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MineCrack - Counter-Strike: Source

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Counter-Strike: Source

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Permed from CT.


On the map blackout, it was a freeday so I went to race. I began hopping around in race and ShadowSpy appeared. I gave him a false sense of hope by letting him finish some of the race (as I was already near the end). Then I jumped through the end and killed him. As I did a few Ts had just entered and were on the starting boxes of race, 3 of them excluding shadow died. I wasn't banned at first until sep0h banned me a few rounds later.


1) It was not intentional, other than maybe Shadow but I would've died. I was simply competing in race.

2) I did not notice several Ts had just enter race, if I had I would have not completed it and accepted my fate.

3) I was on the highest point and could not see the entrance.

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---Cleared my previous post---

-/+ 0. Going into race as a CT you can sort of expect you're going to have Ts following you into the area. It's a 1 entrance area technically. I know the doors both lead into the same area, but once they're shut, its two ways out. Win, or die.

It's not a good idea to hide in race if you intend to finish it while camping. It would lead to either a mass freekill as a CT, or a mass teamkill as a T or CT.

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+1 Ts ran in at their own risk, he shouldnt even be banned (he also wasn't camping it, and the only one he knew was there was me, the other Ts had just ran in when he finished) .

He also didnt argue with admin about his ban.

He had killed 4 (including me, i didnt care that he killed me though) , so no ganja he didnt kill 8 ts, no need to exagerate.

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-1 he went in there on purpose, waited for the ts to come in the room and then jumped in the tele to kill everyone in there there was like 8 freekills in that

1) You weren't there.

2) If you were there, you would've known there was about 6-7 Ts alive.

3) I couldn't see the people at the entrance/first box jumps.


I know very well I could stay permed or if I could see the other Ts it would be intentional. I only saw Shadow.

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+1 for unban. From what it sounds like from both shadowspy and minecrack that he didnt intentionally try and kill all those T's. Just shadow.

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+1 for unban. From what it sounds like from both shadowspy and minecrack that he didnt intentionally try and kill all those T's. Just shadow.

Pretty much.

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