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Special Commands

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Fun commands were re-added apparently. Do not use these commands on anyone or you will be demoted. It is perfectly ok with me though if you ONLY use them on yourself, so long as it does not interfere with the game.


@@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo @@Forest @@DarkWolf6052


Posting this as Darkwolf requested.

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Fun commands were re-added apparently. Do not use these commands on anyone or you will be demoted. It is perfectly ok with me though if you ONLY use them on yourself, so long as it does not interfere with the game.


@@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo @@Forest @@DarkWolf6052


Posting this as Darkwolf requested.


So, if we do something like "/freeze @me", Then Darkwolf won't demote us? Because this doesn't really make me feel better at all, i don't see why we can't use them when we have common sense to not abuse it..

(Well, Diabaddus does like to abuse it, but set him aside. hue.)

Also, if this is some kind of plugin (Seems like it would be, from /freeze,timebomb,beacons,etc.) why not just remove it if y'all so scared? :c





Darkwolf requested it, so.. Herp.


Pointless thread is pointless? It's not like this could have just been an announcement on the steam group.

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Fun commands were re-added apparently. Do not use these commands on anyone or you will be demoted. It is perfectly ok with me though if you ONLY use them on yourself, so long as it does not interfere with the game.


@@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo @@Forest @@DarkWolf6052


Posting this as Darkwolf requested.

maybe post the commands? bc when i joined xG they were taken out i think. so idk any of em

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@@DarkWolf6052 in cstrike/addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_overrides.cfg

When sourcemod was updated, overrides was overwritten. You should be able to open up the file manager from your phone and edit cfgs. I dont know all of the commands that used overrides, but here's all of the fun commands.

"sm_beacon"   "z"
"sm_blind"   "z"
"sm_timebomb"   "z"
"sm_burn"   "z"
"sm_firebomb"   "z"
"sm_freeze"   "z"
"sm_freezebomb"   "z"
"sm_gravity"   "z"
"sm_drug"   "z"
"sm_noclip"   "z"

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Resolved, so closing.

All the fun commands are restricted to the "z"-root flag, as well as a couple other commands that can be deemed overly abusive. Sorry, but we can't trust you guys with these commands cause you can't control yourselves when you have access. Using them on yourself is in no way helpful to the server, just gets in the way.


-Dis furfag be closin' ur thread

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