ruined because some guard (sometimes me...) gets stuck in Moonjail's bhop and can't get out so the LR is either delayed or some Russian Roulette/Math BS, or when the CT's get a free win because the last T couldn't make it to the end of dodge course. 



  6.        I think the best aspect of a map in jailbreak for me really comes down to the map games and the rebel routes/spots.

    For map games my personnel opinion is it should take someone 1 min or less to beat. (this applies to games like climb were its not as much challenging and more of a race.) If the map game is intended to be difficult it should be short. Think surf on dojo, its not very ez but you can beat it in like 10-15 seconds if your good. In my opinion map games should not be areas to rebel in or tedious to get to. For example on summer jail how often do you see a ct not do 4 corners when they can. Its hard to rebel when doing it (as long as water is kos) and not tedious to get to. To get to any other game on summer jail it is a tight corridor with about 5 exits all with decent rebel areas (if roof counts, if not 3) For that reason games need to be accessible and easy enough to get to and do. (I'M NOT DELETING THIS I JUST READ DANNY'S POST) A good example of this is going to bhop in vipinthemix. (I know its ez to rebel but I mean going to bhop and that only.) Your going to a good map game and there is good rebel paths on your way there. If your a t you can go to showers or in pool to get in the vent but if your pursued right away you are easily killed because its crouch space. You can also go for the deagle by dodge ball if you trust your aim. None of these secrets are overpowered if you think about it but they are still very viable.

           I know I mentioned a lot about secret positioning in the last part but im gonna touch on it a bit more. I think every map should have 1 secret thats very difficult but sort of a slap in the face to cts when they see you have it. For example the helicopter secret in dojo is a hard to do big secret. While this stuff might be hard to do think like billboard secret in vipinthemix, not to hard to make but still really fun and useful. (top of cells on moonjail, helicopter with cannon on clouds, etc.) The next thing that is essential is a vent cell. A good vent cell is the one from dojo. If cts are fast enough they can watch the ts and make sure no one breaks the vent. If not or there are 2 t's then you get a unpredictable location to come out of and get a good rebel going. Btw I think gun cells are a bad idea and guns in cells should be from !rtd only. Finnally the last thing you need are accessible t guns and secrets in good spots. Im not gonna repeat on positioning again but basically if you have to disobey a order to get to this secret then its a good secret. Thats kinda bland but thats why vending machine is a bad secret because you can go next to it and not really be kos till you fully go in. (aplies to most wardens.) A great example of this is the kitchen in moonjail were if your are going in there people know your probably kos but if you get to the gun in time you have a good chance of winning that gunfight and continuing your rebel. The last thing about secrets is kinda more layout orientated but if your map is to open or to closed it can give insane advantages so make sure to keep that in your mind. Finally make a cool and vibrant map and it will probably be played for a bit and with the right amount of changes and tweaking it could even be one of the most played maps.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Crona said:

    ...Good? Incentivize people to donate.

    Sabotage a teammate would be a great way to spend credits! It might lead to a little bit of bulli initially, but make the price high enough and it would make for a hell of a humorous round every once and a while.

    Its not humorous when it happens to you a ton and I was going off of a 250 per ghost price.


  8. Personally I think the ideas you have mentioned so far are terrible because if your someone like me im gonna get ghosted on for the first week of the update till everyone has no credits. Forcing a special day could also be bad if you wanted warden and you got trolled by a t who did one. The furthest I see this going is maybe speicail chat emotes for credits.


  9. Lately I've heard a lot about removing clouds (the jailbreak map) from jailbreak so I thought I would start a poll to see how many people actually want clouds removed. Although this isn't official I want to know how many people hate clouds. here are the things you can vote for. (+ a number means keep the map, - a number means take it out.) +2, vote this if you think clouds is one of the best maps and should not be removed. +1, vote this if you don't care about clouds enough to want it removed. 0, vote this if your neutral. -1, vote this if you think the map is bad and hurts the server. -2, vote this if you think clouds hurts the server and should be removed 100%. I made this post have a thread attached so that people could voice there opinion in a way other than a vote.

  10. I'm trading a field tested StatTrak Deagle Oxide Blaze for abo ut $2:00 America money. I'm willing to take most skins (preferably StatTrak) and money/keys. Ill be kinda lenient because I have a factory new version anyway.

    Screenshot (15).png

    • Division
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      [xG] Goldfish
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      172 hours
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      Crona told me to. I should be a mod because I know the rules. (I think), I’m a respectful member of xG, and I’m contrary to popular belief I’m actually mature.





  11. Who though tarping was a good idea. It ruins the game for new players and is like as mentioned roulette. The 7 min time is really good but still tarping is bad. Wardens who use tarps should stop its a cheap way to get some easy kills and dis encourages good guard and prisoner play. Guards just kill someone for either a misunderstanding, someones new, or your first reaction when someone says all ts jump is to jump. Tarping/contradicting orders should either be not allowed or not killable for.


  12. 13 minutes ago, ScottNi said:

    honestly, im am neutral he has his good and bad moments can get really bitchy sometimes. I am surprised that he reapplied as quick as he did, considering he still isn't to liked by the server. in my personal opinion, he should have waited longer.



    Pssh, people don’t hate me that much.

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      I currently play a lot of jailbreak and I want to be more involved in that community.