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R.i.p. Cristo Xg:a - Counter-strike: Source

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And your argument is really, really bad. I said to do the orders immediately, but the rules specifically state that I have to wait five seconds for people to do them. So when I say "Do it as soon as cell doors are opened", that means the timer for the five seconds they have to respond starts then. I did nothing hypocritical, I followed the rules.

Jailbreak Rules[/url] ) and it says in it "Any order given from a Warden must be done as soon as he says it


You didn't find it in the MOTD because it was not in the MOTD.


Where in the rules does it say it must be done by a certain time? Where in the MOTD? I don't see it at all, so I'm wondering where you guys are getting this from.


You're changing your argument to fit the situation around you, and frankly it's quite funny. Your first post links directly to the motd, where you correctly claim that the motd at no point states that the warden must give 5 seconds (or any time-table as you state) for T's to do orders. Your first several posts all make the argument that since it's not in the motd explicitly it's not a rule. I think my argument is quite sound, you might want to re-evaluate yours and at least try and stay somewhat consistent. I'm not going to pointlessly respond to any more of your replies and further the derailment of this thread.

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Apologize out of your own free will. Just i meant good luck trying to get him to apologize, because if you somehow get him to get on the forums, Maybe. But if you bring it up in-game, he will just say "You broke the rules it was a valid slay"

Of course he will, and he would be wrong. So if apologizing is out of the question, then I guess the only other two things I want out of this report is a consequence for his actions, and to you guys acknowledge the fact that he was wrong to slay me.



I have no authority ( I don't think ) to edit the rules, unless i ask first. which will usually lead to them doing it themselves in the way they want it. I ask multiple times but they don't respond or they just look and leave. (They = DL, lol)


Sorry, I meant you as in the server there too. Didn't mean that you specifically had to change the rules.



This server has a lot of this kind of stuff, mostly it's just joking around, but if you seriously take offense to that, or expect an apology for this, no offense at all, then this server probably isn't for you.

He was not joking, and was attempting to exert control over me for having a differing(and right) opinion by being condescending. He was deliberately being an asshole by insulting my intelligence in order to curry favor from the other people in the server with his oh so funny wit to make himself look like he was in the right, when he clearly wasn't.

I put my answers to each of your responses in Bold.

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You're changing your argument to fit the situation around you, and frankly it's quite funny. Your first post links directly to the motd, where you correctly claim that the motd at no point states that the warden must give 5 seconds (or any time-table as you state) for T's to do orders. Your first several posts all make the argument that since it's not in the motd explicitly it's not a rule. I think my argument is quite sound, you might want to re-evaluate yours.

The arguments thrown at me was that it's a rule to give people five seconds after an order and that I didn't follow that. My argument is, even if that is some unwritten rule, I still followed it. You are taking my posts out of context and boxing with shadows.

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He was not joking

As i said...


if you seriously take offense to that, or expect an apology for this, no offense at all, then this server probably isn't for you.

Unless he honestly hurts your feelings or such (Hard to do over the internet, lol), i don't think it will deserve one.


I still stand by my it was a valid slay and -1, due to this being enforced for ages, until it's confirmed that this isn't a rule anymore, and probably never was.

There's probably some stuff that people can use "Technically it is a rule blablablabla" or "Technically you have to say this blablablala" to make it a rule, but i'm not gonna use that. Also just notified @@DarkWolf6052 about this and he's probably gonna fix it (Tagged him because he doesn't want anything to do with this thread, and i want to be a jerk to him lelele *no apology*)


Also.. Yes having an excessive condescending dick as an admin is a bad choice, but they are barely like that unless provoked somehow, Cristo probably said that because he thought you didn't understand what he meant by "You have to give a time", using his derpy-as-fuck explanation repeating the same words.

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But it wasn't a valid slay, other people in this thread say it isn't a valid slay, and like you said, it's not even confirmed if that rule is even around or existed. How does "Oh we've been breaking the rules and freeslaying for ages" make it any less of a freeslay on his part? I'm not trying to tear down the establishment here and have you all hand in your badges, I just want justice for my particular case, as it has now been brought to your attention that it wasn't a rule and starting now it would make sense to start holding people accountable. He freeslayed me. He could've instead of slaying me perhaps contacted me on Steam and had a civil discussion. We could've reached these conclusions together like a responsible admin would attempt, instead of him admin abusing and being an asshole.

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I have no authority ( I don't think ) to edit the rules, unless i ask first. which will usually lead to them doing it themselves in the way they want it. I ask multiple times but they don't respond or they just look and leave. (They = DL, lol)

Heres how you do it.


@@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052

@@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052

This always worked for me.

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The MOTD was updated.

Basically we added in everything we were already enforcing, except that "do this by now" order.

https://xenogamers.com/threads/21479/#post-175788 (Linking to this because it's much easier to see)

Gonna leave this thread open just incase some people (Cristo, darkwolf, anyone else who is involved or has an opinion on this thread) want to post.

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Ampersand is in the right on this one. Cristo freeslayed. Misunderstanding, not abuse id say in his defense. In the event of something NOT being in the MOTD, I go with whats fair or has been done forever and thus, proven to work. We've always done a 5 second minimum rule, its a fair amount of time, people just usually say "They should be doing this by now" if they dont give time limits.

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Got to the second page, couldn't STAND reading this crap anymore.

While ambersand is right, this shouldn't warrant a punishment considering how little the abuse is.

Justice is served. :mooning:

And with this I'll assume this is settled, @@Eucliwood (By the way mega I started watching that anime, 3rd episode) @@DarkWolf6052

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Heres how you do it.


@@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052

@@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052 @@DarkWolf6052

This always worked for me.

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