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To Clear Things Up

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At first, I was unsure why I was demoted. I thought I had been doing a good job at enforcing the rules, with one or two blemishes, but nothing demotion-worthy. I conferred with Bach and Kbraszz, and this was the answer I got.


The other day, I gagged about three people and banned one more for disrespect, specifically towards furries and bronies. I had warned all of them, but they all continued making insensitive remarks. Apparently, there was a miscommunication and I was called out for "gagging those who disagree with me". I talked to Bach on the matter, and he didn't seem to want to discuss. I personally feel that this was an extremely trivial reason to demote one of the division's most active moderators, but that's not my call. I'm not trying to start an argument, or beg for my position back, but there were some who were confused as to what happened, and I wanted to clear it up. If I'm going to be demoted, then so be it, but I don't want people thinking that it's because I abused the role. Thank you for reading this, and I hope I'll continue to be a valuable part of the XenoGamers community.

@BelloWaldi @Kypari @Tekage

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but nothing demotion-worthy.

@BelloWaldi @Kypari @Tekage

No offense, but that is not for you to decide. Regardless, I'd prefer if Bach/Kbrazzle either explained it to I personally (or another CL) or yourself. I'll await for their response.

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No offense, but that is not for you to decide. Regardless, I'd prefer if Bach/Kbrazzle either explained it to I personally (or another CL) or yourself. I'll await for their response.


I would also like to hear of the reasoning behind the demotion.

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Honestly, Bach and Kbraszzle are trustworthy Leaders for the division, they're the reason you were promoted and demoted, I don't really see why you complain about something so simple in a community on the internet.


P.S - Since our great overlord Kbrasz is busy i've print screened my phone conversation with him at a quick moment, it's attached below. (With this i'm going to -1)


@kbraszzz @DrLee @Bleed @Bach

(Inb4 negative ratings from all the kids.)

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Honestly, Bach and Kbraszzle are trustworthy Leaders for the division, they're the reason you were promoted and demoted, I don't really see why you complain about something so simple in a community on the internet.


P.S - Since our great overlord Kbrasz is busy i've print screened my phone conversation with him at a quick moment, it's attached below. (With this i'm going to -1)


@kbraszzz @DrLee @Bleed @Bach

(Inb4 negative ratings from all the kids.)

So what exactly was this "speaking their mind"?

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So what exactly was this "speaking their mind"?

You should not be gagged/muted for speaking your mind. Even if it is a dick thing to say. People who disagreed with him about certain topics like furry's and stuff we're gagged.

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You should be able to speak your mind, you can say that you hate furry's all you want. You should only silence and gag them for harassing others directly not speaking their mind

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Kypari what your not understanding is that we can't be completely biased with our job. You have to know when a gag/mute is nessecary. It's like banning someone for using "aimbot on an admin"...

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Kypari, remember that vaporeon and vector where BM'ing other staff when iggy was on and kicked vaporeon and vector and we all decided to get on and the shit storm started there. @GreyIgnis

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