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Hobby thread

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  • Work.
  • Cooking interesting new recipes, usually long form recipes (take several days to create a product/something that you make but also creates several byproducts that are delicious. i.e. skim off the "fizz" from boiling butter and use it in one thing [typically as a base for sauces], and use the de-fattened butter as popcorn butter to pour over your fresh made popcorn) [currently in the process of making authentic marshmallow spread to make what is essentially a smore cake (graham cracker dough, chocoalte, mm spread, graham cracker dough, bake, eat.]
  • eating a shit load (metabolism of The Flash)
  • learning and practicing starting from the basics to the more developed parkour moves to do something fun in my free time (also so i can say i can do a backflip while standing still/jump off shit without killing myself.) [i have a tendency to be injury prone, i started teaching myself to aide in my daily life, when on vacations i typically fall a minimum of 15-20 feet atleast 1 time every vacation typically off rocks that are being climbed, more recently it was one that i managed to do a semi-successful roll off of and prevent a broken leg [came out with a micro fracture that healed near instantly.] but barely was able to stop myself before falling into the grand canyon immediately after.]
  • Work. (srsly need money to pay for all this borderlands dlc coming up, and all my rp)
  • chillin with the homies, cracking some beers or throwin back shots/mixin margaritas. play some games via lan party, or pool/board games

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