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Toxicity Reform

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Member protest where agreed by everyone that they are ineffective and could lead to harassment and hate

Well if threads like that end up with harassment and hate, punish them, isn't that the point of this thread, to punish people when things like that happen, and warn them beforehand?


And since you messaged a lot of people to get the names, what did you do to decide who gets what tier? Was it the same where you messaged everyone on the punishment too, or only left punishment to higher ups? Some of those tier people should definitely be in different positions from what I have seen from them.


Besides, protests are better because it leaves room for discussion. Many things have been solved in ban requests etc. by someone else posting and clearing something up, who otherwise may not have been able to do so

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Well if threads like that end up with harassment and hate, punish them, isn't that the point of this thread, to punish people when things like that happen, and warn them beforehand?


And since you messaged a lot of people to get the names, what did you do to decide who gets what tier? Was it the same where you messaged everyone on the punishment too, or only left punishment to higher ups? Some of those tier people should definitely be in different positions from what I have seen from them.


Besides, protests are better because it leaves room for discussion. Many things have been solved in ban requests etc. by someone else posting and clearing something up, who otherwise may not have been able to do so


Higher ups looked at who is worse and why, we edited the list a lot. This list is final and we are showing that we do not accept trolls. We are reforming to end the drama

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Most drama is made because those who instigated it can get away with it since some staff have favorites and show favoritism to others.

No one is being favortised, all people where in consideration.

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@Dethman still didnt answer my question of who you asked and, like i said, most people ive asked said i shouldnt be on that list

I asked members and regulars. I will not release names since I promised they would not be named.

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People on tier 3 will be talked too. I will elaborate on why you where chosen when I talk to you. If tf2 higher ups could talk to then as well that would probably be best. I already talked to hachi and why she was chosen.

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Im on agreement with the list for the most part. But it aint the CL's and DL's who are on the servers. It's all good to ask 230 people who they think they should go. (Which is a lot of work, good job Dethman.) And then discuss it. But there's maybe a little more to take into account. How long has it been since their last incident? Has their attitude improved in the past 2 months. Are they popular within the non xG community? Do these people have a grudge against him/her? etc etc. I think Vector should be tier 2, he has improved slightly since i last spoke with him. Just my opinion, which i hope wont be attacked viciously, like England supporters at a Scottish football game.

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I think this should be made public. Over/around 250 people were asked (DL's, DM's, admins, mods, members, and even non members who frequent our servers).


This is not biased; no one person has decided this.

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Let me elaborate on this some more now. xG has been the shitstain on the bottom of the gaming diaper that is the community for too long. We needed to reform and we are taking action in all ways to shape up xG and be the best clan. This is not the only thing we will do when it comes to reform, we will take more action but this is a temporary fix to end drama in the clan.


Why we choose to take this step first:

We choose to get rid of toxic players first due to the fact that it is one of the key factors in the downfall. We have had too much drama so this was the appropriate action.


How people where chosen for this?

I wanted the community to answer and tell us who is poorly representing our clan. I messaged 230 members, staff, and regulars to get there input so we know who to investigate. Out of the votes multiple names came up that where not mentioned in the list such as asock because they have not been a problem and are probably on a final warning already. I only chose the ones that did not have dumb reasons why like "he is a furry" or "he is dumb" as those are just not valid at all. Also I did not accept answers that had lots of bias about how much you hate them unless it was good reason. To be clear many votes where not valid because of those reasons. To be clear, WE WILL NOT RELEASE NAMES OF THE PEOPLE WHO VOTED AND SAID YOUR NAME, IT WILL BREAK THE CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT I MADE WITH THEM.


How was the list formed?

The list was formed in many different ways, people who where mentioned the most and considered the biggest problems where put on tier 1. People who caused problems but not a severe where put into tier 2. People who just need a talking too where put in tier 3. We then investigated the reasons why and discussed where you really place. We edited the list numerous times until the one seen here was made and agreed upon by EVERYONE.


Why was I put on the list?

Iggy: iggy since he stepped down has been becoming more of a troll. He harassed people in teamspeak and made people leave to the point of never coming back. He does not get along with a lot of people and has been seen acting rudely to people for no reason.


Vector: I can say personally I was shocked by this choice. Then looking at what he does I was not surprised. He has been trolling and harassing users on all aspects whether it is servers, teamspeak, or the forums. He does and will do it anywhere. He also has been noted to have made threats towards people which is 100% unacceptable. But we did not use that because we have since had no problem with that. But he does harass the younger people on servers simply due to the fact they are younger. He has caused a lot of people to leave the servers and never come back and people do ask if vector is on Pokemon trade because they do not feel comfortable playing with him.


Banginonatrashcan: All you do is troll on the servers. Bangin has to be watched at all times because he could be body blocking one second and then could be breaking other server rules a minute later. You may think it is funny but it is most certainly not.


Gayporneon: He causes problems all the time one way or another. Everyday he either makes fun of someone on teamspeak or he is abusing donator powers. He argues with people and acts immature to people which gives off the impression that we allow it even though we do not. You have made fun of people because of who they are but it has not gotten to bad so there is time to change.


Supremewolf: Even though he is not in the clan, he has stuck around on the forums and not for the good. He trolls and pushes boundaries on things that should not have been. Trolls people like tekage and kypari and we will not accept that.


Hachi: One of my closest friends in all of xG, Hachi has a bad temper which can cause people to feel really uncomfortable. She has blamed it on things but it is no excuse. It needs to change before it ends up being a matter of boot out or keep.


Fasty: Makes offensive jokes on the forums that I have personally said that they are unnaceptable yet he does it still. He also harasses people on teamspeak but not to bad to be on tier 2.


Bach: Ever since leaving Bach has done a number of things. He trolls, harasses, and even made a "joke" ban protest on his account that was banned after a test on our server. It might not seem that bad but it is Bach.


Any harassing of anyone from this point WILL get you on the list. I suggest giving evidence instead of making claims if so.

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Bach: Ever since leaving Bach has done a number of things. He trolls, harasses, and even made a "joke" ban protest on his account that was banned after a test on our server. It might not seem that bad but it is Bach.


It might not seem that bad but it is Bach.


but it is Bach.


What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

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Fasty: Makes offensive jokes on the forums that I have personally said that they are unnaceptable yet he does it still.


First off you've never EVER talked to me about those jokes, no one complained about them, no one said anything about them so you're lying about that. Secondly did you even ask the people i talk to on teamspeak? Cause literally everyone ive talked to on teamspeak who ive been talking to says i dont harrass them so you'e not even asking people who know me or you're just trying to get me banned seeing as you're lying about talking to me cause, like i said, you NEVER DID

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First off you've never EVER talked to me about those jokes, no one complained about them, no one said anything about them so you're lying about that. Secondly did you even ask the people i talk to on teamspeak? Cause literally everyone ive talked to on teamspeak who ive been talking to says i dont harrass them so you'e not even asking people who know me or you're just trying to get me banned seeing as you're lying about talking to me cause, like i said, you NEVER DID

I did, i told you for one thing to cut the jokes because they where offensive and could really make us look bad, this is when you where in teamspeak with me and in my channel. Second is that people who are in the teamspeak room with you have said that you do. I will not tell you there names.

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