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Unban from ct

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How should anyone have this many chances? I can understand one or two, but this is going over the limit a bit. This should be your final lesson on why you should maybe be more mature and follow the rules more. If it does get shortened it should be at least a couple of months.

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"Hey guys! Yes thats right i wanna join xG again. I know I have mad some mistakes in the past but during my ban, ive changed. I try to be more mature. I really dont disrespect unless someone is raging at me. But yea really i just want another chance. If you dont think im ready please tell me and explain why you feel this way, but other wise please +1.:)


Thank you for your time - Peppermint" -Aug 13, 2012


"Hey guys yea you should unban me.

I know you prolly wont but yea i understand i got banned for a good reason but i need to practice scrimming and shit .

But if i dont im kinda glad i got this ban so you guys can forget about me and i can take this time off.

But yea doctor said the ban was longer then it was suppose to be appearently ganja accedently added another 0.

So if i dont get unbenned atleast make it shorter.

But yea im prolly gunna be taking time off anyways for you guys besides scrimming of couse"


Thank you for your time - Peppermint" - July 18, 2012



"Yea i dont really care if i get unbanned but uhh yea...Some admins need to learn...saying butthurt isnt trolling last time i checked...and yea you guys need to learn to read becuse im only disrespecting the fags that disrespect me...and half the time its you admins/mods and you guys need to learn to follow your own rules...but yea if you paided any type of attention which none of you do because its me and you all hate me you would see why im being a dick...cuse everyone on the server is talking shit to me and it gets anoyying and pisses me off so seriously learn to pay fucking attention alright yea thanks badmins!:)" -July 10, 2012



I'm all for giving chances, seriously I am.... but I just wish you would just show some respect to the fellow members of the community. You get banned and call mods/admins names, you would have been totally fine had you presented a respectful argument when you disagreed with a ban. Unfortunately we have given you many chances, and it seems like you messed up within several weeks.


If you can formulate a legitimate reason as to why you screwed up, WHY you have changed, and a sincere apology for lying to the community, then I think most of us may be willing to allow you a chance. And i think it would also be necessary to put in the acknowledgement that "If I, Peppermint/Dirty Dan fail to uphold the respect that I deserve to give to the community, including showing respect to fellow members and those in leadership positions as well as following all rules and guidelines, I understand that my ban will be permanent with no ability to protest it, no matter how many months I wait."


It has been long enough since you've been banned, and when I first saw this thread there was no way I was going to give you a chance, although why the hell not.... You've disrespected numerous times, left and started your own stuff, and I feel stupid even thinking we should give you a chance.... but whatever.


Answering those few questions two paragraphs above may help some people here to give you a chance, but it better be a damn good answer and sincere.


As for others: I know we have given him many, many, many, many, many, many chances. But what is the point of keeping him banned, maybe he realized that xG has something nobody else has. Think about giving him a chance, with the stipulation of course that ANY PROBLEM WILL result in a perm ban. No bull this time.


Almost forgot: 0 until response

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I REALLY don't want to have to dig up the evidence of WHY he should stay permed...


I'll do it sweety.


1: Been banned 9 times from server, luckily, only permed once (should've been permed after the 2nd time he disrepsected). Xeno Gamers


2: Been banned 11 times from CT. Twice Permed. Xeno Gamers


Keep him banned, said he changed, never did, & he never will. Play T, not CT. I don't even have to play steam anymore to know you're not worth keeping around here.


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Let me remind you guys, he mass freekilled because someone said "Noballs" That is a permanent ban offense if i'm correct?

This is why he shouldn't be unbanned. If he will mass freekill just because someone said "lololo you have no balls mass freekill" in a video game, he shouldn't be unbanned and clearly lacks the maturity to handle and respect the rules. Not only that, but while SourceBans were down a while back, he was unbanned simply due to the fact that all bans glitched (it basically allowed a lot of people who had been banned, to be unbanned) he nearly mass freekilled AGAIN because someone said he didn't have the balls to do it again (and instead decided to mass freeshoot a line of unstacked T's).

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Ok we all i know ive fucked up a lot in the past. You can choose to give me another chance or not. Yes i should have been permed from all server but im glad i only got ct banned. This is your choice to give me another chance or not no one is forcing you. Thank you to everyone who wants to give me a chance and to the ones that dont, i understand. I have fucked up a lot and i know the punishment for my actions. I put this up to try and get unbanned but if i dont its ok. I know im probably not because most people hate me but i just wanted to see if i could get another chance. I know i should be permed from all servers because of mass freekill and shit. And yes i know i massed because of a no balls, everyone knows that. Im not saying that i dont disrespect and i never fuck up. Everyone knows i fuck up a lot. All im asking for is another chance. Not gunna whine and complain because i knew this would happen if i fucked up again and i did. It was an accident but only the people that were there would know anything about what happened. You may choose to give me another chance or not. Either way thank you for your opinions/facts about me.



Yours truely,

Dirty Dan/Peppermint

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i +1 the UNPERM part of this



fucking perm is forever


dirty dan / pepperwhore was/is decent ct and warden personalities aside

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Well, there's nothing wrong in shortening the ban. However, i believe if you screw up badly again you'll probably stay perm due to bad history, because of your history it's harder to believe in what you say.

This can explain it Duckii, Gkoo explains that he trolled him. So..

Honest mistake. Genuinely confused when I tolled him he freekilled. I said Go once. So I bet he missed it. I killed a guy in a cell for not doing orders. He thought it was time to kill, so he killed a couple.

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Peppermint I think you should just find another clan, from what I can tell a good chunk of admins and members for whatever their reasons may be, don't want you on the servers (Not liking you personally, thinking you are just bad at following the rules, etc.). Even if you get unbanned, they will try and find any reason they can to ban you again, that's how it seems to be working at the moment and I feel you need to just move on and find some other clan or community who might accept you.



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He killed three. Let us not use biased arguments against him. Three unintentional freekills does not equal a permanent team ban.

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This can explain it Duckii, Gkoo explains that he trolled him. So..

As did someone else when they said "Mass freekill, No Balls."

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Does not matter how many he killed the last time guys. Look into his past. He wants another chance but has had 8 so far. Why give him another when it is just going to happen over again? It was already said that if he breaks ONE MORE RULE he is PERMANENTLY banned from ALL servers. I feel as if this should be closed.

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