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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:

Chicken Panda 2.0

Steam ID:




Previously in xG:


Active on Teamspeak:




Further Information:


You assholes just can't get rid of me, huh? <3

If you don't know who I am, lemme introduce thyself.

I am Chicken Panda, or Brenden if you prefer. *cough* niko. *cough*

I joined this clan when I was like 11, and I said I was 17 bc yknow. I wanted to be in it REALLY BAD. I ended up getting mod, and was in the clan for like a good what? 2 1/2 years? I've quit on and off, and this is one of the shortest breaks. I think. xD I swap between playing TF2, GW2, and WoW atm, and ofc it's summer, so I'm very active. HOWEVER, MY AIDS SCHOOL IS LIKE "OH YOURE COMING BACK JULY 31ST" SO THATS BALLS. If you have yet to see me on the JB or Pokemon servers, I say herro to you, and I hope we meet in the near future.


Yesh. This is a new account.


Whale. I trusted my retarded big-foreheaded blonde ass little glasses-wearing sister while I was out grocery shopping with my madre. She knows I trade, I value my items, etc. I bumped some trades on outpost before I left aaaaannnddd she wanted to play on my account so I was like k.

Phisher added her, blahblahblah. Me being a complete retard, GUESS WHO PUT THEIR PASSWORD AS THE EXACT SAME THING ON THEIR EMAIL AS ON THEIR STEAM? yerp. this guy.

e-mail hijacked: check

account stolen: check

account recovered: check

account banned: check


*this happened 3 hours after I got an aussie minigun*


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