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This isn't exactly a video production I have, but it does involve a video production. If I'm not mistaken, the production of this short film started four years ago and the trailer itself took eleven days to produce.


Here's the trailer:



To be honest, it actually looks extremely well done, considering it isn't some hollywood blockbuster that costed millions upon millions to make. What are your reactions to this project? It's only going to be a short film, but I seriously wish it was given a lot more funding to be considered for a full-fledged movie. I honestly thought it was a legitimate movie until the actual talking between "actors" came in. Inb4 "Dude, it's like Last of Us".

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Don't know why the talking scenes seemed so.. Misplaced. Like it wasn't a legitimate movie (it isn't but the rest of it seemed to have blockbuster qualities). Might just be me though

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