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The Future Of Cs:s

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Rules alone would take a few days to get polished. Its not just one person that would need to work on things, its several.


As chrono said, those plugins are basic and most likely not functioning. If we are going with option 2 its not going to be shittily thrown together. I would expect jb to be down for at least a week so we can make it worth the time and have a polished result.

Of course theyre basic, the point is we can get a basic JB together while more advanced plugins are being worked on-to avoid the downtime. A new set of rules shouldn't take more than a day at all, especially since there's already a set of rules: just get the DM's/people with a say in the rules in teamspeak for an hour and decide what rules need to go, and what needs to be added. And it may take more than a week to get all the polished new plugins and stuff, but with all the other, unused xg CSS servers, one could be a test server so downtime is essentially nonexistant.


Of course, all this requires DM's/DL and people who actually give a shit and put in the effort that their position requires, which I'm not sure we have right now in CSS.

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Of course theyre basic, the point is we can get a basic JB together while more advanced plugins are being worked on-to avoid the downtime. A new set of rules shouldn't take more than a day at all, especially since there's already a set of rules: just get the DM's/people with a say in the rules in teamspeak for an hour and decide what rules need to go, and what needs to be added. And it may take more than a week to get all the polished new plugins and stuff, but with all the other, unused xg CSS servers, one could be a test server so downtime is essentially nonexistant.


Of course, all this requires DM's/DL and people who actually give a steaming pantload and put in the effort that their position requires, which I'm not sure we have right now in CSS.


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Its sad that it is where it is, i got involved with xg through C.S.s JB. Id say let it stay up and go for option 2. like legend said, the extra money would just go to tf2 stuff.

the money would actually just go to silences pockets and maybe slightly to tf2 and csgo both. currently css is just a money sink that sucks it up. remove it and then silence saves his own money with only positive change elsewhere

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Maybe skit should get GMOD up






okay skitz has confirmed that the gmod servers will be up by the end of this week @SkitZoFrenzly. @Sousei

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As someone who used to play a lot of Jailbreak on CSS back in its hayday, I think you might as well put a bullet in it. It's like my old-ass grandpa, like he used to be fun and people liked him but then he got old and now we pretend to like him but he should really just die, man. Nobody's ever on the server anyway. Clean that shit out.

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What made CS:S really truly fun in it's prime-time wasn't the plug-ins. Wasn't the hats, hub, or anything like that. It had been going strong for two years without hub. What made CS:S the great experience it was, was the community. The chemistry the xG community had and the characters we had like Mohammad, Pyro, MsCookie, Trees, Forest, Chuck Norris, Doug, even puppyluv *insert lenny face here* and Cristo was (And is) a big part of the fun. The people that frequented the game and MADE it fun. Jailbreak in itself really isn't fun anyways and no hats, hub, plug-in, would change that. The reason JB is fun is because it promotes community and when there's a community there's a huge chance for awesome fun moments you don't get in any other kind of situation or game.

Now there's basically no community, no people left, and no chance for these situations to happen and draw even more people in. Every time I get on CS:S (And I get on once a day to see how many people are on.) There's almost never anyone on. I checked minigames once and there like five people and one was a member but I didn't feel like staying because no one was on. No one was getting on. I can't get hyped about a division when I can't play with anyone and I know a lot of you feel the same otherwise this thread wouldn't be here. The solution for CS:S is simple put time (and possibly) money into it. Build the community back up and the rest will follow but until there's an actual population it will never be anything besides an empty server.

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CS:S is dead and has been dead no matter how you want to put it. Believe it not, you guys have been trying to beat a dead horse for quite some time, on top of that you guys have suggested the same few things over and over again to no success. Such things include adding an expanded variety to maps, adding hub, and rewriting the rules. All of this has been done with the exception of adding hub, which would just contain a few features at this point such as trails/hats. Realistically "adding hub" was an excuse for as to why jailbreak was dying. I won't deny it added some incentive to playing jailbreak because it motivated people to play for credits. But the current problem is people are just plain bored.


Everyone needs to realize jailbreak was only good because we made it fun through our activities, various personalities, and our friendships. You can never bring that back.

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Situation is grim, I agree. There's really not much anybody can do. Look at HellsGamers. They have arguably been one of the most populated jailbreak servers (if not the most ever) and even they seem to be having some issues with low(er) populations than usual. Their response? Updates.


Obviously this is a different situation, and to be brutally honest xG CSS jailbreak may be beyond the point at which updates will fix it. However, CSS was literally responsible for the creation of this community. I think at least a final effort should be made to attempt to do what is possible to save what is left. I think the current playerbase and older players, moderators, divs, co-leaders, "trolls" (-_-) deserve a least a final effort to attempt to save what they created. If it doesn't work this time then it really is done. Hard to see CSS go but thats the way shit works.

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Nothing has been decided yet, but my hopes is to have the decision posted in the next promo demo. DrLee, Cristo, and I will be doing a lot of discussing over the weekend to see what we think is the best solution and pass it on to silence.


Continue leaving feedback though, it is incredibly helpful.

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Could always try a "population schedule". Tis a long shot, but simply decide on a time (IE. 6:00 PM) and hop on at that time. Nothing substantial, nothing that requires a lot of effort, easy peasy. Could be any day of the week, or a particular day, whatever floats your boat. This will give Members an idea of when the Server will (hopefully) be semi-populated or just generally populated.


I realize I haven't given my input, so: In regards to the existence of the CS:S Division, I would prefer to see it still around but I have to be practical as well. Without a doubt the CS:S Division is dying, but as previously mentioned by others, hub is not the sole reason. Creativity, ingenuity, and general fun are what bring players to a Server, especially one with Jailbreak in mind. Take those away, and it becomes stale, repetitive, and boring. No amount of hats/trails could change that, material objects (in this particular case) won't keep people around. The decline in colourful (not in the sense of sexual orientation, mind you) people are what has really contributed to the demise of our CS:S Division. Yeah, I'm saying that the current active Members of CS:S are lacking in ingenuity and creativity, sue me. Granted, I haven't been on the Server in quite some time, but the last time I was, I saw nothing interesting, nothing new, nothing that influenced me to stay. Here's a typical and almost exact example of 90% of Jailbreak days:


>Warden gives out of cell order

>Warden orders Ts out of cell


>Warden orders Ts to unstack

>Warden either does First/Last Reaction or Map Game

>Last Request Activated

>Rinse, repeat


While this is typical of most Jailbreak Servers and gets the job done, it lacks luster and is incredibly repetitive. This sort of shit is what will result in yawning, and eventually a decline in players. Not hats, not trails, this. I could go on and on about a lack in certain traits and such, but I won't because this post is long enough as it is.


All in all, there are a multitude of things that are influencing in CS:S dying down, whether or not that should deter us from trying is completely up to the Higher-Ups. Just keep in mind that managing a Division is much more than just coding/adding maps/promo demo. Managing a Division means keeping that Division afloat, doing things that will keep people interested, etc. This means dedication, something that, unfortunately, seems to be lacking nowadays.


- Dat guy, Forest


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