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DarkRp Suggestions/Fixes

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Well, after sham left.. Xemnas will now take over DarkRp updates and fixes now..

Here are some problems that needs fixing

-Donator jobs need to be only for donator

-Warrant abilities for Mayor/Chief

-Disable some Tools from use such as Explosive, Detonators, Simple explosive, Igniters, ect

- Admin on duty job needs ability to start with noclip, able to take control and do as they please with people props, and disable player pickup with physgun when not in admin on duty

- Police station doors needed to be only owned by Police/Mayor

- Give admin on duty an unarrest stick and if possible a keypad checker (if i remember correctly, its a item that allows to see the setting of a keypad)

- Reset up Rank system and immunity, as in who can target who. As of now it isn't all that great.. i can redo it if you want~


Here are some suggestions

- Get a tool restricter that gives the ability to set which group allow use of a certain tool, for E2/thruster/ect. For it should only be given use to trusted members, If you want you can give it to donators.

- Add more donator jobs such as..

  • Master thief: Quicker lockpicking/Keypad cracking

- Change the illegal gun dealer into Black Market dealer

- If possible Donator Titles for additional payment

- Lower jail time to 180 seconds, currently set at 360

- Increase prop spawn limits from 50 to atleast 75 - 100

- Have different set of donators, for example.. Bronze donator/Silver donator/ Gold donators?(you can change this however you want this is just an example) you can set certain donator job for each having the higher level donator inherit from the weaker but with added stuff. Ex: Bronze: Some donator jobs.. Silver: What bronze has but with added donator jobs/ allow use of certain tools.

- Make the job Terrorist a Vote job or admin vote(if possible) since they spawn with an ak47.

- Will update if more suggestion comes to mind or fixes~


I'll Revise the motd and add/edit it to make it more clear to everyone, and have some proof readers and suggestions before changing it.


Anyways, If you guys want to suggest some Donator or public jobs here and @@Xemnas do take it into consideration ;)




Reason it should be added:

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Indeed there was xD it was pretty fun, I've already talked with him over steam this morning and he said he will, before i left he was working on getting donator jobs for only donator. Welp, When i get back from school today ill go work on the Motd~

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- Lower jail time to 180 seconds, currently set at 360

6 minutes itself is too short in my opinion and to add to RP, you could have bails. so I feel like jail time should be raised to 10 minutes (600) so that bail is a more feasable option to pay [and get mayors/cops to actually do bail, {min and max of like 300 and 2k, no bail can be placed on people arrested for murder} and have some good RP!]


Other suggestions:


Take 2 minutes and go through adding the police/mayor to PD doors as it will literally only take that long to do.


Make E2 admin+ only, becausse i was watching a raid on pinoy yesterday while he was afk and the thief just entered the codes into the keypads, it's an old e2 that was made a long time ago, i think i still have it, may have lost it when it was updated to gmod13 idk. but admin + should be the only ones with it, anyone can donate 5 bucks and then abuse e2 for many things be it finding who has printers, finding keypad codes, disabling someone, prop killing. you name it.


change hitman pistol from m9? (it is complete shit. headshots do like 15 damage...)


revised MOTD needs to get a little more in depth with basing, as it can be abused with how sham set them, especially pertaining to fading doors etc. (shadow i guess is good at e2 and decided to spend his time making a fading door that could sense him and open/closes it as he goes in and out) little op if you wanna spend 10-15 minutes doing it...)


also @@Xemnas since it is actually popular and gets a good full server during the days, don't be afraid to add people to admin ranks etc. who are admins elsewhere (against silence's ideas) because you DO need the staff to keep the server going while you work on a dedicated staff.

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6 minutes itself is too short in my opinion and to add to RP, you could have bails. so I feel like jail time should be raised to 10 minutes (600) so that bail is a more feasable option to pay [and get mayors/cops to actually do bail, {min and max of like 300 and 2k, no bail can be placed on people arrested for murder} and have some good RP!]

Well, maybe we can try that, having a 10 minute jail time. At the sametime we can put up a Bail price for whatever crime they did. For ex: they raided a base without killing anyone and stole stuff, Their bail could be 500$? and for possession of an illegal weapon is a bail of 700$ and a bail for murdering someone is 1.5k$? who knows, prices can be changed, but yea you get what i mean~


Make E2 admin+ only, becausse i was watching a raid on pinoy yesterday while he was afk and the thief just entered the codes into the keypads, it's an old e2 that was made a long time ago, i think i still have it, may have lost it when it was updated to gmod13 idk. but admin + should be the only ones with it, anyone can donate 5 bucks and then abuse e2 for many things be it finding who has printers, finding keypad codes, disabling someone, prop killing. you name it.

Well i know what E2 could do, it has some positives and negative things. I was thinking if Xemnas/Autumn allows different rank in donator system for gmod we can allow either the medium or high donator class use of it and put a rule about e2 tools so it can't be abused. So if they decided to donate to get E2 and if they abused it or use it to crash people/servers they would be banned and not refunded.

I understand that e2 can be used to sense a player and open a fading door is helpful for them and not raiders but, if someone were to raid it means that the owner cannot be by the door at all cost otherwise it would open for them as well. I for one think it's a neat thing to use.


change hitman pistol from m9? (it is complete shit. headshots do like 15 damage...)

How about a deagle? they're quite powerful, or maybe something else you wanna suggest?



revised MOTD needs to get a little more in depth with basing, as it can be abused with how sham set them, especially pertaining to fading doors etc.

Understandable, ill try to revise and fix it up to be much better, It will be more detailed and clear for people, I'll even add a section for illegal things when their is no mayor.

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Also side walks in front of someones base should be able to be restricted by the owner's/people in the base, because if ALL sidewalks are illegal then there are several problems.


People put rope or elastic down as a "chalk" line and claim that portion of the sidewalk as kos if on. they go unpunished for killing those of us on the sidewalks


that is a negative on the mods/admins side of sidewalk and how it is etc.


why am i suggesting that? the current way it is is that those go unpunished but people like myself who were running HUGE operations earlier had people crowding the sidewalk and we would tell them to get away but you wouldn't let us do anything so whenever someone with us had tried to come back in our base of operations, you had easily 5 others running against the fence on the sidewalk and would all barge in pull out their guns and do some bullshit "raid" including cops thieves gangsters and drug dealers. you even saw it, we would try to get one person in and all off you would crowd around.



add bomb so terrorists can be terrorists instead of a thug organization specifically targetting cops

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add bomb so terrorists can be terrorists instead of a thug organization specifically targetting cops

Well maybe after damage logs are fixed or such ;o because.. bombs is like a grenade from merc.. can use to mass rdm and we won't know who killed who with it since damage log isn't up~

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How about a deagle? they're quite powerful, or maybe something else you wanna suggest?

deagle sounds good because m9 is complete trash. sniper hitman master race.





actually donator





i honestly haven't looked at the reg gun dealer at all so i don't know all the pistols. will check him out for a fine balance of power and swag for hitman gun between m9 and deagle.



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