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  1. 1. Which division is better?

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Just out of curiosity, I've been wondering why is it that you need fewer +1s for TF2 compared to css, I mean you need 10 +1s for CSS and 5 +1s for the TF2 division. Yet Css hasn't been as populated for the last few months, mind christmas. But meanwhile on the TF2 division there is like 3 servers that are now usually populated to the max,and Tf2 is now the most populous division in the clan.

However i guess it still might make sense that CSS still needs 10 +1s in order to join due to the large amount of members. Some may be in-active but well, we still have a crap-load of members that belong to the Counter-Strike:Source division. That kinda now goes for the TF2 division, as i now see in the member submission pages how it is, more often then not filled up with submissions from TF2 (Though some of them are just left open until they expire). Then there is that one guy/gal who is applying for one of the other divisions.


I'm not trying to start a revolution or anything, but i was just thinking about it the other day and was just curious. Thoughts? Comments?

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Short answer? Member Submission Guidelines hasn't been updated (aside from a few edits not relating to particular Division Membership) and probably won't be updated any time soon.


xG's policy: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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Not that anyone actually cares what I think, but this is just my 2cents. We should really raise the amount of required vouchs for tf2 div, and possibly tack on larger requirements such as the rule requiring vouchs from staff if -16 that already exists. If you go on jailbreak for a day or two and be friendly then you can easily get +5 vouchs in no time flat, it just feels way too easy. Plus half of the vouchs consist of: "cool guy 10/10", "I think he should be a member" and "+1".

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For the love of all that is holy..


Anyone who suggests raising the vouches because it's "too easy to get in" has autism. Leadership could make it 20, and you would still have the same god damn problem. I'm not going to explain myself, so I'll re-post the thread I made regarding this stupid shet


Rant on Member Subs | Xeno Gamers



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For the love of all that is holy..


Anyone who suggests raising the vouches because it's "too easy to get in" has autism. Leadership could make it 20, and you would still have the same god damn problem. I'm not going to explain myself, so I'll re-post the thread I made regarding this stupid shet


Rant on Member Subs | Xeno Gamers



Tf2 really should require 10 vouchs though. That is what CS:S requires and Tf2 div is easily as popular if not more popular. This would be something logical to do for now, although the issue that you pointed out in your thread won't be fixed until people get off of their asses and start actually cracking down on illegitimate +1s. With the amount of dumbasses around here, there is no chance in hell the majority of people will up and start giving meaningful and unique +1s.

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Tf2 really should require 10 vouchs though. That is what CS:S requires and Tf2 div is easily as popular if not more popular. This would be something logical to do for now, although the issue that you pointed out in your thread won't be fixed until people get off of their asses and start actually cracking down on illegitimate +1s. With the amount of dumbasses around here, there is no chance in hell the majority of people will up and start giving meaningful and unique +1s.

tf2 member's dont come on forums though unless specifically told by their friends to +1 their app

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tf2 member's dont come on forums though unless specifically told by their friends to +1 their app

this is the exact reason why it shouldn't be increased, at least, not until we see more TF2 players be active on the forums. We have many Tf2 members joining but the forums are dominated by CSS MC and league. I have tried to get members of the Tf2 div to be more active on the forums and they are trying. so as of right now it's perfectly fine but if we see some sort of change then MAYBE (i really don't see the point) it can increase.


TLDR: it's fine

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As someone who has played on the various xg tf2 servers for over a year and has just now applied for xg I think I would be qualified to give a well formulated opinion on the state of xg tf2 memberships and servers. 1. The people that play on the servers. They are a variety of interesting people, from 10 year old mic spammers to people trying to peddle their items during a round of jailbreak. There are regulars to the server who are great peoplethat made me want to join this clan, but there are also members of xg that seem to drive other players away with their toxic attitudes. 2. The amount of Tf2 players that are aware of a forum existing is low as illustrated by a small poll I held 2 days ago where I asked 15 random players if they had the intention of joining xg, knowing there was an organized forum, or have visited the forums. 2/15 said yes to these with one yes coming from trying to whine about being banned and the other just knowing it existed but never visited it. Along with this as Just a personal Complaint, the hub selling name colors Is quite distracting and maybe should be kept to just titles and weapon colors. Probably more to say but this post is already long enough.

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Tbh I think it should just be left how it is. I understand why some of you would like to have this changed. So what if css requires 10 vouches, just let things stay how it is. Then again it's obviously just my opinion so whatever goes, goes.

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