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Apology for Issues and request to discuss ways to fix them

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Doing this as a thread because I don't even know many of the people that I have problems with...

I have been going through people on TS and talking with them to solve problems between me and them. I am sick of this whole situation and I feel that it cannot possibly lead to anything productive for xG. I love xG and I love playing with many of the people I have met here. I want to do everything I can to help xG advance and resolve it's issues.


A lot of the problem I feel that I have been causing is due to how varying people's interpretation of "disrespect" is. I for one have heard pretty much any insult there is to hear and have become used to being called any sort of "disrespectful" name... it doesn't bug me at all, so I think due to that I do it back to everyone else, especially during times of high stress. For that I apologize, I would like to work towards repairing any hostile relationships I have caused with anyone and ask that anyone that wishes to discuss any problems to chat with me on TS chat.


Apart from that I am going to seriously work on not name calling and attempting to be ...less hostile... in my opinions on the forums.


@@Warriorsfury @@serbiansnaga @@Rhododendron @@JayBreezy @@DeathGod @@MineCrack @@ABusinessMan @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@JakeEnglish @@HanYolo @@Link! @@DerpO_o

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you just need to chill out with all the combative attitude you have. most people you tagged don't even hate you, they're just irritated at you because you're obnoxious on the forums a lot of the time and you take yourself way too seriously. lighten up some and try to enjoy yourself man.

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IK you didn't tag me, I don't hate you and not many other staff do (maybe annoyed sometimes, but not hate), on CS:S its not like you start out being disrespectful, it's just something happens like someone abusing on you, then you tell them and you and the admin/mod get into arguements that leads to more of a problem.


I'd say you should just listen to people a little more(Not if it's something wrong ofcourse) and don't get into an arguement after one person opposes your view/opinion.

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wait why was I tagged o.o. I don't even talk 2 u.

lol i tagged anyone that rated my posts down or that was in warrior's TS room

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