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Darkwolf - Counter-Strike: Source

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Because it's in a community channel. CS:S is a public server.

I still don't think it's that big of a deal to say "nigger" though. I playfully say nigga all the time in game (and in ts) and no one tells me anything, I don't mean anything wrong by it.


I do however understand that a staff member saying racial slurs in game makes the clan look bad. But so does a admin freeslaying/randomly muting other staff members.


While they shouldn't be IMO... "nigga" and "nigger" are two very different things.

It depends on the person you say it to.

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Nigga isn't racist. Saying nigger in such a way Chrono did was used in a way that could be considered racist toward someone. We say nigger on Teamspeak in my channel in a way that isn't used in a racist toward someone tone. Me saying "niggers" when I join my channel isn't directed at anyone.

You can't really say it's not racist as it depends on the person you're saying it to. Now, did that person Chrono say nigger to actually find it offensive/racist?

He most likely said it to me. I don't find it offensive personally, but still the fact is he said it in a way that can be considered.

But you didn't find it offensive, so it's not a problem. What you're saying though is that it could be found offensive, you going into a teamspeak channel and yelling niggers could also be found offensive.

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Because it's in a community channel. CS:S is a public server.

Have you read the xG rules? You're not suppose to be constantly saying racial terms. I still don't think it's that big of a deal to say "nigger" though. I playfully say nigga all the time, I don't mean anything wrong by it.


I do however understand that a staff member saying racial slurs in game makes the clan look bad. But so does a admin freeslaying/randomly muting other staff members.

Nigga isn't racist. Saying nigger in such a way Chrono did was used in a way that could be considered racist toward someone. We say nigger on Teamspeak in my channel in a way that isn't used in a racist toward someone tone. Me saying "niggers" when I join my channel isn't directed at anyone.

He didn't say it in an offensive way, and darkwolf, earlier in the thread you said that you didn't care, no other staff complained from what seen, so he was fine, since it wasn't excessive either.

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Given that the derogatory term "nigger" has been flung around everywhere in TeamSpeak and even been used by the Member in question is enough to not warrant any form of action, especially if it was uttered in Admin Chat. By no means should a Staff Member !gag another Staff Member for saying it in Admin Chat if it is being used as a joke or just playing around (however if a Staff Member is taking offence to it, do not continue, and stop), especially if that Staff Member says it all the time out-of-game. The only reason it is given leniency in Admin Chat is because there is only a handful of Staff on at any given point, and more than likely they can take it as a joke. The use of this derogatory term in Public chat however; may insult or offend one of the many players who are on. Chrono used it via Admin Chat in a joking manner (from what I've heard). Should he had spammed admin chat with it, then an appropriate course of action should have been taken.

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Given that the derogatory term "nigger" has been flung around everywhere in TeamSpeak and even been used by the Member in question is enough to not warrant any form of action, especially if it was uttered in Admin Chat. By no means should a Staff Member !gag another Staff Member for saying it in Admin Chat if it is being used as a joke or just playing around (however if a Staff Member is taking offence to it, do not continue, and stop), especially if that Staff Member says it all the time out-of-game. The only reason it is given leniency in Admin Chat is because there is only a handful of Staff on at any given point, and more than likely they can take it as a joke. The use of this derogatory term in Public chat however; may insult or offend one of the many players who are on. Chrono used it via Admin Chat in a joking manner (from what I've heard). Should he had spammed admin chat with it, then an appropriate course of action should have been taken.

Isn't this thread about Darkwolf and not Chrono?

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Might put my input later.

If you have something to say, then say it.

It's just a place holder, he probably wants to make a sophisticated and educated post.

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Given that the derogatory term "nigger" has been flung around everywhere in TeamSpeak and even been used by the Member in question is enough to not warrant any form of action, especially if it was uttered in Admin Chat. By no means should a Staff Member !gag another Staff Member for saying it in Admin Chat if it is being used as a joke or just playing around (however if a Staff Member is taking offence to it, do not continue, and stop), especially if that Staff Member says it all the time out-of-game. The only reason it is given leniency in Admin Chat is because there is only a handful of Staff on at any given point, and more than likely they can take it as a joke. The use of this derogatory term in Public chat however; may insult or offend one of the many players who are on. Chrono used it via Admin Chat in a joking manner (from what I've heard). Should he had spammed admin chat with it, then an appropriate course of action should have been taken.

Isn't this thread about Darkwolf and not Chrono?

This was quoted on page 4 in which I went into detail on each of the things accused of Darkwolf by Chrono. In other words, the whole reason for the Report Abuse.

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Isn't this thread about Darkwolf and not Chrono?

This was quoted on page 5 in which I went into detail on each of the things accused of Darkwolf by Chrono. In other words, the whole reason for the Report Abuse.

You should summarize it for me C:.


You know who's at stake if you don't.

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Because my brain operates on low power during off-school time, someone please make a summary for me explaining this thread without being as biased as possible so I may make an appropriate response and rating. 8 pages hurt my head.

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Well, blackrock, from the eyes of the Accuser:


The summary is:


Said accused person (darkwolf) had been not following the steps COMPLETELY as he forces down the throat of his other admins, and rudely [and sometimes wrongfully] treats other players. At this point I (The Accuser) Made this protest after he threatened me to "fight it".


I'm sure a less biased report can be drawn up. But I'm not gonna spend my time going through and snipping out pieces here and there for one long post giving all the information ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL relating to the OP and any extra evidence provided on the same terms presented. because that would be spending time not having fun.


Because my brain operates on low power during off-school time, someone please make a summary for me explaining this thread without being as biased as possible so I may make an appropriate response and rating. 8 pages hurt my head.

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Lol but seriously, verdict pls @@serbiansnaga or even @@Rhododendron

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