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What new people say

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If you enjoy the idea and current content, like us on Facebook What New People Say | Facebook and follow us on twitter WhatNewPeopleSay (@WatNewPeopleSay) | Twitter please and thanks! Like and share our content so we can grow!



So I made a new website What New People Say: Here we showcase what any new player says, whether funny or stupid. and basically I need people to share stories and ideas so I can make a background picture with the quote on it. Kthxbai for being useful <3


In other words, I started a new website that'll be based on how new people who start playing games or gamemodes say stupid naive stuff that everyone knows is pretty common sense. If you know these, you can either email a submission from the website or just post it here using the same structure.


Game: [Game Name]

Gamemode: [if Applicable]

Class: [user's Class]



Thank you, I just want a head start with some stuff without making stuff up :(




So I finished the base of the site, I need submissions to make it better!

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woops, sorry Nom

Game: Sonic Colors

Gamemode: none

Class: You play as Sonic

Quote(s): "No copyright law in the universe is going to stop me"


Is that good, Nom, to post? need more quotes?

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Game: Halo 3

Gamemode: Matchmaking

Class: N/A

Quote(s): "Wtf! How do I zoom in with the assault rifle?"


No joke. Made my friend try it (typical CoD player) and he had never played Halo before. I don't think I'd ever been so ashamed of a friend in my life.

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My Second CS:GO match.


(My team) "Just save! Let the bomb blow up!"

(Me) "How do I save? They're coming after me!"

(Team) "Are you an idiot don't go to the bomb!"

(Me) "But I gotta defuse it!" [enter panic shot with AWP]


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Game: Risk of Rain

Gamemode: default

Class(es): Commando, Enforcer, Bandit, Huntress, HAN-D, Engineer, Miner, Sniper, Acrid, Mercenary, Loader, and CHEF

(death)Quote(s): "rekt", "This planet has killed you", "They will surely feast on your flesh","Ur dead LOL get wrecked", "Sucks to suck", "That was absolutely your fault"


is good, Nom

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