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Over And Out

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I'll just start off by saying it's been great being a part of xG, no joke. The rise from Member to Co-Leader was something I never did expect, and even till now it's hard to believe. I assumed I would only make it to at least Administrator, and maybe I should have just stayed at that rank (due to the leniency in terms of Inactivity based off of school/work/personal life). Needless to say, I've met some great people, had some great times, and it's about time I take off. This isn't a resignation from xG as a whole, but just as a Co-Leader (I know, it's been a short run); simply because this sort of rank requires both activity and diligence, both of which I cannot provide in my current state. I will be keeping my Member status, but this in no way means I will be hell'a active. Just a reminder.


Now, there are a shit ton of people I could tag who have made this experience totally worth, but due to that I won't be tagging anyone (lolwut?). I don't want to end up tagging a bunch of Members/Ex-Members and find out I missed a handful of people because it just slipped my mind. So, I'll just say that I've enjoyed the company of nearly everyone in this clan. Honestly, there's not a single person in this community who I hate/despise (at least none that comes to mind).


I also realize that lately a few of the Divisions have been suffering with under population or lacking new content or whatever other things everyone is complaining about. This is not one of the reasons I am leaving. Also, I'm not saying that they won't get any better, but in order for that shit to actually happen, people have to work together. Even simple things like staying on the Server to achieve more Players, or taking initiative and sponsoring some sort of event. There are a multitude of ways in which you can make the xG Servers a more enjoyable experience, but I've noticed a lack of initiative in the community (not everyone). You don't need some higher-up position to do something, you just need the support of those around you. Sounds cheesy, I know, but I speaketh the truth. Have an idea? Something you think would benefit the community/server? Bring it up with a Higher-Up, and just fucking do it.


For those of you who are expecting a TL;DR, I'm sorry, there won't be one this time. All in all, I've had a blast as a Staff Member for xG, but it's time to hand the torch to someone else. Who knows, maybe once I've gotten things stable, I'll be back. But don't be expecting me to take a Co-Leader position again, I doubt it would happen. Shit's too cray and requires far too much attention.


I'll be around for the next couple of weeks keeping this rank while a new Co-Leader is decided to take over my position (require assistance from @@serbiansnaga btw) so things won't be in complete anarchy. Damn, this is one lengthy ass post. See you guys around, stay sexy.


- Dat guy, Forest

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Man it's a shame you're stepping down but I completely understand, being co-leader is so draining, much more then people expect. I will always be glad to know you got co-leader in this community ever since I left, and I hope xG picks a co-leader as valuable as you.

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