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-1 dont want to rain on the feels parade, but let's look at a little history lesson here.


Reasons why he had his membership revoked were because of his consistent suicide threats, and it also led to a permanent forum ban.


After each time he made the threats (note he was not banned for all of them, but only for the last one he made.) he would return a while later and say something along the lines of exactly what is in that OP from shadowspy, "i live in the present, none of that poo no more..." You get the idea.


Now, history lesson over, let's move on with a little lesson not on his ban reason etc. but on duckii jr himself.


This will also address his reason for "sticking around" as you put it.


Duckii Jr. obsesses over different things in his brain, let's start with his name, Duckii Jr. this is infact referring to Duckii, the former Co-Leader, that he had an infatuation about, he would write poems about her, and send her very awkward and creepy messages, so much so, that even about a year and a half since she left xG (prior to the GMOD DarkRP with charrax/sham when she came back as co-leader by silence's request) she literally said in a message to him after he sent her another poem or some poo, "Stop messaging me, leave me alone you are creeping me out." and blocked him. He has said himself he feels as though "Bryce [might have been rosser, not sure] and others were influencing her, and she is not her self." numerous times after she blocked him.


He has yet to change his name from something to do with ducks (you know, back to something like siberian [his name before duckii jr]) because he believes that she is being pushed away from him, by others.



I would also like to let you know, that he did not "stick around" after about 2 months, he gave up on his escapade to be un-banned from forums, and went on elsewhere. he played other games, other servers, and nobody heard from him for a while. he would come back, make a new forum account trying to post where he clearly was told he was not allowed, and would get banned, then leave again. coming back even more, rinse repeat.


After a couple attempts, one of the other communities he went to was one called Quantum Impulse Gaming, [QIG] and he quickly befriended a lot of the staff there as he usually does with people, basically kissing ass to an extreme degree, and that is putting it lightly. he quickly made an admin application for their CS:S servers at the time, and was accepted. (note: they prune their forums quite frequently for a gaming community, so you cant even see his application anymore [you might if you did some really big digging through archives etc. but I am too lazy ATM to do it, maybe a little later.]) and then went inactive however, never left. he has even continued posting on their forums, talking about their perp servers etc, on january 13th of this year with a recent update they made to them. even so much to the point that you could look at his recent steam names, and see that he wore xG tags he was not supposed to be wearing when he came from their servers to our jb again one day. ( 6bdde76da2d077fa9724418094391870.png )


More can be added, but I am frankly very tired, have been trying to do a lot of homework today. I'll probably add the "more" in as some of you (you know exactly who) will pick apart this post, and make questions/statements about what I have said.


Also, here is a link to his forum profile on QIG View Profile: Duckii Jr. - QIG Forums for those that were wondering.



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@@Chrono yo im curious; is it a crime to join a different clan after they leave one and get admin on their servers? i just don't understand why you bringing that up when it has nothing to do with this..? Anyways he wanted me to let you all know that he was NOT kicked out of xG. He just simply decided to leave on his ow n. and Tbh i was there and talked to him when ever he told me that he was going to leave xG, and i was there when he left ON HIS OWN; so i will also say that you saying "he was kicked out" is false my dude. My intentions isn't to start an arguement or bring up the past here. Just simply straightning things out here. And can you please stop bringing up the past and actually move on? Were all humans here; we all make mistakes. Shit happens you know? just let the past go and give him a chance yo. You don't even know for a fact if he's really a diff person as he says he is now. My point is; stop bringing up the past and give him a chance you know? and yes i know he's been given many chances before, but don't act like others haven't been in the wrong and haven't been given many chances before and yet were still welcomed back into xG. I will also +1 this due to him being active, respectful to others even when harassed, he clearly hasn't been causing any problems not just being said by me but by others as well who have witnessed that he has been good and friendly to all around him on our servers. This is all i will be saying; have a nice day ladies.

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@@speedlimit56kb it is a crime. This is a member submission, and as such, being a member/admin of another community makes this an invalid submission. As I understood it he was being banned and "removed from xG"

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@@speedlimit56kb it is a crime. This is a member submission, and as such, being a member/admin of another community makes this an invalid submission. As I understood it he was being banned and "removed from xG"

i was talking with Duckii Jr. yesterday. If i can recall correctly he said he was leaving there

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i was talking with Duckii Jr. yesterday. If i can recall correctly he said he was leaving there

leaving and left are 2 separate things.

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I'm not dealing with this shit again. Duckii Jr. causes way too much drama and I think him coming back will cause more problems. I agree with everything Chrono says about Duckii, so I ain't gonna re-write anything. I also don't want to hear shit like "BUT DA PAST IS DA PAST" because the past is always god damn relevant. Plus he's also forum banned, so that won't help him come back.

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I would also like to note: it appears he is up to his same old same old again, where he sends the post to all his friends on steam (probably) asking for a +1 or to put what they "think"


Lets face it, stickz rarely posts on the forums, and especially not something for css, he was linked it. [bleed: TS]


[source: Bleed reminded me stickz made a post on the thread]


can't comment on any of the negatives because i wasn't there to witness them. nor have i done any digging into them. (i'm not against any of the -1's because of this) i will confirm he did mention the link to me, but didn't ask me specially to +1 him. (i likely wouldn't of if he did) i vouched for him because he was one of the first members on my friends list when i joined xG and i've talked to him lots since. i have seen him on l4d2 afew times in the past aswell.


however, this was sent to me after your post. so i cannot prove his true intent of mentioning this link to me.

9:25 PM - Mau5Duckii: I never asked you to +1 me

9:25 PM - Mau5Duckii: I only asked for you to look at it

9:25 PM - Mau5Duckii: if you could


looking at his aliases he just took QIG out of his name today, if he going to go back there if this fails, is just applying because he got booted or responsibility neither i don't know. not that its a crime to be in anther clan but with my vouch i can responsibility hope he didn't just take that out of his name real quickly in order to make a submission.

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@@speedlimit56kb it is a crime. This is a member submission, and as such, being a member/admin of another community makes this an invalid submission. As I understood it he was being banned and "removed from xG"

i understand. he just informed me that he did leave QIG.

@@speedlimit56kb it is a crime. This is a member submission, and as such, being a member/admin of another community makes this an invalid submission. As I understood it he was being banned and "removed from xG"

well if it makes you feel any better; he did leave that clan therefor he is good to go.

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+1 pretty fun to play with and i've never personally had problems with him, however i think he should be kept on a short leash and if he starts acting like he did in the past he should receive a fitting punishment.

A: 9


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Uhhh god damn it I'm just about to go to bed and I see this thread.. I'll post why you SHOULDN'T accept him when I wake up.

"Side note" Silence/Rhododendron was the main reason *although I never argued with him about it" that Ducki Jr. was banned from servers and not allowed to be affiliated with us for the most part. I'm not xG anymore, and obviously community has a big say, but trust me, this is just as bad as giving someone like Netex another chance. Also, how are you guys giving his activity and maturity a fucking 8-9 out of nowhere?

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-1 too lazy to list ALL the reasons...

He evaded bans like 5 dozen times. When he didn't get unbanned from the forums, he went into JB and massed and laughed about it.... and got perm ct banned.

I'm all for him continuing to play here and "maybe" unbanned from the forums, but not for becoming a member... and not being unctbanned.

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-1 too lazy to list ALL the reasons...

He evaded bans like 5 dozen times. When he didn't get unbanned from the forums, he went into JB and massed and laughed about it.... and got perm ct banned.

I'm all for him continuing to play here and "maybe" unbanned from the forums, but not for becoming a member... and not being unctbanned.

He evaded bans so that he could make a forum ban protest, other than that he really didnt post anywhere else, and he didnt do it for the sake of evading ban like "Hehehehhe I can post stuff on threads now."

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8/10 for activity? Hardly. Here are some links to his activity, you can see for yourself how little he's played over the last few months: Xeno Gamers - Player Sessions History

DuckiiJr has only held up steady activity for the past 7-9 days. Anything before that and his activity pretty much falls apart for several months. When you get past the 14th of January, his activity falls dramatically, going from connecting every day (like he has this week or so) to only connecting a couple of times a month. In fact the last time he matched or exceeded the activity seen in the last week or so was about 8 months ago, during last May. His activity did spike a little in July, however it wasn't that much (never exceeded 2 hours per day, in fact most days it stayed below 1 hour). The hypocrisy seen in a lot of these posts is actually quite hilarious, considering DuckiiJr has pretty horrendous activity. Being kinda-sorta active for one week simply isn't enough, and anything past that week DuckiiJr really has nonexistent activity.

We have more than enough drama already in xG, and we really don't need DuckiiJr causing any more to be honest. I really see no evidence of him being "changed" or "back to the old DuckiiJr" from what I've seen of him in-game he seems to act pretty much exactly the same as he used to. There is no real assurance that he won't do the same shit he did that originally got him banned, which could seriously put xG in danger. The fact that he was still in another clan when he had this posted doesn't help his case either. I also don't see any evidence on DuckiiJr's forum account on QIG to support that he's actually left the clan, aside from removing the tags from his name (in fact on his account it still says he's a junior member, so it appears he actually is still in QIG).



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