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PoopyDoop - Counter-Strike: Source

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Counter-Strike: Source

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It's a FORUM ban


It's been almost 4 month since I was permanently from the
Forums. Forums. Forums.
<-------------- JUST BEING CLEAR THAT IT'S A


I'm hoping that you people will forgive and forget, even though I didn't do anything wrong.


I would also like to point out: At the time of my forum ban I was perfectly FINE. But someone had to ruin it by starting a rumor. Yes. A rumor. I am sick of getting all this shit from people here. What you guys made up is sickening, especially when you guys know I've had trouble with depression and shit through the past couple years. But I have found people. People who make me actually feel somewhat cared about. People who make me happier. Yes I'm still often depressed, but I have tried my best to try and hide it from the public. I talk to trusted friends and they help me and make me feel better. I myself believe I've done a pretty good job of keeping my shit together away from the community as a whole. I used to be the most active member on forums, and to this day have the most posts.


You would think I leave xG by now, but I haven't despite all the shit I get and being perm banned. I really care about xG, and I've been around since the beginning to middleish of Operation Paperclip (and yes I know you do not give a flying fuck, but I'm just telling you how long I've stuck with this).


And also, if you're going to ban someone who is considering suicide and all the depressed (which I fucking wasn't) I just wanted to say that's one of the dumbest ideas you could choose to do. That only makes the person feel worse about themself (which yes it made me feel kind of bad especially since I have an emotional past, but this time was ok at the time). Not very helpful, and if someone were to do something to themself and mention xG, it would be fucked, banned or not, or they might not care idk but whatever.


I am honestly a super nice and kind-hearted person. Yes I get emotional. Yes I can get pretty annoying. Yes I CAN be a dickhole, but I try to look past the people that I find to be assholes.


I would like to apologize to @@MuffinMonster. I have offered to be friends again, but you refuse. I completely understand. You were always a cool kid and fun to play with. I know you'll most likely -1 as usual because I probably still haven't been making a good impression for you, but no matter what I truly am sorry. And if you want a apology in voice so be it I would be perfectly fine.


I have to wrap this up. But I may finish on my phone.


For now, I appreciate the opinions, and I hope you guys will hear me out this once.


And to Silence, please actually look at this instead of instantly denying and closing just because I'm dickii jr.





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This is a gaming clan. I'm going to state this right fucking now. I do not like having drama within said gaming clan. You are the cause of a massive amount of drama. I came into this clan for two reasons, have fun and make friends along the way. Sure you we were kinda, sorta friends at the beginning, but we only talked about 3-5 times. I usually keep the people I add on my friends list until they become inactive on steam, they take me off or I have a sudden problem with them. After seeing all the shit you decide to pull as of recently, I decided to take you off. To add your question, no, you have not made a good impression on me and you likely will never do it again. I don't want an apology because I don't like talking to you. Simple as that. You ruined it for me the day you started to yell at me while playing CS:S jailbreak, in front of at least 20 people. Not only do you decide to hate on me because I have an opinion against you, but you like to take the argument public as well. I lost all respect for you that day. To be honest, I don't know what you see in me. Why did you take a portion of your ban protest to "apologize" to me? I may never know why, but get over it. We never talked much in the first place to really be friends.


EDIT: Changed to a -1

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As per usual, I will -1 seeing as when you take a bit to think of why silence perm'd him from forums and not servers in the first place, was that if he were to go around posting said suicide threats, and anything were to actually happen, we can be held liable. Silence does not want to be held liable, in any way shape or form, and I have to agree with that, ask yourself, would you want to be someone around an area where someone was talking about suicide, and then next thing you hear about him, is that he commit suicide? Not only did you know that he had spoke of suicide (liability) but you also have to live with the fact that you did know, and that you couldn't do anything to stop it, or that you couldn't get enough help, as well as the image that puts not just on Silence, but the entire community, and the emotional stresses it puts on the community as a whole. That is quite literally the reason for the ban, and I completely support that reasoning, had the ban gone a step further and you were out of servers and teamspeak too, that would be a problem, that would be too far. But you are not server banned, or teamspeak banned, it is only forums, and in my opinion, that was the correct thing to do.



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It's not so much the fact that people dislike so much as it is the fact that, as Chrono perfectly stated, should any sort of event happen regarding suicide, xG may be held liable. It's not a deterrent to keep you out, nor is it an act of hate or anything of the sort.


What's past may have past, but the fact of the matter is there WAS a threat of suicide at one point, which is more then enough to bring down Silence (as well as the community) should anything happen Related to it.


All in all, suicide is never something to joke about or prod at. It's a very real thing, which as shown here, can only cause grief when threatened, even if it was due to some act of depression or any other scenario in the past. +/-0 as I only want to state my opinion, but cannot make a decision that should only be up to the Leader to decide.


- Dat guy, Forest

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i know from own experiance, people who are serieus about commiting suicide, will never make this public, because it could ruin there attempt, people who survived an attempt, shall never brag about it, because the shame is to big, i know people who are saying they wanna commit suicide mostly don't have the courage to do so, but are trying to get attention to a surtain problem, ignoring the problem or disgracing the person, could furder encourage this person to do so.


i know Duckii haz problems and that he's trying to get attention to, and i must admit, dropping the problem at xG's feet was a stupid thing to do, because you guys know shit about what 's happening in real life that's why you're all reacting to ignore the problem, to replace it back at duckii and judging for it and not taking his attemt to talk and explain about it serieus.


so i'm asking you all, right now, could you live with the fact, that you could have save some one's life by just listening to him/her or could have heplt this person to see other things in life then only his/her problems


here's what i wrote Duckii earlier this night:

03:18 - [xG|DB] Duckii Jr.: I've lost way to many people

03:18 - FirstblooD: if not, get rid of her

03:18 - [xG|DB] Duckii Jr.: Because everyone always ends up leaving me

03:18 - [xG|DB] Duckii Jr.: and giving up

03:19 - FirstblooD: and you will lose more in the future, it's a part of life

03:19 - [xG|DB] Duckii Jr.: I'm not worth anything to anyone

03:19 - [xG|DB] Duckii Jr.: What is the point to go on

03:19 - FirstblooD: learning

03:19 - FirstblooD: growing stronger

03:20 - FirstblooD: sharping your view

03:20 - [xG|DB] Duckii Jr.: i only grow weaker

03:20 - [xG|DB] Duckii Jr.: and more sad

03:21 - FirstblooD: and that is a choise you make

03:21 - FirstblooD: by diving deeper into your feelings

03:22 - FirstblooD: learn to love your self before loving another

03:23 - [xG|DB] Duckii Jr.: other people make it hard to think good upon myself

03:23 - FirstblooD: why botherr?

03:23 - FirstblooD: thats there problem not yours

03:26 - FirstblooD: i really do not care about what people think of say bout me, i see it as publisity, and there's no bad publisity, but no publisity, get it?

03:37 - FirstblooD: after my first relation i got depressed, hoocked and also lost the will to live, took way to many pills, they found my and emptied my stomake, if i had died back then, i would had never met Misss and you wouln never had the chance to learn from me

beleave me, i've been trough a lot in life and ain'nt proud to share this with you asshole's, i just think you all need to take some more time to look into the mirror and ask yourselfs : "are you doing so much better?"

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I'm sorry Duckii, I am going to have to -1. It's not anything personal but it's on more of an xG scale and I will try to share my complete unbiased opinion. There are basically two things that makes me want to -1. The first is the issue of liability.


We've tried to help you in the past with your real life problems, obviously they aren't a joke. You say they have gotten better and you have learned to cope more or less, and I hope they did. But, if god forbid something did happen then xG could be held liable and the people affiliated with it could be facing serious shit.


The second is more of the issue of drama. An internet clan by it's nature is somewhere were people go to chill and have fun, kinda an outlet from the stresses of RL. Having to deal with with drama caused by your personal problems and by these regular ban protests is really against what the clan is for. And as said earlier, you sometimes tend to target people ingame and on the forums because they share a different opinion and make the issue quiet public.

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I think im the first one to bring this up, but IF he said this stuff on teamspeak, why was he forum banned? Maybe he has done it in the past on the forums, but it wasn't this time.

@PoopyDoopy Would you rather be forum banned or teamspeak banned (I know you would rather be neither, but silence wouldn't completely unban you)

@@Rhododendron If he were to reply with teamspeak ban instead, i think you should unforum ban and teamspeak ban, since this was said on teamspeak, not the forums this time.

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@ShdowSpy teamspeak is the best way to communicate with the community I would choose stay not banned from teamspeak. But this is for only the forums which is another way to communicate. Staying permed here does not allow to participate in ideas, member apps, or really anything. I feel like the community is just further pushing me away and not really listening, just want nothing to do with me. I know it's a forum ban and not from everything but to me it's a step of getting me away from here. I've told you guys that I have a few really good friends that listen to me and make me feel happier. I've kept everything away from public for a long time. I just want a chance to have the full experience again. I do not wish to just keep being held back by the community. I don't know why I even bother anymore because all the majority will do is bring upon bad things and the. -1 and the. Silence will close and deny the thread without any review or thought. It's just all pushing me away from having the full experience of being a member.

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