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Posts posted by Lottamos

  1. No makes all projectiles hitscan so that people can get launched and have no idea from where or how. That sounds more super projectile to me; hitscan or super fast. Also could add collats or insane knock back just to add to the experience of getting a Rocket tped into your chest.

    • In-Game Name
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      STEAM_1:1:126412160, Goldfish#3871
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      338 hours
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      It's about time and so people can't make fun of me.

      IK I get mad a lot but when I get mad I'm not as bad. Also, contrary to popular belief I am actually mature.

  2. It doesn’t mess with hit boxes or people’s aim in any impactful way. I mean if a Batman model was added and it stayed to the regular player model and no cape, there’s almost no difference. Some models might have a different issue with hitbixes but that’s a avoidable issue. On servers were this is implemented I don’t see a issue and people need a new credit sink anyway. I might be wrong but I think it’s at least worth testing.

  3. I mean pear used to really hate me and he doesn’t anymore at all (I think) which shows that he’s at least partly reformed and changed. Also technically didn’t he basically do what I did. Toxicity and many warnings. It’s always good to take a step back and come back better which I think is what would happen here. +1 cause first of all a situation like his ban would be better for like a ban request so he probably shouldn’t of gotten permed and he’s reformed/better now.

  4. 6 hours ago, yadingo said:

    I would +1, except for the fact that you doxxed sodium a bit ago. That obviously shows that you lack the maturity to be a member. Also, you are extremely toxic if you don't get your way.


    A: 8

    M: 0

    Wouldn’t I be banned if I doxxed someone? Also the guy I “doxxed” +1 me?

    • In-Game Name
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      STEAM_1:1:126412160, Goldfish#3871
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      338 hours
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      This community is basically half my free time if i'm being honest. I've previously been holding back cause I've felt as if xG has been doing poorly or there's no point but I just thought fuck it and decided why not. While some doubts might be brought up regarding my previous bans, I'm not a troll anymore and being annoying doesn't warrant not being member (I think). Anyway ya I want to join cause the community's in a really good spot rn and why not.

  5. Lottamos - pretty much a variation on my dads email

    Goldfish - I really loved the snack goldfish when I was a kid and I did club basketball so my parents let me eat what I want (about 2 cartons of goldfish a week) and my brother gave me the name idea CaptGoldfish. Eventually I decided the capt was stupid and took it out. 

    I was gonna do a few alts but not yet. (Just in case)

  6. These are a few questions that I would like awnsered and a few more below that are better asked in a more open response format. Writing this on mobile so expect a few errors.

    If the teams are unbalanced, at what point should a repick be called/what guidelines must be met for a repick? (Never repick is a valid answer.)

    Are ten mans competitive, for fun, or more in the middle? Does the situation make your answer differ?What attitude or mindset should players going to scrim have? I think this question is more for me or to get everyone on the same page.

    Should legacy/non-rotation maps be played on a rotation basis or a certain day of the week? What should determine if these maps are played?

    (This is a more personal question) I understand guns like the negev and auto are points of tilt and other negative things but I feel like it would be better to allow all guns or at least the Zeus out of all the banned guns. What would have to happen to bring these guns into scrims? +1/-1

    I’m not sure if this has been a thing and i’ve missed it but what are punishments for leaving or throwing in ten mans or should nothing change?

  7. 19 minutes ago, ScottNi said:

    As much as I like you I am going to have to go with a strong -1

    First of all, you are not on the servers very much at all. You barely have 4 days played on the server which is really low considering you have been playing for about 5 months now?

    Second I do not believe you are familiar with rules. Not that you break them or whatever but you just kinda go with it when you are on the server.

    Third I don't believe you are very well known among the player base of the server. I imagine a quarter of the people who currently play on the servers knows who you are.

    I'm sorry to -1 this. I think you are a fantastic player and a person I just don't see you as a staff member. If you can bring up your activity in the next couple of months I would probably +1 but right now I don't think it would be a good fit.

    Edit: In the last three months you have less than six hours played on the server.

    +1 to discord mod then

  8. I just kinda feel like since I posted a few pictures at the time I was singled out. I get that the channel was clogged but just cause it’s clogged doesn’t mean you should just pick a few people and make examples of them. Also you guys were warning others for spamming which I felt like I wasn’t doing and I felt like what I was doing was fine. I don’t wanna turn this into a spamming argument but I thought I’d elaborate a bit more. Edit: we weren’t in voice either so I’m not sure how I would get verbal warnings.